A New Year, A Higher Rate For Gulf Power Customers

January 3, 2015

Gulf Power customers will see an increase on their bill this month to cover fuel coats associated with electrical generation. The Florida Public Service Commission allows expenses such as power plant fuel to be passed along to consumers, but they are not allowed to earn a profit on fuel charges.

A Gulf Power residential customer who uses 1,000 kilowatt hours a month will pay $139.29, up  from $132, according to the PSC.

Fuel costs are a major component of each customer’s monthly bill. The industry commonly uses 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity for residential customers as a benchmark, though many customers use more power than that each month.

Customers of two other major Florida utilities – Florida Power & Light and Tampa Electric – will see very minor decreases on their bills beginning this month.


16 Responses to “A New Year, A Higher Rate For Gulf Power Customers”

  1. Don on January 5th, 2015 5:43 am

    I had to chuckle a little because while reading these comments yesterday morning at 8:15 am or so my power goes out.no reason,no rain,nothing,…came back on like 10 min. later,just enough to have to re-set all the flashing digital clocks,re-boot computer etc then at
    9:10 a.m they go off again for 15 minutes……I let em’ flash this time for a while to let GP make up their minds……

  2. Mr. Reality on January 4th, 2015 11:37 am

    M IN BRATT…How is it the other power companies in the state were able to LOWER their rates in the middle of all of this costly regulation you are talking about…

  3. bartender on January 4th, 2015 9:20 am

    well the old people freeze in the winter and old people over heat in the summer because they cant afford utilites on their income.its a shame the power company does care about the old people.they should be a break.i know I have to pay the price but I feel so sorry for the old people that do without.its all about money these days on everything.. who cares about the old people,not companies or the government.old people get less food stamps than anyone. my grandma got 12.00 a month but because she deserved it we got them. as for a gas heaters for the old well propane gas is so high that old people cant fill there tanks and they use ele.heaters which are dangerous if left on all day and all night. go to council on aging and look at the older people that need help.society is so sad when seniors need help.

  4. M in Bratt on January 4th, 2015 7:16 am

    This is only the beginning of what is to come; The EPA’s (Obama’s) war on coal will cause the price of electricity to skyrocket as utilities struggle and spend mega bucks to convert to other energy sources, while the Fla. bureaucrats tie Gulf Power’s hands and keep them from investing the money necessary to build the much needed nuclear plant. Gulf power is not blameless in all this, but with all the government intrusion and meddling in their business, they can’t win in whatever they do.

  5. SHO-NUFF on January 4th, 2015 1:46 am

    Gulf Power is in a bind, and a big one!
    Our current Government administration is against coal fueled power plants as stated during the election campaign. Obama said he would shut down coal plants..
    Instead of GP investing money into total Natural Gas conversion to provide boiler fuel, they elected to install a $500 million dollar “Scrubber” to clean up the coal emissions they burn, that WE the consumers paid for with a rate increase.
    The Scrubber and coal fuel… is not or will not be compliant now, or in the next few years to meet new Obama Administration created EPA standards.

    Why did Gulf Power decide to stay with dirty coal over clean burning Natural Gas and waste our money on a useless particulate Scrubber?

    GP has a big influence on the coal producers that provide coal for them,, and what they will pay for coal due to the volume they use. They basically own the coal companies that supply them and can control fixed costs. We pay this amount per Ton, or we don’t buy it at all.
    Competitive leveraging at its best. Walmart does the same thing with there suppliers. Our public trade commission that is supposed to prevent unfair practices from a monopoly like GP is in their back pockets..

  6. A on January 3rd, 2015 4:16 pm

    Are their any other choices at all in our region for electricity?

  7. Sage 2 on January 3rd, 2015 4:01 pm

    Society/people are generally reliant upon electricity for a variety of reasons.
    Power companies are monopolies.
    These are state-sanctioned monopolies, by law.

    If the bullet should become too big to bite, get off the grid.
    Light your homes with kerosene, cook with it, as my folks did.

    True, it’s a pinch to the wallet, but the bottom line in this, you have a

    When comes time to vote for those seeking office in the PSC…check ‘em
    out and vote ‘em out, if you want a voice.

  8. Sea Hag on January 3rd, 2015 11:03 am

    Oh, there will always be an excuse to have it go up. There will never be an excuse to have it come down.

  9. Melanie on January 3rd, 2015 9:57 am

    I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with them greedy people anymore….we working our that is all gulf power is…..they don’t care about the community and the people that are working their butt off to get bye in this economy,they just want their money one way or you and your family are out of power,very sad if you ask me.

  10. mick on January 3rd, 2015 8:52 am

    Bottom line – We can complain about it till the lights go out, if you want electricity you,me and everybody else will pay…meanwhile the squeeze will continue, and the powers that be don’t lose a wink of sleep over it…

  11. William on January 3rd, 2015 8:51 am

    >>Are we still being billed for a “potential” nuclear power plant here in Northwest Fla.?


  12. Bob C. on January 3rd, 2015 8:30 am

    Maybe someone can answer this:

    Are we still being billed for a “potential” nuclear power plant here in Northwest Fla.?

    Seem to recall that Gulf Power was collecting monies from customers and putting it into some sort of fund to save up enough Millions to do something with nuclear power to electricity.

    Not sure why wind turbines aren’t set up where the Fla Legislature – and local govt friends – meet as there’s a bunch of hot air to spin the blades.

  13. c.w. on January 3rd, 2015 3:47 am

    As long as there is a monopoly with the power co., water. sewer, and cost set by bought and paid for “public service commissioners” we will continue to get hosed at every turn. All fuels are down but gulf power get a raise for fuel cost. Unbelievable!

  14. Jane on January 3rd, 2015 3:14 am

    They got a raise last year, and now they get another one….when do our seniors get a break on their power bill or a raise to cover Gulf Power’s increase? There are many who can’t afford to heat their homes now.

  15. LINDA on January 3rd, 2015 3:12 am

    How is Fuel is dropping So much…. But it coast is so great to the Lights and water COMPANYS. WE as Customer’s are getting the Shaft……… SOMETHING IS FISHY!!!

  16. Bearcat on January 3rd, 2015 3:03 am

    It seems as though we should see a break instead of an increase as fuel prices drops. People are already struggling to pay high utilitie cost as it is. What is up with this ?