Bye Bye $2; Local Gas Prices On The Increase

January 28, 2015

Gas prices were up on Tuesday in the, leaving behind the sub-$2 mark seen last week. Pictured: Gas was $2.07 at this Cantonment gas station Tuesday morning. photo, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Bye Bye $2; Local Gas Prices On The Increase”

  1. Mark T on January 31st, 2015 7:16 am

    @ Susan , there are a lot of things we can do but most people don’t want to be bother with doing something. They complain to themselves but not to who might be able to change things.. Demand from our elected representatives at all levels of government to do something . Fuel costs are a major player in the economy, and should be kept in check. I could go on in more detail but I feel like I’m wasting my time . In reality most people just don’t care enough anymore..

  2. DavidHuieGreen on January 30th, 2015 8:23 pm

    I’m surrounded by Communists who think everybody ELSE should just give them whatever they want for whatever they deign to give.

    Anybody who can provide gasoline for 5 cents per gallon less than anybody else can sell all he can pump. If he makes a profit doing that, he puts everybody else out of business. But he can’t.

    There will be ups and downs. Anyone is free to join in and compete. They don’t.

    Further, if you could sell for 10 cents less than everybody else and still make a profit (although only half as much), would you? Not what should THEY do, what would YOU do?

    Communism is all about telling others what to do.

    David for free gasoline for everybody forever

  3. 429SCJ on January 29th, 2015 8:16 pm

    The increase of vehicular activity in the county must have certainly led to increased commerce, and I am sure that this is the trend nation wide. The ones who are not burning up the roads, as many appear to be doing, are realizing an increase of operating and maintenance funds that can be applied to necessities or luxury purchases, recreation and enrichment. Increased consumer spending across the board, sea doos to hair doos and hopefully savings as well.

    On the other hand there is all the talk of a collapsing oil industry and suspended dividends to share holders. I never made it past economics 101, but I will maintain my opinion that cheap fuel is good for America and will help lead to economic recovery.

    Lets not think international markets and exports, as that is the intent of the profiteer. Profit is good as long as it does not strangle or cripple the nation. Let us as consumers and Americans think to do what is in our common national interest. Domestic fuel for domestic markets and reserves.

  4. Susan on January 29th, 2015 3:55 pm

    So what should we do Mark T ?

  5. Mark T on January 28th, 2015 8:25 pm

    I’ve said it ever since Ivan , we are being gouged and we sit back and take it like good little sheep!!! Absolute suckers is what we have become…

  6. pyrokeith on January 28th, 2015 6:20 pm

    Gas is still 1.85 at flomaton exit…

  7. John reynolds on January 28th, 2015 2:21 pm

    Gasoline prices are a lot less in most of the country and have not moved up even a penny. Just check Gas Buddy app.

  8. EMD on January 28th, 2015 10:38 am

    Surprise Surprise ! ! ! NOT ! ! ! !

  9. E on January 28th, 2015 9:16 am

    its still a dollar something here in bayminette where I work I drive thru atmore everyday but I never get my gas there its always about 15 cents a gallon less in bayminette

  10. Bob C. on January 28th, 2015 9:00 am

    Bet when the gasoline price at the pump goes over $4 per gallon the “Official” explanation will be it is so high because of decreased profits for shareholders during the price down turn period.

  11. Betty on January 28th, 2015 6:57 am

    It’s all due to new Saudia Arabia king in power….But I knew it was to good to last…

  12. Stumpknocker on January 28th, 2015 6:54 am

    Title should be reading, Bye Bye $0.04 tax on gas.

  13. Billy D on January 28th, 2015 6:26 am

    yep, the prices go back up more than the percentage of increase in a barrel of oil….interesting. Also, the barrel closed under $46 again yesterday but I bet you won’t see that reflect in pricing at all. Oil companies got us and they know it. I WILL say it’s better than the $4 we were giving up six/seven years ago. Geez, I gotta try to be positive about SOMETHING!!!!

  14. Gman on January 28th, 2015 5:21 am

    Enjoy it while it lasts, the sky is the limit.

  15. Jason on January 28th, 2015 1:20 am

    Mind boggling how quickly so many stores jumped up to the $2.07 price in one day.

    At 11am Tuesday morning, the Dodge Store on 9 mile went from $1.94 to $2.07 and a gas truck hadnt even made a delivery. The price went up just because….