Domestic Dispute Ends With Four People Attacked, Injured By Dog

January 26, 2015

Four people were bit during a dog attack in Santa Rosa County over the weekend. Three of the injured were taken to area hospital, including one that was airlifted by LifeFlight.

According to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office, a domestic argument was taking place inside a residence on American Farms Road. Deputies said the dog became irate due to the yelling at the home. As a resident attempted to put the dog outside, the dog bit the first victim. A short time later, a resident let the dog back into the home and again bit a resident. The dog was again placed outside. A short time later, a resident let the dog back into the home, and the dog once again began biting residents. At this point, witnesses told deputies that the dog was cornered and stabbed. The dog died on scene.

Further information on the condition of the bite victima was not available.


16 Responses to “Domestic Dispute Ends With Four People Attacked, Injured By Dog”

  1. Claire on January 29th, 2015 10:01 pm

    My Chihuahua would bite ankles and toes on an attacker messing with me. Pets feel tension, get upset , any size dog would protect it’s family.

  2. alex on January 27th, 2015 8:03 pm

    Bet it was a pitbull. They dont go well with loud noises,yelling,screaming etc. is known to set them off.
    why so many young kids are attacked because of loud playing.

  3. melodies4us on January 27th, 2015 6:42 pm

    This dog did not just”bite” the victims. I know these people too. This dog viciously mauled 3 people with injuries so severe that they were put in the hospital. 3 people tried to stop the dog from attacking 1 of them and he went into kill mode.

  4. debbie on January 27th, 2015 4:10 pm

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the dog. Shame on the people!!!

  5. K in Cantonment on January 27th, 2015 8:39 am

    I know the owners of this dog, he works for my son. This dog was a family pet and had been for years, My son let his children play with this dog, he went to the river with them. There are too many people living in this house so of course there is going to be tension, BUT I was told the dog was stabbed in the shoulder first and retreated then a lady that lived there tried to grab the dog and out of fear and being hurt he bit again so they got a steak and stabbed the dog in the throat and killed him, nothing was ever said about the dog being put out then back in, but this did come from someone that witnessed the whole thing. My dogs are very loving and anyone can handle them BUT if they feel you are a threat to me GAME ON just saying.

  6. LittleRed on January 26th, 2015 6:12 pm

    BB…. I am guessing you know these people as you know more then what’s being dished out. Sucks people got bit but my feelings lean for the dog. They did this to themselves and the dog. They should be in jail! So fast to judge…. You should talk… Do you know who these people are an what they do for a living that are commenting on this? My guess is no. Learn your laws and animal behavior before speaking again please. The humans are at fault and have no sympathy from me at all. Call me cruel but if people don’t understand a family dog will protect their owners and get confused when a dispute comes about don’t need to own a dog. Basics of owning a dog is to do your research before owning one. Glad the news found the reason the dog attacked kudo’s for you for bringing it to light. Most of the time they don’t care what the reason was just about the rating’s they get for the story.

  7. perdido fisherman on January 26th, 2015 5:18 pm

    I feel bad for the dog but not for the people. That poor dog was just doing its job protecting his family

  8. SB on January 26th, 2015 11:06 am

    bb – why let the dog back in not once, but TWICE when it had already bitten someone? I’m sorry people were injured but the dog was the victim of a human situation that got out of control and should not have continually been put into the middle of the of this. Things should have calmed down completely before allowing this dog back in or near anyone. Of course, most people assume it was a pit bull but the dog breed was never mentioned. Was the dog kicked, hit or yelled at? If so, the dog was reacting to defend itself the only way it can – with it’s mouth. Very sad about the entire situation. Again, very sorry that anyone had to suffer as a result of this.

  9. justsmart on January 26th, 2015 10:55 am

    Should be charged with animal cruelty/murder. Spend time in jail. These are evil people and the dog had to die for their actions. He/she was only doing what they do, protecting their owner. Poor dog. Too bad it wasn’t the people that died.

  10. bb on January 26th, 2015 9:34 am

    People are so easy to judge other people’s lives. For one I’m sure most of y’all don’t even know what happen to the family one of the family members was really old and and had to have surgery because it broke her arm when it bit her. We all feel bad when a animal gets killed but I’m sure all y’all talking crap about this family wouldn’t of reacted the same. Don’t judge some one if you have never been in someone shoes..

  11. Lucy on January 26th, 2015 7:56 am

    Chris, I agree with you. These people should NOT be allowed to own another animal!
    Because of the these 4 people, a dog has to die, by THEIR own hands?!?!?!?!? You can’t fix stupid!!!!!!

  12. BentStraight on January 26th, 2015 7:44 am

    Good old American Farms . . . it must have been a poodle if someone required a LifeFlight ride to the hospital!

  13. bewildered on January 26th, 2015 7:24 am

    I am NOT sorry that these individuals were bitten. I would bet a physical altercation took place between this trashy (drunk or spaced out on drugs?) bunch before the dog was stabbed.
    They should be charged with cruelty to animals.

  14. traumaqueen on January 26th, 2015 5:58 am

    I have 4 dogs and they would bite to protect me or any member of our family especially if it became loud or physical. So they had no idea how to de escalate the dog after their actions caused it to go into protection mode(put it outside before you get loud and/or physical) so they stabbed it to death? It wasn’t the dogs fault that the owners couldn’t control their tempers! They put it outside where it could attack other’s in the community and then stabbed it when it attacked those inside? Sickening!!

  15. Chris on January 26th, 2015 5:07 am

    The four humans were arguing and clearly did not know how to handle the dog. So the dog has to die. I do wish we could have the name of the four idiots. Four idiots that should not be allowed to own an animal ever again.

  16. Puddin on January 26th, 2015 4:27 am

    Ummm, sorry the people were bitten. Not sure why they kept letting the dog back in though. Sounds like it was trying to protect someone. Poor thing was doing what it thought was right. :-(