Forest Service: Fire Danger Level Up

December 9, 2014

Residents in the Blackwater District of the Florida Forest Service, including Escambia and Santa Rosa counties,  might see smoke from prescribed burning operations as conditions are favorable. While conditions are right for trained burners to accomplish their goals, the weather also could lead to a higher risk of wildfires and people are urged to use caution if they decide to burn yard debris.

“There comes a point where the weather conditions for great burning overlap with a situation that presents increased fire danger, “said David Smith, operations administrator for Blackwater and certified prescribed burner with more than 25 years of experience with fire. “If you know what you’re doing and are prudent and careful, fire can be an incredibly useful tool. If you’re careless, it can be devastating.”

Predicted conditions could push Fire Danger Levels from moderate to high for a brief period as winds will top 10 miles per hour and humidity levels will fall into the 30 percent range. Earlier freezes killed grasses and small shrubs which will dry out rapidly as humidity drops throughout the day. The combination of steady wind and dry fuels is a watch out situation and people are reminded to obey their local and state burn laws and never leave a fire unattended. To find out more about Florida’s burn laws and regulations, visit the Florida Forest Service’s Web page here.


2 Responses to “Forest Service: Fire Danger Level Up”

  1. Puddin on December 9th, 2014 9:34 am

    There has been, what I am assuming to be, a prescribed burn west of Walnut Hill since yesterday. Smoke is so thick in places you cant see the road. My coworkers told me yesterday that I smelled like BBQ!

  2. paul on December 9th, 2014 9:18 am

    I guess we can expect some “Controlled burns” now.. :)