How Effective Are Our Local Teachers? Find Out In New Report

December 4, 2014

An overwhelming number of teachers in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties are effective at their jobs, according to data released Wednesday by the Florida Department of Education.

The Florida DOE has posted preliminary results of the 2013-14 district personnel evaluations online. In January, once more complete data are provided by school districts, the Department will post an updated report.

In Escambia County, 93.2 percent of the county’s 2,933 public school teachers were rated as effective or highly effective, while 99.1 percent of Santa Rosa County’s 1,763 teacher received the top ratings.

From the report:


  • Highly effective: 22.8%
  • Effective: 70.4%
  • Needs improvement: 4.6%
  • Three years developing: 1.2%
  • Unsatisfactory: 0.9%
  • Percent not evaluated: 12.6%


  • Highly effective: 66.6%
  • Effective: 32.5%
  • Needs improvement: 0.5%
  • Three years developing: 0.0%
  • Unsatisfactory: 0.4%
  • Not evaluated: 7.1%

For a detailed list of evaluation results from every school in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, click here.


7 Responses to “How Effective Are Our Local Teachers? Find Out In New Report”

  1. Jack jimmson on December 7th, 2014 9:03 am

    There is no longer job security for Florida teachers. Every year they wait by the mail box for a letter in inviting them back for another year. Very few people will spend thousands to obtain a degree when there is no job security. As far as the rating system… We have teachers in both counties selected as “teachers of the year” in their schools and yet they were not rated “highly effective”. It does not take a rocket scientist to see the rating system is flawed. Thanks to all the teachers that work hRd day and night. We appreciate all you do!!

  2. Bob C. on December 5th, 2014 7:21 am

    I notice the “Charter Schools” are listed on the attachment here yet they are NOT Rated.
    Why is that?
    There are so blasted many studies, evaluations, exams, comparisons, rankings, that are constantly going on in our schools that the teachers have little time to focus their full abilities on the teaching of students.
    Kids study from day one of school for the state testing that will determine if they pass or not and if the teacher will be “Highly Effective” or how the school will be ranked.
    Where is the time for teaching real life skills to kids along with the academic skills they need to live productive and full lives.?
    Might well say, We don’t have time to teach / learn because we have to prepare for the next unrelated evaluation.
    Teachers, you do an Awesome job and you should be highly respected and honored instead of nit-picked by the legislature and other law makers.

  3. tbpcola on December 5th, 2014 6:12 am

    Just wanted to comment about the statistics that you posted in your article. The primary reason that Santa Rosa county has an extremely high rate of Highly Effective teachers (in comparison to Escambia) is that they use an entirely different teacher rating system than what Escambia county uses. The teacher evaluation system used by Escambia is somewhat strange. For example, teacher ratings are impacted by student performance in other classes and their home life. And we won’t even discuss the truly bizarre VAM rating formula.


  4. Husband of a teacher on December 4th, 2014 8:42 pm

    Well stated Sage 2…

    Great point HLTJ!…

  5. Sage 2 on December 4th, 2014 3:49 pm

    Remember in any evaluation of productivity, whether with humans or materials, the raw material should be refined as much as possible before entering the total process.
    Public education teachers must take the child where he/she is at the time and HOPEFULLY move them forward. Teachers just can’t do it by themselves…parent(s) must help. If you love your child and wish for them the best that you can afford…make an investment of yourself as part of the total process to allow your child to be successful and a great finished product! Graduation and a job!

    With that said, parent(s) devote time…meaningful time with your child before he/she enters the formal education process.

    If you can’t read, rely on a family member that can, set the example! There are classes all over the county geared to working with parents learning parenting skills. Don’t pass up the opportunity! Set the example and change the future for you and your child(ren). It’s just common sense.

  6. HLTJ on December 4th, 2014 8:14 am

    Great job to the teachers of Escambia County. 93.2% of you are effective. I am sure many of you have advanced degrees, as would be expected by your employer people , in the community, and especially, businesses who want to attract others with good paying jobs.

    One problem though, in 1984 the pay for having a Master’s Degree, an advanced degree, was $2,500. In 2014, some 31 YEARS later, the pay is still $2,500.

    That says much about the School Board .and Superintendent. Though they haven’t
    been in that roll for 31 years (8 or more for some) they have a responsibility to the community, businesses, and all those great EFFECTIVE teachers. Let’s hope they don’t have to wait another 31 years.

  7. JRES on December 4th, 2014 5:14 am