Molino Man Charged With Burglarizing Father’s Home

December 29, 2014

A Molino man has been charged with multiple felonies for allegedly stealing TV’s and a chainsaw from his father’s home in Walnut Hill.

Jeremy Clint Hatfield, 24, was charged with unarmed burglary of an unoccupied dwelling, unarmed burglary of an occupied structure, grand theft and trespassing after a warning.

The victim told Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies that he had spent several days and nights at a Pensacola hospital with his sick wife. When he returned to his West Highway 4 home just before Christmas, he discovered three televisions missing from inside the home and a chainsaw missing from an outside shed.

The victim told deputies that he suspected the items were taken by his son because he had a key to the home and knew he was gone. The victim said the pair has a bad relationship, with the son was  kicked out of the home, trespassed warned by deputies and accused of a previous burglary at the home.

Deputies found Hatfield at a female’s resident in Highway 99, along with one of the TV’s. They also were able to recover a second of the stolen TV’s that had been sold, according to an arrest report.

Hatfield remained in the Escambia County Jail Monday with bond set at $7,500.


14 Responses to “Molino Man Charged With Burglarizing Father’s Home”

  1. chris in Molino on January 2nd, 2015 8:51 pm

    Sunny, nomatter how i say it, it’s unpopular. However, yes, the father should dicipline and teach. Not taking anything from women. In those days, they worked together as a team with the woman actually doing most of the work. And if your focused on raising a family, thats how it should be. With both parents working, children go unguided and unsupervised. Dang, the divorce rate tripled just a few years after women started working enmass. Coincidence ? When they took corporal punishment out of school and parents started getting arrested for whipping their kids,that was the other major setback. I mean damn, just because you can go make it on your own dont mean you should. I’ll just get divorced cause i wanna be happy. No, suck it up and keep the commitment you vowed and keep truckin. It’ll get better if you hold on. Sit at the table to eat n shut the tv off and talk to each other dammit. Yea there are bad men out there. Much too many. Cowards.

  2. Sunny on January 2nd, 2015 8:05 am

    Wow Chris in Molino!! His actions were created by Women wanting to be in the Workforce right?? Your saying a Independent Women working to help provide a better Life for her Family to the cause.. So the Women should stay home discipline/ teach and give the attention and guidance to this child.. What about the Father?? He’s just there to provide for the Family?? I feel the Mother and Father both should discipline/teach and give guidance to their child.. I praise Women who step up and join the Workplace to help provide if not Solely provide for her Family.. There is a lot of Dead Beat Parents nowadays. Which leaves either Mother or Father to provide solely.. Women wanting to be in the Workforce is not the creator. Parents not working together to provide/discipline and teach their child is the CREATOR.. J/S

  3. chris in Molino on January 1st, 2015 11:22 pm

    Marcos Watch. Another prime example of the entitlement generation. Created by women wanting to be in the workplace, causing more adultery, divorce, broken families, lack of attention/dicipline/teaching = this kid. No thought about the future and if so, ignorant of the consequences his actions will cause him later. A burden to his family, anyone who cares for him, and society in general. So sad, so many.

  4. Michelle on January 1st, 2015 4:37 pm

    This is a shame !! He has def got issues! I know if my child were to steal from me especially after doing it prior and warned to stay away … I would have done the same thing this father did. Stealing is wrong and stealing from your parents is just horrible. He deserves to be where he is at ! He needs to learn his lesson. My husband says he would bend him over his knee and dpank him no matter how old he is. I pray this young man can get the help he needs to straighten out his life

  5. Bring it on on January 1st, 2015 3:26 pm

    If this was my child … I would beat them to within an inch of their life and turn my back on him forever. No forgiving.

  6. Curious on January 1st, 2015 4:12 am

    Jessica, he’s not the only thief on that road, just beware, there are others, we hardly ever tell certain family members when we’re gonna be gone & come home because they can’t keep their mouth shut & act offended when they find out you actually went somewhere to begin with & if we ever tell & that one person tells we don’t ever tell them anymore either, it’s pretty bad when you can’t tell your closest relatives, but some of the theives may be in a green Toyota car, white Chevrolet pickup or who knows what else, you can’t keep up with what they may be driving, some actually go out of town to work but as soon as they come back, maybe it’s coincidently, but it seems things happen in our area but some family members don’t won’t to believe its them, I believe they steal or do whatever else & leave then get rid of their stuff, although some have actually borrowed without permission, broke the stuff & bring it back without an apology & just leave it where they found it like it broke just sitting there, we’ve had something broke that we’ve actually had borrowed that we had to replace. imagine who would have done that, trust no one, we also had someone to drive up & ask could they have something the thing is they wouldn’t have known if they hadn’t already been snooping around

  7. cheri coffey on December 30th, 2014 3:04 pm

    Why should dad change the locks? Son should not steal from him. That’s what should of happened

  8. been a minute on December 30th, 2014 11:34 am

    We do all make mistakes but we don’t steal and those that steal dont from their own families.

  9. Mike on December 30th, 2014 6:39 am

    We all make mistakes in life.

  10. Jessica on December 29th, 2014 10:55 pm

    I live right between both these residences and had to install a security system it’s getting so bad out here. Shame on anyone for stealing from their family and right during the holidays

  11. Rev Edward Livignston on December 29th, 2014 8:25 pm

    Why had the dad not changed all the locks? not that we should have to everytime we forgive one of our family or former roommates. NEVER GIVE KEYS to anyone and changed your locks every other year just in case. Its not that expensive and it would have saved a lot of headache. Use the old front door lock for the Bedroom. etc Guess he is out of the will also

  12. Marcos Watch on December 29th, 2014 12:05 pm

    Another criminal locked up. Many of these burglars, thrives, scammers are what people are calling, “adult-children.”

    They lack the ability to be a man and hold a steady job, care for their children however engage in sexual intercourse without thinking of the ramifications.

    Some criminals who are caught, learn their lesson, hopefully. Many lead a life of more criminal activity and feel entitled to things that aren’t theirs, much like a child does.

    Ever see a child just pick something up and think its theirs? Then when you take it away they cry? That is exactly the feeling a criminal gets. They are children through and through, especially the newer age criminals.

    Stealing bread and milk/eggs for your children is one thing, selling dope, guns and shooting each other up is another more heinous, child-like attempt to be someone.

    Try growing up and being a man.

  13. traumaqueen on December 29th, 2014 2:05 am

    I can not understand how people who do this think that they’re going to get away with this crime. He had a key!! There are some real “humdingers” and real “who done it’s” but this isn’t one of them. Either he is lacking in the smarts department, he has a drug issue or perhaps his daddy has enabled him in the past so he thought he’d do it again but shame on him for preying on his father especially when he is at the hospital with his sick wife. Utterly disgusting..

  14. Jason on December 29th, 2014 1:28 am

    guess he shouldn’t call his daddy seeking any bail or commissary money.