Little Voices Of Hope: International Children’s Choir Performs In Cantonment

December 10, 2014

The First Baptist Church of Cantonment recently hosted the International Children’s Choir. The choir, which is comprised of orphaned children from across the world, sings songs of faith while making a plea to help other children across the globe. Photo for, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Little Voices Of Hope: International Children’s Choir Performs In Cantonment”

  1. sue on December 10th, 2014 7:35 am

    This was such an inspiring and energetic choir!! The kids are precious, they sang with such joy , each one with a smile on their face. They were happy, cute kids on a mission. Look them up, support them, sponsor a child. We Americans are so very blessed and too comfortable in our pursuit of things. This program really brings a fresh perspective to helping others, being compassionate and generous in giving to those who have immediate and life changing needs. Please consider donating to them…the reward you reap will be eternal!