Man Gets Life For Molesting Three Children Over Several Years

December 16, 2014

A Santa Rosa County man will spend life in prison for molesting three children.

Edward Scott Foster, Jr., entered a plea Monday to two counts of sexual battery upon a child less than 12 years of age and one count of sexual battery upon a child by a person in familial or custodial authority. The 71-year old was sentenced to life in prison on two of the counts and 30 years in prison on the third count by Judge John Simon.

Between 1974 and 1993, Foster committed repeated acts of sexual abuse upon his three victims at his home in Milton. During the time of the abuse, the victims ranged in age from 5 to 17 years of age.  Each of the victims was abused over a period of several years, according to prosecutors.


13 Responses to “Man Gets Life For Molesting Three Children Over Several Years”

  1. Vicitm of this scum on July 8th, 2015 4:32 pm

    One of his victims came forward in 1993 but since he knew so many people and made Friends with DCF investigator they dropped the charges. Decided the child was just a liar and the other children were to scared to come forward because he was left in the home and the victim was removed.
    Everyone involved thought that he had gone before a judge and found not guilty. You know double jeopardy. When his wife died in 2012 I found out he never went to court.
    As a victim I got the courage to come forward and convinced his other victims to come forward also. He plead guilty to only 3 of the 17 counts against him.
    His victims were not just children they were also very adults who were seeking help and ended up being victims.
    Don’t judge the victims it was very hard to come forward after 40 years because I was afraid of who he still knew in the sheriffs office and other polital offices.

  2. Former Holman Prison Worker on December 16th, 2014 10:09 pm

    Dixiebug, see that’s exactly my point! An innocent little 5 year old violated by a trusted FAMILY MEMBER! These evil violators knows how to talk to and convince the little people to stay quiet and take ownership of THEIR “the molesters” sick attack on their victims while MURDERING the vital self esteem, self being as well as self worth of the victims! We all must remember that a molester may or may not be a stranger! Watch your child’s reactions around certain people, they just may be trying to tell you something?

  3. dixiebug on December 16th, 2014 7:25 pm

    I was also sexually abused,,,it was done by a family member and started when I was 5,,I was taught never to tell…and I didn`t,,,to this day,,my family doen`t know,,I am now 61…I still feel ashamed and blame myself…please understand,,it`s hard to come forward when you are told to hold on to this horrible secret….

  4. Former Holman Prison Worker on December 16th, 2014 2:13 pm

    I worked several years at the Atmore location. Holman is for life without parole, long timers and death row. I talked face to face with child molesters that were repeat offenders and many told me that if they were turned loose they would hunt for another victim! They told me that they couldn’t stop! I really never knew there were SO MANY child molesters out there! I know that these cowards took, I meant “KILLED” a very important part of an innocent child’s life, be it a little boy or girl, and the laws should be changed to stop these KILLERS of important parts of innocent children that grow up and have MENTAL, PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL and many other problems simply because WE DO NO PROTECT THEM ALL WE CAN!!! Just saying!

  5. sparnell on December 16th, 2014 1:59 pm


    Sometimes it takes years,if ever,for victims to come forward and admit that this was done to them. It took my twin sister 6 years and slicing her wrists to finally have our foster father arrested for molestation. She was the only one brave enough to come forward and admit it out of the three of us. By the sounds of the article one victim probably went to the police and through investigation or by other victims coming forward they were able to find out it had been going on for a while. A pedophile within a family usually goes from an older child to younger children because the older children mature and no longer look like children. I don’t know the family nor the victims so I’m simply offering one explanation to as why it happened over a number of years.

  6. XD9RACER on December 16th, 2014 11:10 am

    IN NO WAY AM I TRYING TO DEFEND THIS LECHEROUS MISCREANT OF A MAN FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE but why did it go on for as far back as 40 years to as recent as 21 years before something is done. Did the victims separate from him or did he get too old to continue. Why so much time lapsed for something to be done. It should have been addressed back then instead of allowing him to go free and breathe our air and be footloose and fancy free for all this time. Did he think it would just die and go away and be forgotten. It is good his misdeeds were not forgotten and may he become a victim in prison by inmates that don’t cater to child molesters and end it all. GETERDONE JUSTUSFORALL.

  7. rasbone on December 16th, 2014 8:45 am

    I strongly agree with working man.Im just amazed at how this could go on and no one in the house hold reports it.Why did it take the victims so long to report it.Hopefully the kids,now grown,can live a happy life.Rest in hell you evil scum bag.

  8. mick on December 16th, 2014 8:41 am

    Nothing much to say about this despicable one…your judgement on this earth is just the beginning…

  9. Anastasia on December 16th, 2014 7:04 am

    Just goes to show you that no one is above the law no matter how old you are.

  10. Why on December 16th, 2014 6:20 am

    I would hate to have to stand up before the throne of judgement and have to answer for such twisted acts on His precious, innocent, children. I also find it incomprehensible to believe that when this kind of thing is going on, that nobody else in the household knows about it. The ones that stand idly by and do nothing, deserve the same punishment.

  11. Workin Man on December 16th, 2014 6:19 am

    Should be automatic death when you hurt a child or a elder person.

  12. Cantonment Resident on December 16th, 2014 5:33 am

    Thank you Judge Simon.

  13. traumaqueen on December 16th, 2014 4:51 am

    Being a victim of this crime as a child,46 now, nothing short of death is a righteous sentence for a monster like this. The victims are scarred for life. They have been dealt a death sentence by these perpetrators. Many turn to a life of drugs and alcohol to forget the things these monsters did to them and their lives are forever changed. I’m one of the lucky ones, if you can call it lucky, I was adopted when I was ten by a loving family who put me in counseling right away. This happened to me 44 years ago and it still affects my life and relationships today in someway or another.