Arrest Made In ‘Brutal Homicide’ Near Munson

December 27, 2014

An 18-year old woman was arrested Friday night in connection with the early Friday morning shooting death of a man at a home near Munson.

Aubrey Dewayne Cooley, 40, was found deceased from a gunshot wound at a home at 2305 Dale Hall Road about 12:50 a.m. Friday. Taylor Lynn Crongeyer was charged with an open count of homicide and booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail Friday night without bond.

Santa Rosa County deputies responded to the home just off Munson Highway south of Highway 4 in reference to a welfare check. When they arrived on scene, Crongeyer exited the residence with a large amount of blood on her clothing, according to an arrest report.

When deputies walked through the residence, they found blood spots on the floor, a bedroom mattress and outside on the front and back porch areas. They also found a rifle on the floor at the foot of a bed in the master bedroom. Outside the rear of the home, deputies reported finding Cooley tied to the trailer hitch of a pickup truck with a rope around his ankles. He was deceased from a gunshot wound to the head.

Cooley is Crongeyer’s stepfather, according to reports.

Deputy Rich Aloy, public information officer for the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office, said detectives, crime scene units and members of the State Attorney’s Office worked throughout the day Friday collecting sufficient evidence to charge Crongeyer with what he termed a “brutal homicide”.


39 Responses to “Arrest Made In ‘Brutal Homicide’ Near Munson”

  1. TEACHER on January 2nd, 2015 10:39 pm

    I taughta TAYLOR in school. She was a great student.a very very smart.student. scholarship smart
    . Special kind of smat. No discipline issues at all. They moved A LOT . I AM in shock. What brought her to do this. So much anger and hate were required to tie a man to a truck and drag him out of that house and then shoot him in the head. That took a great deal of anger and hate p toward the victim. My heart goes out to his family. My heart goes out to Taylor how did she find herself in this situation where this action was the only way she could see this as the way out. taylor. No matter what has happendn I still care about you and I am here for you. My condolences to thie cooley family. I am sure they want answers too

  2. Paul on January 2nd, 2015 8:57 am

    Does anyone know when Aubrey’s services are going to be

  3. salt floyd on December 30th, 2014 1:13 pm

    I am speaking from experience, dont assume anything until all facts are out there. Then we still may never know the truth. All we can do is pray for all involved and hope that some will eventually find peace of mind.

  4. B. Phillips on December 29th, 2014 2:21 pm

    evil wears many masks, none so dangerous as that of innocence

  5. Chris in Molino on December 29th, 2014 2:05 pm

    What really kills me is reality. In this world today, “NOTHING” is what it appears to be. With all the technology, theres just too much information to process. Im only 36 but firmly believe the invention of television was the beginning of the erosion of our communities.
    The police work with state prosecutors. The media are tight with the police. They may know very well that this girl was being molested or raped by this man, yet portray it for now as an “altercation” so as to sway public opinion of this “troubled” or “evil” girl for potential jurors. This would almost definately pre-determine her guilty conviction unless shes got $100,000 or better for an attorney. This is just an example.
    The reality is, government and corporations spend big bucks to sway your opinion. Theres a yiddish word for us, “goyim”, meaning sheep (ie; leading sheep to slaughter) Its working extremely well.

  6. sam on December 29th, 2014 11:30 am

    So sad! Everyone will have something to say regardless!! FACTS you think you may “know” someone but you really DONT know them at all! We don’t know what people are capable of doing. Praying for this young girls life ahead. & the family that lost a family member

  7. Char Mac on December 29th, 2014 8:01 am

    At one time I shared a ride to work with a guy. We would take turns driving for a week each. I thought he was a great guy. We worked together for over a year. One day this guy didn’t show up. Tried to call, no answer. On the second day of no one hearing from him, we saw an article in the local paper saying he was arrested for molesting his two year old stepdaughter. He pleaded guilty and admitted that it had been happening since before she was one. Now, I have no idea whether the girl or the guy is the monster in this case. But, monsters do live among us and they pretend to be just like the rest of us. Like hunters using camo.

  8. L Bruno on December 28th, 2014 8:19 pm

    There is more to this tale than meets the eye! I would suspect a long history between these two. Either way this is very sad.. I hope this young lady gets the help she needs,the truth comes out and justice is served. Prayers for the family who suffered loss and for this young girl who is obviously a very troubled individual.

  9. Missysmom on December 28th, 2014 4:34 pm

    Please don’t judge until all of the facts are released. More to this than has been released to the public.Even the nicest homes have skeletons in their closet.

  10. susan on December 28th, 2014 10:16 am

    As much as some of you might know these two people outside the house, you don’t know what goes on behind close doors. Aubrey might seem to be a great person to everyone but when you get him behind those doors he might be a different person, just saying. I don’t know any of these people but what I am saying there is two sides to every story and things goes on at home that you don’t know about. Did he deserve to die? I wasn’t there, you wasn’t there, the only ones that knows that is the ones that was there.

  11. hawghead on December 28th, 2014 10:03 am

    I don’t know for a fact that her injury was caused by the scope of a rifle. I don’t know what the relationship was between the victim and the girl. I don’t know what happened in that house. The things I do know is that someone called the sheriff office for a welfare check. I do know that while the sheriff deputy was in route someone called and said shots were fired. Other than that anything else would be speculation. It is evident there is a lot to this story that is not being released at this moment. It seems that either someone else was involved or knew what was going on in that house. I will wait until more is released before I make any conclusions.

  12. Rick on December 28th, 2014 9:51 am

    You people watch too much CSI. Let this play out and let the Leo’s do their job

  13. stump on December 28th, 2014 7:10 am

    I knew Aubrey for some time now and worked with him somtimes to I’d have to say i thougth very highly of him seem to be a hard worker and honest person im not sure of what went on at home but for the man i know i have my doubts that anything bad came from him olny god can judge and knows what really happend but my prayers go out for the family and may god be with you and justice be served to the higest you will be missed by many Aubrey may you rest in Peace

  14. Bryan. on December 27th, 2014 11:12 pm

    I don’t think she was aiming through the scope at 2 feet away. The black eye and cut on her cheek is pretty probable. 2 feet away isn’t exactly long range scope distance. No aiming needed.

  15. Paul on December 27th, 2014 10:32 pm

    Shame on the people trying to make Aubrey look bad. I knew him personally he was a wonderful person super nice and very kind and soft spoken. I remember the day he and I met. If you needed help Aubrey would do what ever he could to help. I’m shocked that someone would take is life. Aubrey is the kind of person everyone would want in the family. The stores he and talked about. Oooooo and I wouldn’t be as good as a welder today had I not met him. Aubrey Im proud to say that you and I was friends. I sure wish you was still here buddy. May god be with me the Cooley family.

  16. j doe on December 27th, 2014 9:19 pm

    Eye was not from rifle scope there is on sign of eye piece cut to eye brow are upper check area

  17. some people err!! on December 27th, 2014 7:56 pm

    You can look at her face and tell the recoil from the high powered rifle is what cause the damage to her face. She stood there while he was sleeping and pulled the trigger. They were not arguing at the to me of his death so I don’t wanna hear any of that self defense crap. Aubrey was a grest person. Heart of gold and always kind! He was the kinda person you wanted to be around and for folks to sit here WITH OUT FACTS and try to smear his name well you oughta be ashamed!! I don’t know all the facts and neither do you.! I hope JUSTICE IS SERVED!

  18. Jennifer Price on December 27th, 2014 6:28 pm

    I to am a survivor of domestic violence and I’ve had to deal with the non shala way Santa Rosa deals with it. Just from my experience I can say they totally failed to pprotect me so who’s to say they didn’t totally fail to protect her. If you’ve ever been in a situation where it’s you or him youde be surprised how fast something like this can happen. There’s always 2 sides to the storey unfortunately we can only get one side in this situation. Prayers go out to both families.

  19. Stephany on December 27th, 2014 3:16 pm

    I went to school with her a few years back. We were friends too. She was always nice she was athletic and just a bright future. When I seen this it was just shocking!

  20. Shawn on December 27th, 2014 2:12 pm

    I bet the damage was caused by the scope on the rifle. She had the scope to close to her eye when she fired.

  21. North end resident on December 27th, 2014 1:40 pm

    Unless she gave herself a black eye above the patch, seems like she was provoked and apparently snapped. There is always two sides to a story, am interesting in learning more about this situation as the info becomes available. Very unfortunate this happened, thoughts and prayers are with their families.

  22. jay on December 27th, 2014 1:33 pm

    Looks like the scope of the rifle hit her in the eye. I would like to hear the details though. Aubry was a good guy i hate this happened to him.

  23. cinndee on December 27th, 2014 1:24 pm

    Do you think the shotgun did that to her face?

  24. B Wolfe on December 27th, 2014 12:56 pm

    I think its alot more to the story but why was the man tied to the back of a truck? No one should die. If you get hit LEAVE. She looks to small to have tied him up by herself

  25. Jethro on December 27th, 2014 12:34 pm

    The injury to the face looks like she might have been hit with the recoil of the rifle she used to murder the dude. Not enough isometric tension in anticipation of the recoil. Check the cheek well and scope if there is one for her DNA. Just saying…

  26. d. kirk on December 27th, 2014 12:18 pm

    Very sad. Before we jump to conclustions—my hope is the investigators will get this girl the help she needs so she can feel safe in telling what has happened to her.

  27. Pop on December 27th, 2014 12:04 pm

    Rifle scope probably got her eye when she shot.

  28. Chris on December 27th, 2014 12:04 pm

    I’m sure there is more to the story, but the wound under the eye look more likely to be caused by a rifle scope being shot downward from a standing position. It very well could have been from a battery situation, but I would imagine more brushing, and less cut from a fist. Not to mention it would be pretty difcult to over come anyone that could inflict that much damage from one blow, much less subdue, and tie them up after receiving a blow of that nature.

  29. karen pendleton on December 27th, 2014 11:51 am

    Looks like her face was injured by the rifle recoiling.

  30. One who knows on December 27th, 2014 11:49 am

    The mark to her face is where the scope on the high powered rifle hit her .
    Not her daddy !
    He would never do such a thing to his kids .
    And a little girl don’t have to be powerful to shoot a man in his sleep and drag him out of the house with a truck !
    Yes there is more to this story but fingers are being pointed at the wrong (dead) person !

  31. Kiersten on December 27th, 2014 11:37 am

    This girl was my best friend n i just can’t believe she would just up and do something like this workout a reason…. Sobering else had to be going on.

  32. Susan Laymen on December 27th, 2014 10:55 am

    I know there is a lot more to this story that will come out but don’t let her size fool you. I am 5 foot 1 and 110lbs and I have put a man over 6 feet tall and about 300lbs onto his back before ! She may actually not be a victim here after all and he may have just got her if he was fighting for his life.

  33. Rex & Theresa Smith on December 27th, 2014 10:26 am

    My husband and I went to school with Aubrey for years. He was in my graduating class of 1992 from Jay High School. I can’t imagine the circumstances that led to such a horrible end to his life. Aubrey was always so sweet, soft spoken and a little shy in school. He was a friend to and would help anybody. Just can’t imagine what happened here. We hated to hear this.

  34. Crystal on December 27th, 2014 10:04 am

    My question is her face if she shot him how did she get beat that bad or is that the reason this happened I think there’s way more to this story in my opinion

  35. DVM Survivor on December 27th, 2014 10:04 am

    As a survivor of Domestic Violence…I have to question the terms used by Sheriff’s Office “Brutal Homicide” due to the fact that Women especially her size are strong enough to over power a Man & tie him to a truck hitch…but driven to the brink of being scared for their own life or believing there is No Other Option – She Will Pull the Trigger! If anyone out there reading this is in this kind of situation Trust Me there is Help & Safe Ways to get out. It may not be what happened here but I see it happening more and more where someone ends up losing a life…

  36. Diamond Thames on December 27th, 2014 9:53 am

    I went to school with her, my sister stay the night at her house..
    There has to be more to this. Taylor was always a good person.

  37. Crystal on December 27th, 2014 9:51 am

    Looks like there’s more to this story sad it came to this

  38. molino jim on December 27th, 2014 9:26 am

    I have to question the damage to her face.

  39. J. Kaye on December 27th, 2014 9:11 am

    As I read this, the one thought running through my mind was: There’s a lot more to this story and the reason she killed him. I hope whatever truth there is behind the facts, will come out. She seems really small for her size to have him tied to a hitch. And the brutality of the crime speaks of a personal hatred. Why?