Clerks Ready To Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses, Including In Century And Pensacola

January 3, 2015

After a year of legal wrangling, same-sex couples should be able to get married anywhere in the state Tuesday, making Florida one of three-dozen states where gay marriage is possible.

That includes Escambia County, where Escambia County Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller Pam Childers announced Friday that here office office will being issuing the licenses at 8 a.m. Tuesday at her offices in Century and Pensacola.

And Childers said her office will continue to perform wedding ceremonies for a standard $30 fee in addition to the license fee.

Reversing previous advice, lawyers for the Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers said Friday that a clarification issued by U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle means that county clerks should issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples or run the risk of being sued.

“He provided the direction that they wanted and provided the judicial authority for them to issue same-gender marriage licenses,” Greenberg Traurig lawyer Fred Baggett, the clerks association’s general counsel, said. “We are advising them it’s in their best interest to accept the authority that Judge Hinkle has given them and to begin issuing licenses.”
Baggett also said he was unaware of any of the state’s 67 clerks who would decline to issue licenses. Kenneth Kent, executive director of the association, issued a statement that said Hinkle’s order Thursday had provided the “guidance” clerks wanted on the issue.

And while clerks are being advised to issue licenses, some have declared they will no longer perform weddings as they seek to avoid marrying same-sex couples. Clerks in Santa County along with  Duval, Baker, Clay and Okaloosa and counties have said they have or will discontinue wedding ceremonies.

Florida requires a three-day waiting period if either applicant is a Florida resident.  The waiting period can be waived with completion of a pre-marital preparation course by an approved provider.  If both applicants are out-of-state residents, then no waiting period is required.


57 Responses to “Clerks Ready To Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses, Including In Century And Pensacola”

  1. Stephen on January 6th, 2015 8:32 pm

    Not everyone in Escambia County are christians. I am pagan. Your bible & your religion have nothing to do with me.There’s a lot more of us Pagans than you think.

  2. Deborah Anderson on January 6th, 2015 5:49 pm

    After reading every comment, I can’t help but make one myself. First of all I am a sheltered, close minded, in a box, small thinker and using Jesus Christ as a crutch. That helps me be a Christian. I am sheltered by the Most High. I am closed minded to the things of the World by choice because God said to be and I see why. I am in a box because Christ said to stay away from those that do not do his will. I am a small thinker because I don’t want my way, I want His. I lean on Christ because He is the only one to trust. I was not always a Christian, I have lived out there in the world and had little regard for God. I broke every commandment even though I was not trying to go against God, I just didn’t give it a lot of thought. I was just trying to survive. In my heart I knew things were wrong but until I began to read the word (that was inspired by God), I didn’t understand what I was really doing. I am not here to argue with anyone. I do believe homosexuality is wrong because the Bible does say so. You do have a choice to make and it is your God given right. Jesus will never make you do anything he just offers Himself. I am only saying this because I would never want anyone to make a bad choice, if it is stealing, adultery, murder or whatever, it is all sin. I don’t hate anyone no matter what there choice is, I’m just trying to repeat the Bible. You certainly don’t have to believe me or even read the Bible. Christ died for us to have a choice and you are making yours. I do hate sin because God says to, but in no wise do I hate you if you choose to be homosexual, or a murderer, or a thief, or whatever. I group it all together because God does, not me. I love you, Deborah

  3. molino jim on January 6th, 2015 10:04 am

    @ Chris- I guess you missed the part in the Bible about not doing armed robberies/theft/auto theft/ and indecent exposure in public. Heck of a record.

  4. Claire on January 6th, 2015 12:42 am

    Get over it. Marriage is a civil matter , a license is required, a bible isn’t. All this sky is falling, wringing of hands, Bible quoting, just makes Pensacola seem like a backward, small minded southern town of decades ago. It’s embarrassing.

  5. chris in Molino on January 5th, 2015 8:17 pm

    My name is Chris Bucci. I drive a white dodge. On weekends you’ll see that dodge pulling a camo flat bottom boat to the river. I frequent local businesses. I am 6′5 270lbs, with black hair and beard.
    I haven’t ever been fearful in my life sav for the Lord and my earthly father. Feel free to discuss this matter further when you see me, although i’m certain you will not.

  6. Rural Geek on January 5th, 2015 2:02 pm

    “The real object of the First Amendment was not to countenance, much less to advance Mohammedanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity, but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment which should give to a hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national government.” – Joseph Story, Supreme Court Justice appointed by James Madison.

  7. E on January 5th, 2015 9:16 am

    Chris in Molino

    in the new testament it says that the old testament was written for our learning

  8. E on January 5th, 2015 9:02 am


  9. Just saying on January 5th, 2015 8:49 am

    @Chris in Molino,
    No, I’m not crazy, nor am I perverting the Bible.
    We have no idea what was in the minds of the writers of the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence other than what they wrote in those documents. Since they wrote that all men were equal, we have to think that is what they meant. Considering that homosexuality was around for thousands of years before their existence, it is very possible that they thought such an issue would arise. It is not up to you or I to try to read the minds and intentions of those who passed long before we can’t into the picture.

    As for the Bible quotes, I’m not concerned with those from the Old Testament since we are told in the Bible that after Jesus, we are to follow the NEW Testament. Jesus told us that His greatest command was to love thy brother.

  10. 429SCJ on January 5th, 2015 7:01 am

    The Lord settles his own scores, of that I have no doubt.

    As far as St Matthew’s comments on the blood flowing to the horse’s bridal, I doubt if it gets much over knee deep.

  11. DeWitt on January 5th, 2015 7:00 am

    I’m totally happy for those folks in Pensacola who have been working so hard for this day to arrive. You’ll be getting lots of visitors from Mobile and Fairhope!

  12. Bryan Bethea on January 5th, 2015 12:08 am

    This is indeed my real name. I spent the first 30 years of my life in Escambia County and grew up in Walnut Hill. Northern Escambia County is not a terribly large place. Ask around, someone is bound to know me.

    @Rural Geek, you may want to revisit your understanding of why the Roman Empire failed. Their society collapsed because of unending invasions from barbarian tribes, invasion by the Huns, government corruption, and an economy that was overly reliant on slave labor. Homosexual relations in Rome declined as Christianity was legalized and began to spread among the Roman citizens. I am certainly not arguing that you or anyone who shares your beliefs have no place in the discussion over gay marriage. I am arguing, however, that you’re wrong and that I hope you’re comfortable with succeeding generations viewing you as no different than Bull Connor with his fire hoses in Birmingham.

  13. Saddness on January 4th, 2015 11:02 pm

    It’s so sad in the world today! I cannot and will not ever understand it…And Glad I don’t! Just sadden by it all. May God help us all!

  14. john on January 4th, 2015 10:16 pm

    Actually dinosaurs did exist and the bible “Gods word” does talk about them, many people claiming to be christians don’t know this because they are biblically ignorant and are not good stewards of Gods Word you will find this in Job 40:15-24 and chapter 41

    As for homosexuals and other lost folks 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 deals with them.
    One thing is for sure, mans law can not supercede Gods Law, because if it tries to there will always,always be consequences.

    Kinda like putting diesel fuel in a gas lawn mower.

  15. Bryan Bethea on January 4th, 2015 9:38 pm

    Regardless of how deeply you believe in the bible, it is NOT the law. It never has been in this country. You may choose to apply it to your personal life and you have every right to do so, but you do NOT have the right to apply it to mine or anyone else’s. This is a hard pill to swallow for many people who truly believe the bible is the word of God. Laws in the United States are hierarchical, in that the US Constitution is supreme, followed by laws and acts of Congress, then state constitutions, and finally state and local laws and ordinances. The US Constitution, having supremacy, is NOT based on the bible. There is no reference to God or the bible in this document. It does, however, specifically say that the government is to have no affiliation with or involvement in religious matters. If you haven’t read the Constitution then I urge you to do so. If you want our government to be bible based, then your only option is to push your members of Congress to amend the FEDERAL constitution to make it that way. Amendments to state constitutions which violate the federal constitution are invalid. The gay marriage question comes down to this: The 14th Amendment to the federal constitution requires that all people are treated equally by the government. Excluding a class of people from a right based on their skin color, national origin, sexual orientation, or any other stupid class we humans can create explicitly violates the 14th Amendment, and thus the federal Constitution. Again, if you want it to be perfectly OK to discriminate against gay people then you need to press your Congressman to amend the Constitution to allow you to do so. Until then you will have to live with gay people getting married and having access to the same marital benefits that you enjoy by default.

  16. Caraway Bandit on January 4th, 2015 9:08 pm

    Sure, let’s all base our lifestyles off a 3,000+ year old book written by people claiming to have been spoken to by god….
    BTW, the earth is 6,000 years old….

    Deuteronomy 23:1
    Deuteronomy 22:28-29
    Exodus 21:20-21
    Deuteronomy 17:12
    Deuteronomy 22:20-21

  17. Rural Geek on January 4th, 2015 6:20 pm

    @Bryan Bethea, if in fact that is your real name. Our children might also look back like the Romans and wonder what happened to one of the greatest societies in human history. You do not know the future or the long term implications of accepting homosexual behavior. And just because homosexuals have feelings for each other doesn’t mean the behavior is good for society.

    We are arguing a moral issue that is also a legal one. Those opposed to public sanctioning of the behavior have as much right to the debate as the supporters.

  18. David Huie Green on January 4th, 2015 5:23 pm

    “You people claim to be Christians and say X is a sin and all this mushy crap. I’m a Christian. But let me explain something to you. No where in the Bible say Love your neighbor but hate the X next door? Did he say that or did he not? NO”

    Don’t limit yourself to one thing.
    This has nothing to do with the law, but since you are arguing the theology of the matter, you are acting as if naming something you consider to be a sin is forbidden by the “love your neighbor” portion.

    There is no reason to do that.
    If you think your neighbor is doing something which will harm him, you would be wrong to not tell him. It doesn’t matter which X is considered.

    You wouldn’t say, “I am to love my neighbor, so go ahead and murder my other neighbor — it‘s not really a sin,” or “I am to love my neighbor, so go ahead and steal from the widow — it would be judgmental of me to disapprove.”

    If you think a thing is wrong, you SHOULD say so.
    (Which you did as well, please note.)

    It is not hatred to say you think something is wrong, right or wrong on your part.

    David in a world composed of sinners

  19. Just sayin on January 4th, 2015 1:53 pm

    @Kevin Enfinger, my grandfather always preached … Hate the sin, not the sinner. Love thy neighbor as yourself! Practice and LIVE the golden Rule!!!

  20. Bryan Bethea on January 4th, 2015 1:02 pm

    As the famous quote says, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Just as we look back at Jim Crow and segregation with disdain and animosity for those who set back our beloved South by calling in state troopers to prevent black students from enrolling at public universities, so too will our children look back with shame and horror at the current generation for having such hard hearts and closed minds to something as simple as who one chooses to marry. And if you really feel so strongly about this issue that you make broad, public declarations about its horrible effect on society, then don’t hide behind a made up screen name to post your views. That’s cowardly. Let the world see who you are. I will never hide my name from my opinions.

  21. Wendell on January 4th, 2015 12:50 pm

    Why are we rating sins? I think if I robbed a bank I would be more accepted by most of the people here than if I was gay. We are all equally born into sin. One kind of sin is not worse than the other. Nuance is key here. Robbing a bank will get you into hell at the same speed being gay will. Being charitable and kind and accepting will not get you into heaven. These are Earthly acts that have no bearing on what’s in your heart-saved people still sin, too.

  22. CRAZY!!!! on January 4th, 2015 11:35 am


  23. jeeperman on January 4th, 2015 11:28 am

    “The Bible is what God said” .
    Then like a story passed around a campfire, the recollection of what was said gets corrupted hundreds of times over into what is printed today.
    It is sad to see how easily we can be brainwashed into believing anything.

  24. chris in Molino on January 4th, 2015 11:19 am

    ( Just Saying ) ARE YOU NUTS !?
    Let me break it down for you : You say florida voters shouldnt have had a chance to even vote since the documents that govern this issue were written 200 years ago. The writers of the constitution and bill of rights had no inclination of two men marrying each other any more than they thought men would turn into women. If they did, they would’ve put something in it prohibiting such filth. They didn’t think people in control would lose their damn minds. 100% fact, THEY HUNG SODOMITES in those times. No trial no nothing. So you perverts can bet your sweet cheeks they didnt intend for you to marry.
    How dare you pervert either of these things.

  25. James Broel on January 4th, 2015 9:40 am

    @hawghead that probably happens a lot because of conflicted religious beliefs and not being true to oneself. At least now gay people will finally receive legal recognition to the relationship which will give them equality like the other relationships of male and female. Tuesday is a great day!!

  26. Just saying on January 4th, 2015 7:48 am

    The Constitution declared us equal, and the Declaration of Independence gave us inalienable rights, among those…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Florida voters had NO right to even consider such an issue at vote since the two documents that founded and ultimately govern us already decided that for us over two hundred years ago. Get over it!!!!

    And I AM a Christian! But I do not presume to know the Will of God, and I choose to follow three of his edicts: love thy brother as thyself, judge not lest ye be judged, and to follow man’s laws. Some of you other self-proclaimed Christians should remember what God said about each of those things and realize that you are sinning by your behavior in this matter.

  27. It is what it is on January 4th, 2015 2:51 am

    It is what it is..The BIBLE say in . Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. No MAN made this up! GOD SAID it! Man shall cleave unto his what?? I believe the bible said WIFE, Not another MAN! You all people can do what you want to do… you can say it’s your right, your body and your decision. You can wave your rainbow flag, have your sweet little life and just be what you want to be and influence others in the same.Keep preaching its your life and you can do what you want to. One day, Everyone will die, but your soul will live on and I do know You will meet your maker one day and then you will just find out oh my gosh,you know, those people were right after all!

  28. SHO-NUFF on January 4th, 2015 1:05 am

    Normally, marriage involves a man and woman. I still believe this is true. I am a man and have male friends I truly love. We get along great but I have never had the desire to sleep with or marry them.
    Its apparent some of us have stronger feelings. Its not natural simply because us, as humans have historically had an opposite sex partner so we could produce offspring. This is a genetic trait to keep the human race from coming extinct.

    Lets leave religion out of it. I was raised Southern Baptist, Hell -Fire-Brimstone.
    Our Bible, the King James version, is just a bunch of opinions from several men on how we should live our lives and what is right and wrong.
    Its just opinions, but the writings of the Bible offer some great standards of how we should all live.
    Faith is a good thing to make us mentally complete. Who wants to think when we die we will simply go to sleep.. never awake or see our deceased love ones again. Heaven sounds great as an alternative.

    We all are born in sin according to the Bible as all of us inhabiting the earth are a result of incest. EVERYONE on the earth came from Adam and Eve? And it happened again after the flood and the Ark?
    That’s classic and impossible. Dinosaurs didn’t exist and the world is 6 thousand years old. Okay!

    I don’t approve of same sex marriage, but its not from a religious belief.

  29. Kevin Enfinger of molino/atlanta on January 4th, 2015 12:20 am

    Im just going to say this. You people claim to be Christians and say homosexual is a sin and all this mushy crap. Im a Christian. But let me explain something to you. No were in the Bible say Love your neighbor but hate the homosexual next door? Did he say that or did he not? NO he said love your neighbor as you love yourself and the Lord. You can sit here all day long and say its a sin but your the one who is sinning for judging others and you call yourself a Christian. Gay people are more Christian then most straight people because of the pain they endure. Does one fall in love to be critisized of who they love or to be happy? Your job as a christian is not to judge but let God judge and i guarantee when all of us stand before the Lord you will be judged harshly for Judging others. If you have somethign negative to say to this comment Id advise you to keep your mouth shut go to the corner and pray for help.

  30. hawghead on January 3rd, 2015 11:25 pm

    If a Gay man wants to marry a Gay woman, then what’s the problem….

  31. kay on January 3rd, 2015 11:20 pm

    Obviously no one posting on here has been personally effected by this issue. If you had a child that chose to marry his/her same sex you would want them to have the same opportunity as everyone else to be a loving couple/family. You wouldn’t want them talked about or looked upon like they were some sort of abnormal part of society. Your love for your child is unconditional and you would always want the best for them in whatever they chose in life. If you don’t , you are more of an insensitive person than your posts on here and I wonder why God would allow you to create a child worthy of so much more from a parent.

  32. BONDO on January 3rd, 2015 10:18 pm


  33. Bob's Brother on January 3rd, 2015 6:43 pm

    @native floridian, Sir or Madam, I submit that this isn’t nor will it be the last time that liberal judges tell us that our judgement isn’t sound or that the people’s mandate isn’t “constitutional” It seems that judges and politicos run to the Constitution when it’s convenient, and turn their back upon it when its not.

  34. chris in Molino on January 3rd, 2015 5:56 pm

    RTR ; why should we focus more on reducing the number of abortions ? So people like you can adopt and corrupt their young minds ? No, we have enough messed up children. Tell me, what is it of the opposite sex thats attractive at all ? What happens when you cant play the oppressed victim ?

  35. molino jim on January 3rd, 2015 4:57 pm

    @ Native Floridian and some others. The vote to pass # 2 received 4,890,883. The total number of people who could vote was 11,446,540. This left 6,555,657 who voted no or were not concerned enough to vote. Please do not say the “people” of Florida voted in the majority to pass #2. Those who give themselves the right to act as Gods spokesperson may reflect on a number of parts the Bible that say they should not. .

  36. Bryan Bethea on January 3rd, 2015 4:31 pm

    Gay people don’t choose to be gay any more than straight people choose to be straight. Unless you, as a straight person, can point to the moment in your childhood when you chose to be ’straight’ then you can offer me no evidence to the contrary. As far as the ‘will of the people’ goes.. The US Constitution trumps any law enacted by Florida, including those voted on by the public. The reason our federal constitution allows for judicial review of laws is precisely for ones like this marriage ban. If it were up to a vote of the people then women and racial minorities would still be subject to discriminatory laws today, especially in the South. If you don’t believe me, then check out the most recent public attitude surveys on interracial marriage in Alabama and Mississippi. More people in those states support gay marriage than interracial marriage.

  37. CW on January 3rd, 2015 3:11 pm


    The answer is simple, some people aren’t happy unless they can bully other people and tell them what they can and can’t do. When these bullies lose power they start getting upset and claiming that the sky is falling. It has been this way for years. If they want to worry themselves to death over something somebody else does than so be it, it’s their time that’s wasted.

  38. E on January 3rd, 2015 3:02 pm

    Bryan there is some things you wrote I don’t have a problem with but bringing this into open society is just wrong.i don’t want my children to be in a society where there told in school that there man teacher is marrying another man I mean where does it stop I have heard in California for example people that cant figure out if they want to be male or female there is some name for this nonsense but I cant remember it, that they can go to either bathroom in public places I know you would not agree with your child being around something like that, and that way of thinking out there started with gay lebiam sinful lifestyle

  39. native floridian on January 3rd, 2015 2:48 pm

    It is NOT about gays. It’s about government of the PEOPLE! The majority of FL voters voted and their will should stand. The majority of FL voters chose. They had a right to chose. It matters NOT that their vote is not popular with other states. If the minority do not agree or like the vote, they have the freedom to move to some other like-minded states. The rule of the majority of voters should have prevailed. Unless we are no longer a free nation, ruled by the people! H-m-m-m? Or are a few (minority) trying to impose their will on the majority?

  40. Bryan Bethea on January 3rd, 2015 2:31 pm

    This whole argument is rather silly when you think about it. If you are a heterosexual man or woman, what possible reason could you have to object to two homosexuals getting married? What impact on your life does Tim and Bob getting married have that Mark and Tina’s wedding doesn’t? I understand that bible literalists will insist that God considers homosexuality an abomination. OK, why don’t we let that be between God and the homosexuals and move on with our lives? Last time I checked there wasn’t a single person on this planet today who has the authority to condemn another person to hellfire, so let’s stop trying. If you think being gay is a choice with eternal consequences, so be it. However, your belief that this is the case doesn’t outweigh a gay person’s right to exist and function within our society. End of story. If you don’t like gay marriage then don’t have one!

  41. E on January 3rd, 2015 2:06 pm

    to RTR who said we are all disobeying God by working on the sabeth here is the scripture to refute that Colossians Ch2 mainly verses 10-16

  42. EMD on January 3rd, 2015 1:25 pm

    I am with Billy D. I understand the feelings involved, but feelings can get one in trouble. It is very obvious in Bible and in nature that this is not what was intended by God. It is an abomination, as marriage is meant to be a picture and type of Christ and His Bride. Love does what is right no matter what the feelings, IF one knows what is right. To those who believe that God approves of this, they need to study His Word. However to those who are not born again, it does no good to try and correct them. They need to be born again. To those who call themselves pastors and condone this, they are in a very dangerous position and need to be born again themselves before the wrath of God falls on them. God has been very patient with this country in these last days. The end is fast approaching. No one knows when their last day will be. My heart is very heavy for these affectionate but confused people. The ones who are militant just turn my stomach. But, I wish they, too, would come to a knowledge of the Truth. For those who know The Truth and condone this……………I fear for you.

  43. E on January 3rd, 2015 1:14 pm

    o yeah and one more thing to RTR you mentioned why not focus on trying to reduce abortions I did by voting AGAINST Obama but I did not win

  44. E on January 3rd, 2015 1:11 pm

    to RTR if you new the word of God you would know the not working on Sunday was specifically to the jews at that time period the new testament even tells us not to have any special respect toward any certain day even Christ Jesus performed miracles on the sabeth while being accused of working on the sabeth by the religious leaders of that day, don’t believe me just read it for yourself

  45. RTR on January 3rd, 2015 11:47 am

    Curious and E……just how are you going to know of all the pastors that perform same sex weddings. hmmmmm…i am sure you will be missed. This is to all of you referencing bible scripture. Are you working on the Sabath? Are you going to the grocery store, eating at a restaurant, purchasing gas…i could go on? Are you purchasing slaves from a neighboring country? Men….are you trimming your beard? Remember you will have to stand before God. Why not focus your energy on something like reducing the number of abortions performed in this country, domestic violence, and other crimes instead of trying to deny couples equal rights, especially when it affects you ZERO!

  46. Alan on January 3rd, 2015 11:46 am

    What a loss for our society and future

  47. jeeperman on January 3rd, 2015 11:46 am

    The subject matter here and the comments posted explains why there are so many churches here in Escambia County.

  48. Thinker on January 3rd, 2015 11:28 am

    I’m with Steve. Now if we could just marry Christians with Americans.

  49. Billy D on January 3rd, 2015 11:18 am

    Personally I could care less what they do but STOP throwing it in my face. It’s fairly obvious to me(and many others) what your preferences are but I just don’t need to hear about it. Everyone in this country has the same basic rights…………. When it comes to sexuality it’s preference, not a “right”. There IS no special spot in the constitution for gays, purple people, muslim people or anyone else. The constitution covers RIGHTS, not preference. We have allowed the PC police to put this once great nation in a downward spiral we may very well never recover from. I think one prominent politician put it as “the wussification of America”. Sad but true……..

  50. CW on January 3rd, 2015 10:53 am

    “Southerner on January 3rd, 2015 9:26 am
    Remember Sodom and Gomorrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Yes, let’s all live ours lives remembering places and people that likely never existed.

  51. bmr on January 3rd, 2015 9:54 am

    Amen, to E, Southerner, and to Curious.

  52. Curious on January 3rd, 2015 9:32 am

    I’m with you E, 100% but that’s not where it will end with me, I will not attend any service with whom any pastor has participated in any of these rituals.

  53. Southerner on January 3rd, 2015 9:26 am

    Remember Sodom and Gomorrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. E on January 3rd, 2015 9:06 am

    I for one am against it I believe what Gods word says about it throughout the bible however I know unibelievers will do what they want.Where I realy get mad is when I here of a preacher or so called preacher doing a ceremony for them.They might better read Romans chapter 1 then repent

  55. Bob's Brother on January 3rd, 2015 9:02 am

    The “Bills and Steves” and “Mary and Bettys” of this world who desire to wed should deeply consider this before taking the plunge. The license and ceremony are very inexpensive. Un-doing the ceremony, union, etc. is the costly part.
    It’s like the sign I saw at a bar: Love is Grand, Divorce is 20 Grand.

  56. RTR on January 3rd, 2015 8:17 am

    Steve, you said it! Let’s just be happy for these couples. This is great news.

  57. Steve on January 3rd, 2015 3:35 am

    Let’s be happy that these couples want to be in a loving, committed relationship. The world would be a better place if everyone was able and allowed to be in one.