Escambia Schools Alert Parents About The Flu

December 15, 2014

Escambia County schools are aleart parents about the flu and encouraging them to keep infected children home to prevent sickening other students.

Flu letters were to be sent home from every school last week, following an announcement from the Florida Department of Health that the 2014-2015 flu season is off to an early start, especially among children.

The letter encourages vaccination against the flu for those that have not already done so this season, and it encourage parents to keep sick children at thome.

“It is especially important that people who do become infected with the influenza virus stay home when they are sick and parents keep sick children at home to prevent spreading the flu,” the form letter from Escambia principals states. “As a reminder our school district exclusion policy requires students to stay home from school until they are fever free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication.”

For a copy of the letter and “flu guide” sent home with Escambia County students, click here.


5 Responses to “Escambia Schools Alert Parents About The Flu”

  1. Richard on December 15th, 2014 11:13 pm

    We tend to reward students who never miss a school day. This will work against the policy of staying home with the flu for anyone who currently has a perfect record. You can have health or you can have a perfect attendance reward … you probably can’t have both. We do shoot ourselves in the feet.

  2. school attendances on December 15th, 2014 9:45 pm

    There is more than the flu going around. I am not a parent who runs to the doctor every time my child gets the runny nose or has a fever but you aren’t suppose to send your child to school if they are running a fever. It makes it hard to keep sick children at home when you start getting letters in the mail about too many missed days. Send sick kids to school or keep them at home and risk getting into trouble for too many missed days. With everything from the flu, stomach virus and nasty colds it’s hard to not miss too many days.

  3. Susan on December 15th, 2014 4:08 pm

    My first inclination is to stay home and keep sick kids home but this is not easy for hourly workers. No work, no pay. I have know several people this year that had the flu shot early on and still got a nasty case of it.

  4. TJ on December 15th, 2014 8:37 am

    I agree with you, Jane. When a sick or infected person stays home, they also keep from spreading it to their “customers” in their food service or cashier jobs. I’ve many times had a cashier cough into her/his hand and then use that hand to give me my change! Yuck! I don’t want to get your cold/flu etc. and take it home to my family! Sorry you’re sick, but stay home and get well.

  5. Jane on December 15th, 2014 6:37 am

    There are plenty of flu cases here in Escambia County. It would be nice if the people who have it would stay home from work to avoid making their co-workers sick too.