Century Man Charged With Aggravated Battery With Deadly Weapon

January 7, 2015

A Century man has been charged with placing a gun to forehead of a mentally disabled woman and threatening to kill her.

John Andrew McClain, 45, was charged with aggravated battery using a deadly weapon and criminal mischief property damage. He remained in the Escambia County Jail Wednesday morning with bond set at $110,000.

The 44-year woman met deputies at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Century Precinct to report the incident. She told deputies that she is mentally disabled, unable to read or write, and had been involved in a “dating relationship” for several years with McClain.

She told deputies that on January 2 she was riding in a vehicle with McClain when a man called her cellphone. Later that night, she said McClain pressed the barrel of a handgun against her forehead and told her that he would kill her. According to an arrest report, the victim had a small wound on her forehead, apparently from the gun barrel.

He also allegedly grabbed her and held her in a “bear hug”. Over the next few days, she said McClain continued to drive past her house to make sure that she was home, but she was so afraid that she did not immediately report the gun incident.

A  few days later, she said McClain drove her to the grocery store in Century and left her there, taking her vehicle back to her residence and sabotaging it so that it would not crank. McClain later allegedly grabbed her flip-style phone and broke it in half.

When deputies arrested McClain, spontaneously said he does not own any guns and that the victim is crazy, according to an arrest report.


8 Responses to “Century Man Charged With Aggravated Battery With Deadly Weapon”

  1. been there on January 9th, 2015 8:38 pm

    It’s very hard to get out of an abusive relationship. The abuser threatens and demeans the victim so much and the victim lives in such fear. No one can understand unless they walk a mile in her shoes. I hope she doesn’t drop the charges and can make a permanent break from this sicko.

  2. johnny curtis on January 8th, 2015 9:30 pm

    I have known john mclain for 35 years i believe this woman is wrong i wish i had resources to free him good luck my broughter….

  3. Bob C. on January 7th, 2015 5:52 pm

    Anyone else see something really bad happening to these two?
    Suggest if you see either one of them turn and go in the opposite direction.

  4. Just saying on January 7th, 2015 5:44 pm

    Yippie kyyy yaaaa

    This isn’t no Bruce Willis

    Those who pick on the weakest among us should be dealt with more harshly. He should be sent somewhere he is the weakest.

  5. Big Bob on January 7th, 2015 5:17 pm

    Maybe he had a bad headache!

  6. Wondering on January 7th, 2015 12:45 pm

    trauma queen, reread story, she is mentally handicapped, don’t try to judge her, they’re mostly like some kids, some kids demeanor are to forgive no matter what is done to them, that’s why a lot of kids are abused/bullied, it’s really sad. Some, years later have problems years later that occurred maybe years earlier, maybe this might be the first time he did this to her, yes she was scared but she was like any normal woman when something happened the first time & was willing to forgive, @ least she reported it, but not downing her but think about how low he is just for being with her & doing that just because a man called her phone, he must be pathetic to use someone like her, but where is her family in all this, someone should be trying to protect her, she is someone’s sister or daughter. How sad, I could say more.

  7. Dan on January 7th, 2015 12:30 pm

    Isn’t John McClain the guy from Die Hard?

  8. traumaqueen on January 7th, 2015 2:08 am

    He put a gun to her head and threatened to kill her and yet she was with him only days later at the grocery store? Sadly I fear she has not yet had enough abuse to finally decide that she doesn’t want it anymore and that she deserves better. I hope I’m wrong and she can move on from this crazy man. Btw textbook abuser behavior..make it out like the victim is lying and “crazy”