Escambia Forester Wins Multiple Tree Farm Inspector Of The Year Awards

December 6, 2014

The Florida Forest Service announced Friday that Escambia Forester Cathy Hardin has been selected as the Florida Tree Farm Inspector of the Year and as the Southern Region Tree Farm Inspector of the Year for her efforts to educate and worth with  forest landowners in Florida.

“We’re very proud of the work Cathy has done in Gadsden County and we’re sure it will continue in her role in Escambia County as well,” said FFS Director Jim Karels. “The recognition both statewide and at the regional  level is well deserved and a great standard to set for our County Forester program.”

Hardin, who previously served as the county forester in Gadsden County, completed 12 tree farm inspections and certified three new properties as Tree Farms under the American Tree Farm System standards in 2014. One of  the tree farms she assisted while in Gadsden County – the Woodward Family Farm in Quincy – also was chosen as the Florida Tree Farmer of the Year.

Hardin will receive her Southern Region award in February at the national Tree Farm Leadership Conference in St. Louis.

“I like to be thorough and make sure the land owners I work with get the most out of the property that they’ve worked so hard on,” Hardin said. “I love the interaction between the landowners and myself. It’s what makes the job interesting and fun. Every one of them has different goals for their property and I like to help them get there.”

Since coming to Escambia county in June of this year, Hardin has not slowed down. She has certified one new property for the American Tree Farm program and helped recertify a second. For more information on the American Tree Farm program or other assistance with forest management in Escambia County, contact Cathy Hardin at (850) 587-5123 or email

Pictured:  Escambia County Forester Cathy Hardin is presented with the Tree Farm Inspector of the Year award from Florida Forest Service  Director Jim Karels. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Escambia Forester Wins Multiple Tree Farm Inspector Of The Year Awards”

  1. John Hardin on December 10th, 2014 6:06 pm

    Congratulations, Cathy.

  2. MARK A. SINGLETON on December 7th, 2014 7:50 pm

    I met Cathy a couple months back on my dad’s tree farm. I enjoyed talking to her and “spunging” up all I could of her vast knowledge of growth and care of long leaf pine trees, although sometime nodding my head as I understood what all she was explaining to me! I have known Jeff ^ for over 35 years, I could tell he had faith in her! Sorry Gradsden county, shs’s ours now! Hee hee!

  3. Jeff on December 6th, 2014 2:48 pm


    Great job Cathy!