Home For The Holidays: A Christmas Surprise

December 17, 2014

Two Escambia County elementary school students received a special surprise Tuesday. They thought their uncle was still deployed overseas in Japan, but he had a Christmastime surprise for second grader Penelope Saxton and her brother, kindergarten student Riley Saxton.

They were together in a classroom at Scenic Heights Elementary School when their uncle, Airman Ean Van Gemerden, popped in from an adjacent room. After a brief pause, they off running into the arms of their “Uncle E”.

Penelope was in tears, but she assured everyone that they were happy tears because her hero was home for the holidays.

Van Gemerden has been deployed on the USS George Washington homeported in Yokosuka, Japan, for the past two years and is home for Christmas with his family.

The family members had been in touch via occasional phone calls and Facebook posts, but this was his first chance to see – and hug – his little loved ones in a long time.

Ean Van Gemerden also attended Scenic Heights Elementary School, so having the reunion at the school seemed like a fun idea to his sister, Ayla Van Gemerden. Principal Mary Ellen Wiggins and staff were happy to assist herĀ in the coordination of the surprise.

After the holidays, Airman Van Gemerden will be returning to Japan to crossdeck from the Washington to the USS Ronald Reagan. While Van Gemerden has enjoyed his time in the Navy so far, he said, “When when you travel far from home, you realize what you have been taking for granted and you really wish you were home.”

Pictured top: Ean Van Gemerden shares a welcome home hug with his niece and nephew, Penelope and Riley Saxton. Pictured inset: Penelope and Riley’s mother, Ayla Van Gemerden (holding their little brother),and Ean Van Gemerden’s mom, Sara Exner, look on. Pictured below: Van Germerden visits helps with a gingerbread project. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Home For The Holidays: A Christmas Surprise”

  1. mariah on December 18th, 2014 11:02 am

    How sweet. I went to high school with Ean, so happy he was able to come home an spend Christmas with his family<3

  2. Gina Saxon on December 17th, 2014 12:51 pm

    I just want to say I am so happy for Penelope and Riley. They have missed him so much . My fiance brother is in the Army and will be home in January . So we know what it’s like. I love you Penelope and Riley .

  3. E on December 17th, 2014 10:47 am

    Welcome home Shipmate.