Escambia Man Gets 43 Years For Robbery, Burglary

December 9, 2014

An Escambia County man will serve a 43 year sentence day for day for burglary and robbery.

Brian Toole was sentenced by Judge Linda Nobles to 20 years mandatory minimum on burglary of a dwelling while armed with a firearm and with a discharge, to 10 years minimum mandatory on burglary of a dwelling while armed with a firearm, to 10 years minimum mandatory on robbery with a firearm, and three years on possession of a firearm by convicted felon. Each sentence is to run consecutive to one another for total sentence of 43 years without parole and with no gain time.

Prosecutors said on April 17, 2014, Toole entered an apartment while armed to rob the home but when he encountered a resident at the home, he left.  Toole then went to a different apartment, fired a shot through the window, and gained entry to the home through the broken window and stole a television. Toole then met his three co-defendants who were waiting for him in a cab. He directed the cab driver to take them to an unoccupied trailer and then robbed the cab driver at gun point. The cab driver’s money, GPS, in car camera and cell phone were all stolen. The four suspects were later apprehended at an  apartment building and at that time all of the stolen items were recovered. The gun was  also found by the police.

The charges against the three co-defendants are still pending.


20 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 43 Years For Robbery, Burglary”

  1. Duke of Wawbeek on December 11th, 2014 10:39 am

    Sam tried to make him go to rehab, but Judge Nobels said NO! NO! NO!.

  2. 429SCJ on December 11th, 2014 7:20 am

    @Ethan Sams, yes!, “justice will come before his time”.

    When the economy collapses we will be shed of all these bothersome external controls and forces, then we can truly administer the therapy that these violent repeat felons need to correct their behavior.

    I believe in this very strongly, so much in fact that I would be glad to don rubber apron and boots to help administer this much needed and overdue “therapy”.

  3. William2 on December 10th, 2014 9:14 pm

    Unfortunately we do not have enough cages for all the thugs running loose in this county. Something has to change if things around here are ever going to get better.

  4. Marcos Watch on December 10th, 2014 4:58 pm

    Mario Shoemore;

    No one is asking for perfection. But when you commit violent first degree felonies and are caught, you get the handcuffs, you get jail, you get court, you get sentenced and you GO AWAY!

    That is reality. Don’t like it, TO BAD.

    I judge people all the time. I just people on the content of their character. Robbery with a firearm tells me you are not a good person and should be put away for a LONG time.

    Yes, JUDGED and proud of it.

  5. Marcos Watch on December 10th, 2014 4:51 pm

    Ethan Sams;

    Thank you for a good laugh today.

  6. haley on December 10th, 2014 4:11 pm

    Mario if you think it is right for someone to come in to your home with a gun and take what is not rightfully theirs cause they are frightening ppl with guns.These lame excuses about how these criminals were raised or “take a walk in their shoes” is getting to be a tired excuse for violence in our society today. A lot of ppl are brought up in poor homes-but dont go out and rob and steal from innocent ppl. And honest person who earns a living and works everyday to provide for themselves rather than going out and stealing, won’t have handcuffs slapped on their wrists. This dude is dangerous and will serve time for the harm he has caused innocent ppl. Like John Brown above said, “lets put responsibility where it belongs…….This guy is a thug and has gotten what he deserves…………..

  7. DavidHuieGreen on December 10th, 2014 2:53 pm

    “Grow up people we are all human.”

    This is true.

    Yet somehow most of us have never committed any of these crimes.
    Random chance or conscious moral decision?

    Either way, are our loved ones safe if he is free?
    Are we free if he is free to stalk any of us?
    Is there anything else which would change him from a predator?

    David for self-judgement

  8. Mario Shoemore on December 10th, 2014 10:26 am

    Well first of all to all of the people with negative comments or your dumb opinions well maybe you have never been through the same things as other people but don’t be to quick to judge someone you never know what another part arson is going through or been through and no I’m not saying it was right still in all we are all not perfect. And you say what people deserve….yeah until you get the cuffs put on you. Grow up people we are all human.

  9. DavidHuieGreen on December 10th, 2014 7:28 am

    “I was sentenced to 8 years 8 1/2 months in STATE PRISON for placing signs in my yard blowing the whistle on sexual misconduct of one of our COUNTIES finest and was charged with AGGRAVATED STALKING WITH A SIGN IN MY YARD with the text of my charges saying; THINGS I SAID AND SIGNS I HAD IN MY YARD from OCT.1′ 95 to the date of my arrest.”
    And yet we suspect there was more to the story than an offensive sign.

    David for more trusting people

  10. XD9RACER on December 9th, 2014 2:42 pm

    TO : HALEY. I didn’t mean this sorry piece of scum needed rehabilitation nor was a candidate for it. He deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life without any of the services the STATE offers for repayment for his bad choices. I was sentenced to 8 years 8 1/2 months in STATE PRISON for placing signs in my yard blowing the whistle on sexual misconduct of one of our COUNTIES finest and was charged with AGGRAVATED STALKING WITH A SIGN IN MY YARD with the text of my charges saying; THINGS I SAID AND SIGNS I HAD IN MY YARD from OCT.1′ 95 to the date of my arrest. I was in prison long enough to see there is no REHAB in prison but rather a schooling amongst inmates talking about how their crimes went wrong causing them to get caught and talking about what they were going to do better to keep from being caught next time. People like this one deserve the worse punishment the STATE can dish out and never get out. JUST US FOR ALL.

  11. Ponch on December 9th, 2014 8:04 am


    There are actually several facilities throughout the state that already do just what you are suggesting, with the growing of food on farms and distributing their products to surrounding facilities in an effort to reduce food prices. Sadly, there are not enough of them and criminals like this young man are not likely to ever have a low enough custody level that would introduce him to that work.

  12. haley on December 9th, 2014 7:21 am

    REHAB? Seriously? This guy is extremely dangerous. I belive in giving ppl chances but this guy could and probably would eventually kill someone. What kind of rehab do you recommend? No one took his life, he made those choices to rob and steal from ppl. If you work and earn money to purchase things such as TV’s, etc. and someone just walks into your home and decide they want that TV-where is the logic? Rehab?????that is probably the single most absurd idea I have heard yet for someone who decides they want to rob another person of their property.

  13. XD9RACER on December 9th, 2014 7:21 am

    FOR A PERSON THIS YOUNG HAVING DONE ALL THIS AND MORE BEFORE THIS SPREE HAS NO PLANS TO STOP and with him using a gun would only get more bold and eventually shoot someone needs to be locked up for many years to come. It is better to have him locked up although the burden to house these is put on the taxpayers it is better in the long run for him not to be creating more victims. I’ve said it before and will say it again–There needs to be farms established in the counties best suited to produce meat, vegetables and fruit to be distributed among the other prisons and STATE run facilities to help offset the high cost of food from outside sources and have the nonviolent inmates work them introducing them to a different part of the world called “WORK” to teach them a way of life they could do when and if they ever get released. Being locked up is no fun and since there is no rehabilitation in the prison system this could be a cost effective way to teach them a better way to achieve than criminal acts depriving others of what they’ve worked for although the best for these kind is for the victims to possess a firearm and use it issuing swifter justice to end it all which is the most cost effective for the system and the taxpayers. JUST US FOR ALL

  14. A on December 9th, 2014 7:06 am

    Rehab isn’t good enough. Do you or your children want to wake up to a gun in their face in the middle of the night? This is serious behavior that Should be taken seriously. This is the kind of bad that police and punishment were created for.

  15. Workin Man on December 9th, 2014 6:31 am

    @ Ethan…… Play stupid games, win stupid prizes… In this case the prize is 43 years of “Rehab”….

  16. Ezekiel on December 9th, 2014 6:29 am

    You may believe it is ridiculous but I feel it is a just sentence. He could have easily killed someone by firing a gun through the window of a dwelling to steal a TV. He has numerous arrests and did not learn from them. He deserves to be locked up in a cell. He’s now ruined his life and it was his choice to do so. No one “took” his life away from him except himself.

  17. Just saying on December 9th, 2014 6:07 am

    Ethan SAMs, your comment sounds like a threat of retaliation of some sort, why don’t you make that threat with a gun in your face without a weapon, you don’t sound too smart buddy, you ok, maybe you need to spend a lil time with your friend, he’s lucky no one had a gun waiting on him, but you know even when people shoot in self defense, they still have to live with killing another human even though their lives were @ stake, people just act like its ok, but I bet after everything is over, in the late/early hours, the innocent still go through emotions just because unlike these murderous thugs. Just be glad he didn’t kill someone, oh & by the way, where he’s going, he’s gonna get a lot of rehab & learn to respect, officers if nobody else, it’s too bad his parents/guardians didn’t teach/apply that in him before it was to late if they ever did, I’m gonna say excuses were made & a lot of them, this is why I’m glad I still discipline my kids @ least I’ve tried

  18. John brown on December 9th, 2014 6:06 am

    If a man grabs a rattle snake and it bites him, is it the snakes falt? Or maybe it’s the land owners falt? Or could it be God’s falt for making the thing in the first place.
    No. Let’s put responsibility where it belongs. Anyone who makes any excuses for these thugs can be found in the same mentality. ” I do what I want and have to pay for nothing”.

  19. traumaqueen on December 9th, 2014 1:40 am

    Sounds fair enough

  20. Ethan Sams on December 9th, 2014 1:19 am

    This is rediculous, he needs some rehab, not whatever y’all took his life for. Justice will come before his time.