Cold Weather: Schools Open As Usual On Thursday

January 7, 2015

Thursday will be a normal school day in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties despite the anticipated cold weather.

The school district announced that all schools will be open regular times, and all bus routes will run as usual.  The district is asking parent to make sure their children are dressed in layers and at their bus stops on time. Parent drop off times will be as usual.

Santa Rosa County School have also announced that it will be school as usual on Thursday.

“We know it will be cold, but they are not predicting ice, so our schools will operate as usual,” said Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas, “We know many families do not live right next to their child’s bus stop. Parents are asked to be extra vigilant to minimize the amount of time students are exposed to the cold before school or while waiting for their bus to arrive.”

The school district offered the following additional reminders:

  • Dressing in layers will allow children to remove the extra layers after they get inside so they can be comfortable in their classrooms.
  • Physical Education teachers will monitor temperatures and the wind chill and keep classes inside as necessary. PE classes, as well as any team practices, scheduled later in the day will most likely continue as usual. For elementary schools, recess will also be held indoors until the temperatures rise.
  • If your child has a special health concern affected by cold weather, sending a note or calling the school to remind them, is recommended.

Additionally, all soccer games scheduled for Wednesday night will continue.


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