Building People: Tate Senior Millet Earns Eagle Scout Rank

January 12, 2015

Tate High School senior Ethan Millet has obtained the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America, and was honored with a proclamation recently from the Escambia County Commission.

For his Eagle Scout project, Ethan wanted to do something different while giving back to the community. After considering numerous project ideas, he reached back into his experiences at “Joe’s Place”, the Pensacola United Methodist Community Ministries, at his family’s church, St. Luke United Methodist, and decided to distribute personal hygiene kits to needy person in the community.

“We always think about Eagle Scout projects as building something, stepping out and building some tangible thing,” Escambia County Commissioner Doug Underhill said upon presenting the resolution to Ethan. “Ethan’s project was a little unique in that he chose to build people.”

The care kits included a small bag with essential hygiene items, tissue paper, canned foods and water. He set out to make 100 of the kits, but thanks to generous donations was able to distribute just over 200.

“Seeing the joy on their face was probably my favorite part of it,” he said about the care kit distribution.  “I remember one man. He grabbed his bag ‘yes, I got it’….he was just so joyous about it; it really made my day to see that.”

Ethan first joined Pack 415 as a Tiger Cub when he was in first grade back in 2003. He earned 32 individual merit badges on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout.

Pictured: Escambia Commissioner Doug Underhill presents a proclamation to Eagle Scout Ethan Millet. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Building People: Tate Senior Millet Earns Eagle Scout Rank”

  1. Doug Underhill on January 13th, 2015 4:42 am

    It is an honor to be a part of Ethan’s scouting life. Troop 415 is a dynamic and lively troop, and Ethan is a great part of it. When you are looking at an Eagle Scout, you are looking at America’s future.

  2. Rebecca Hatch on January 12th, 2015 7:58 pm

    Wonderful job, Ethan! My job just became a Tiger this year in 1st grade. I can’t wait to share your story with him. What an amazing accomplishment for you!

  3. Kevin on January 12th, 2015 7:18 am

    Congratulations! You have accomplished something that few achieve. Be proud and continue your good works in service to others.

  4. Bob C. on January 12th, 2015 6:52 am

    Congratulations to you, Eagle Scout Millet..!!!
    I know that you have worked for many years and learned many skills in pursuit of the Eagle Scout Award.
    Helping others is always a rewarding effort.
    53 years ago when I earned my Eagle that was one of the proudest moments of my life and it remains a starting point for the path my life has followed.
    Best Wishes for a Great Future… Old Eagle.

  5. Honest John on January 12th, 2015 5:59 am

    Great idea for an Eagle Scout Project and congratulations to you Ethan for earning the rank of Eagle Scout. I am very proud to say both of my sons are Eagle Scouts.Remember, Once An Eagle Always An Eagle.