ECUA: 97% Of New Santa Rosa Customers Now Have Their Cans

January 13, 2015

After getting off to a rough start, the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority reported Monday that cans have now been delivered to most of their new customers in northern Santa Rosa County.

Can delivery to new residential sanitation customers in the north end of Santa Rosa County reached the 97% level, following a continued non-stop delivery schedule by ECUA’s contractor, ECUA crews, and the assistance of a second can delivery contractor.

“Today’s deliveries are focused on customers who signed up for service last Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, and as such, curbside collection of bags is now discontinued,” ECUA public information officer, Nathalie Bowers, ECUA public information officer, said. “All customers who signed up before January 9 should have their cans, barring an error in the account set-up or delivery process.  If not, we are asking these customers to please call our Customer Service Center at 476-0480 and advise us of their status.”

ECUA took over most residential trash pickup in Santa Rosa county north of the Yellow River on January 1. Residents that have not yet signed up for the service may do so by calling ECUA at (850) 416-0480.


9 Responses to “ECUA: 97% Of New Santa Rosa Customers Now Have Their Cans”

  1. Betty on January 14th, 2015 8:50 am

    I got my can last Monday but they didnt empty it Monday or Thursday but shockingly they came about 10 am on Sunday…..

  2. Vicky on January 14th, 2015 7:06 am

    Guess what!!!! My garbage is still sitting by the road, where it’s been since last Friday! I even called yesterday to make sure I had the correct pick up dates and to “remind” them to pick it up. I talked to rude customer service girl about how my service was suppose to start on the 2md, how it had only been picked up once, and explained that I wasn’t going to pay for the days they missed. She put me on hold for several minutes, when she came back she informed me they were going to move my start date to Jan 6th, that way I wouldn’t have to pay for the Jan. 2nd. WoW, aren’t I special, I get to keep my garbage, get treated rudely, and they get to cover their tracks!!

  3. Bonnie on January 13th, 2015 7:33 pm

    After waiting for 13 days, I finally called ECUA to inquire about the delay. My initial worry was that my information submitted online had not made it to the right place. The girl that I talked to was extremely rude and told me there was no way of knowing if I was in the system or not. (Seriously?!) I had to press just to be able to leave my name and number for someone to call me back. What a joke this has been. I do finally have my cans, but I am very disappointed in their customer service thus far.

  4. Lynn on January 13th, 2015 5:36 pm

    Someone should have bet against me. They did pick up my trash today. I had just gotten home from work and was still sitting in my drive and low and behold the garbage truck pulled up and got the trash. But now here’s the kicker, I was sitting in my living room a while later and I looked out my window and a second garbage truck pull up and emptied the can again! You have to love it! Lol

  5. Lynn on January 13th, 2015 10:30 am

    I never knew that the garbage company was going to be changed until my trash can disappeared. I thought someone had stole it. When I finally received my trash can last week, my trash was never picked up. I called and they said they would pick it up yesterday. Did they pick it up? Yep you guessed it, they didn’t. Today is my regular pick up day again. Let’s see if it gets picked up today. I’m guessing it won’t. Anyone want to place bets on this? LOL You have to laugh or start screaming. :) :):) :(

  6. Bob C. on January 13th, 2015 9:02 am

    In Escambia County, and it may also apply to Santa Rosa, if you are age 65 or older and have a small amount of garbage / trash for each pick up then you can contact the ECUA and get a smaller size can.
    The smaller size can holds the amount I have each week – 1 time a week pick up. FEE from ECUA is less with the smaller can.
    A nice cost savings that is available to Senior Citizens and is not widely advertised.
    A neighbor told me of this…..
    May be of a cost savings benefit for others.

  7. Vicky on January 13th, 2015 6:31 am

    Now to get them to actually pick up the garbage! I’ve had a can since the 1st of the year, service was suppose to start on Jan. 2nd. Out of 3 pick up dates I’ve only had the trash picked up once and that was after I called and let them know that their trucks were driving right by our cans on this road and not picking up the trash!! They picked up 1 of my neighbors trash yesterday, but they ignored ours and our other neighbor’s. My cans been sitting out by the road since Friday. I guess I’m going to have to to call them every Tuesday and Friday to remind them to pick it up!

  8. Carl on January 13th, 2015 5:28 am

    What about the 3% that still do not have a can yet. What about the people that were never told they would lose their service. What about the people that already paid the other service and now do not even have a trash can yet. How do they get their money back????? Hmm mm nobody cares or all the above would have never happened.

  9. c.w. on January 13th, 2015 4:04 am

    The whole garbage can debacle was caused by the SRCC I believe. Thousands of cans can not be delivered in week and our CC should have had enough foresight to see that. The ECUA has bailed the SRCC out.