Jeb Bush To ‘Actively Explore’ Presidential Bid

December 16, 2014

After weeks of increasing speculation about his plans, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Tuesday he will “actively explore” a possible bid for president in 2016.

Bush made the announcement on Twitter and Facebook. He wrote on Facebook about spending time with his wife, Columba, children and grandchildren at Thanksgiving.

“We also talked about the future of our nation,” Bush wrote. “As a result of these conversations and thoughtful consideration of the kind of strong leadership I think America needs, I have decided to actively explore the possibility of running for President of the United States.”

Bush, who was elected governor in 1998 and served two terms, also wrote that he will establish what is known as a “Leadership PAC” in January “that will help me facilitate conversations with citizens across America to discuss the most critical challenges facing our exceptional nation. The PAC’s purpose will be to support leaders, ideas and policies that will expand opportunity and prosperity for all Americans.”

Bush, 61, made the announcement a day after giving a commencement address at the University of South Carolina — a state that plays a major role in Republican primaries. If he ultimately decides to run, Bush would seek to follow his father and brother into the White House.

But Bush also would face fierce opposition from Democrats and likely from some Republicans who disagree with him on issues such as immigration reform and education policy. The Florida Democratic Party website Tuesday, for example, featured a prominent picture of Bush and touted what it said was his “awful week” that included “damning articles” in national media outlets.

Bush’s Facebook post did not say when he will make a final decision about entering the race.

“In the coming months, I hope to visit with many of you and have a conversation about restoring the promise of America,” he wrote.


10 Responses to “Jeb Bush To ‘Actively Explore’ Presidential Bid”

  1. Bob's Brother on December 18th, 2014 3:51 pm

    We need a President that will keep plucking the strings of the racial divide banjo. We need a President who’ll make sure transvestites are in our military. We need a president that will use the IRS against those he opposes. We need a president that will keep on making this place a dumping ground for Muslim Syrian Refugees so that they’ll take jobs that citizens would have. That’s what we need.

  2. MB on December 17th, 2014 3:15 pm

    Just Listening,
    Keep drinking the look-aid.

  3. Just Listening on December 17th, 2014 7:29 am

    Hummm! No. 1 Bush got us caught up in the Desert Storm War But handled it with diplomacy and we came out with our heads held high and our fighting men were victorious—Thank you Guys. No. 2 Bush was thruster into 9-11 in 2001 that rocked our nation and he tried to reacted the best he knew how and I am sure he ask the advise of No. 1 Bush, But it was a must that he seek the person or persons that caused our grief from 9-11 But became more involved in the middle east wars that all presidents before him seemingly had brains enough to not involve us in as deeply as our No. 2 Bush did. Still our nation held its integrity in the world but at a great cost to our nation in dollars. (Mr. Obama has done nothing but cause damage to our nation world wide and on the home front done nothing but cram Obama care down our throats). Now We have No. 3 Bush that may want to be President. The Bush family has the demeanor and integrity of Persons that is deserving of the White House. I remember very little that Governor Bush did for the State of Florida other than just keeping the doors open for eight years. I’m thinking he may be wasting his time and money—But should he get the nomination of the Republican party we may just have the heads of three Bushes than the likes of another Clinton type or other weak minded Democrat. Just saying

  4. Robert on December 17th, 2014 5:32 am

    If Ted Cruz becomes president I think I going to run away and join the circus.

  5. Joe on December 17th, 2014 4:31 am

    I bets that miz Hillery gets beet out by Ben Gazee for the democratic nomination.

  6. CW on December 16th, 2014 10:01 pm


    In order for any candidate to win the presidency nowadays they’ve got to be able to win ALL of the swings states like North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, and yes… Florida. Ted Cruz would never win those states, and probably not Rand Paul either. I don’t think a far right candidate will ever be able to win the White House again.

    Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, or John Kasich may stand a chance.

  7. Oak Grove Bud on December 16th, 2014 6:39 pm

    Please, no more Bush’s, no more Clintons, and for sure, NO Kennedy’s!!!!!!

  8. Bob's Brother on December 16th, 2014 4:00 pm

    A Bush is the most likely candidate to lose to a Clinton. I’d like to see anyone other than a Bush or a Clinton in the WH. Ted Cruz or Rand Paul or even Romney before another Bush.

  9. 429SCJ on December 16th, 2014 3:09 pm

    Amen CW.

  10. CW on December 16th, 2014 2:49 pm

    I think he’d be wasting his time. The country may be tired of Obama, but I still don’t think we’re ready for another Bush.