Traffic Shift On Pineville Road

December 20, 2014

Traffic on Pineville Road in North Escambia will be transitioned to the completed roadway and bridge over Brushy Creek Monday, December 22. Drivers can expect intermittent lane closures as crews make preparations to open the new bridge to traffic.

The $1.1 million bridge project funded by the Florida Department of Transportation has been under construction since July.

Pictured: A temporary bridge was put in place last July  next to the now demolished and replaced Brushy Creek Bridge on Pineville Road. photos, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Traffic Shift On Pineville Road”

  1. 429SCJ on December 22nd, 2014 1:40 pm

    My friends and I cruise this road and we pay fuel/road taxes.

    If you don’t like bridges on roads with low traffic flow, then move to Arizona and then you can just drive over the dry creek beds.

  2. Pineville Resident on December 20th, 2014 7:56 pm

    Well, I’m glad to see that the bridge is being replaced. I live on Pineville Road. I understand the concern for the “waste of tax dollars” on a road with light traffic but there are more people involved that drive Pineville Rd to get to work or to get to Pensacola and other points north and south of us. We pay taxes just like all the folks that are screaming about our bridge. Just stop and consider this point for a moment – we live out here because we like it and would not want to live any where else. Our tax dollars that we pay go to wonderful things like putting in parks and playgrounds for folks down south (anything north of 9 mile road is not even considered to be in Escambia county by our governing bodies) it also gets roads paved or repaved or rewidened. We do not get a lot of the little extras from our tax dollars like regular police/sheriff patrols in our area. We also do not get things like mosquito spraying! We have sporatic road maintenance and if we need an emergency vehicle it takes forever to get to the location because of the road conditions. We even get to help pay for the ECAT bus system and if we were to ride the bus we’d have to drive about 30 miles to find a bus stop! We have NO evacuation routes in case of an emergency!! After some of the major storms in our past, the county has not assisted in clearing the roadway so we could get in and out. The residents did the clearing!!!! So I have a different slant on this bridge deal – I say leave us alone, we didn’t ask for the bridge to be redone, if you notice the work was controlled by the STATE DOT, not the residents. We would like to see our road get paved, that would help a lot of these issues but for now we go with what we get. We don’t get any other return on our tax dollars we pay so let us enjoy the bridge.

  3. B. P. on December 20th, 2014 1:01 pm

    I said it before, and I’ll say it again. What a waste of tax payer’s money installing the temporary bridge just where the 6 or 8 people that go to three-runs on the river didn’t have to drive down oc Phillips rd. Yea I read before where they said 50 to up to 100 cars a day use this road. Everybody from here knows that a LIE!!!!!!!!

  4. worried on December 20th, 2014 1:00 pm

    More then log trucks use this road and bridge. A lot of people use this road to go back and forth to the river or to ride 4 wheelers or to go to their property that they pay taxes on. We at this end of Escambia like the fact that the county has decided to fix some of our roads and bridges. When we have emergency we would like to know that the crews in the vehicle’s responding can make it thru.
    If a bus driver is having a problem getting thru on a road, then the driver should voice their concern to their boss and have the families say something to the county!! The crews that did the work “Way to go”!!!!!

  5. Tracy Smith on December 20th, 2014 8:39 am

    Went thru that area a few weeks ago, I have one question … Why? This section of road is rarely used except for log trucks. It would have been better to redo the one on Occur Phillips and raise it so that it doesn’t flood so that the bus driver doesn’t have to be late picking up the precious cargo or the Pineville residents don’t have to detour thru half of the north end to get home/to work.

  6. Puddin on December 20th, 2014 8:19 am

    Awesome job guys. Thanks for making another road safer. :-D