Computer Glitch Stops Thousands Of Escambia Semester Exams

December 18, 2014

A server problem prevented about 15,000 Escambia County School District students from taking or completing computer-based semester exams Wednesday, but the district has a make up plan in place.

The exams affected by the technical problems were all algebra, geometry, biology and U.S. history courses at the high school and middle school levels.. The problem, Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said, was an overloaded server operated by the Pearson company that crashed and  was outside of the Escambia County School District’s network.

The impacted students will take the exams again on January 6 or 7.  For their semester exam grade, students will receive the actual grade they earn in January, or average of the first and second nine weeks, whichever is higher.

“What we are trying to do is be fair and not create apprehension,” Thomas said.


16 Responses to “Computer Glitch Stops Thousands Of Escambia Semester Exams”

  1. Mom of 3 on December 19th, 2014 11:13 pm

    Will students that took the Algebra exam on Wednesday have to retake the test or was that days testing saved and only Thursday affected.

  2. PearsonFan on December 19th, 2014 8:13 am

    Oh by the way, the rest of the state uses Pearson also……….

  3. PearsonFan on December 19th, 2014 8:12 am

    I wonder why the rest of the state’s secondary testing went beautifully Tuesday, hmmmmm ………….

  4. Bob C. on December 18th, 2014 5:18 pm

    Pearson has had numerous server problems and seems to overload and then go to its knees without any red flashing warning lights.
    Having thousands of kids hitting the computer Enter key at the same time is like trying to shove a mullet thru a drinking straw….just won’t all fit at the same time.
    Many things to consider in electronic testing and scoring and transmitting data that leave myself and some others befuddled.
    School district techs and teachers and everyone does the level best they can with the kids who walk thru the doors every day bringing much more baggage than bulging backpacks.
    This instance was, as the article states, out of the hands of the Escambia County School District.
    Ms. MerryLou Newton, Lordy Mercy, Bless your Heart Honey….

  5. Sage 2 on December 18th, 2014 4:24 pm

    Well, Mary Lou, you’ve read what was written.
    If you are the representation of California education and write as you have…no wonder the state is in the state it’s in.

    If you don’t have a dog in the fight…stay home!

    Murphy’s Law will come at the best possible time for folks to pass judgement of some
    actions they never have a clue…it’s a mechanical item that can break…and does.
    Get over it and study up for your GED.

  6. No Excuses on December 18th, 2014 3:40 pm

    Well said, “Just Saying”! I would not point out the splinter in the school district’s eye without removing the tree from my own. What a poorly written post, Ms. Newton!

  7. Anthony Summers on December 18th, 2014 3:11 pm

    Ms. Newton,
    I understand your frustration. I assure you, the school district you graduated from in California is NOW run the exact same way as our school district. 99% of the problems in ALL school districts in the United States can be traced back to Washington DC. If you don’t beleive me take a deep look into today’s education process, but if you don’t have time I understand. No time to look into the subject complained about means STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT!

  8. William on December 18th, 2014 12:24 pm

    MerryLou Newton — I think you are trying to say in that giant run-on sentence that this was somehow the Escambia County School District’s fault.

    Re-read the story. It was the fault of Pearson, one of the nation’s largest educational testing and and publishing companies.

  9. The DOER on December 18th, 2014 11:37 am

    Dear MerryLou Newton:
    While you’re fussing about how laughable Escambia County and its education system is compared to what you grew up with in California, take a breath and exercise your intelligence by using periods and capital letters. Also refresh when to use plural verbs with plural nouns. Your real school in California did teach you this — right?

  10. Just saying on December 18th, 2014 10:04 am

    @MerryLou Newton,

    Perhaps that “real” school district you attended should have done a better job of teaching YOU. Your post was very hard to understand and poorly written. If that was any indication of that school system’s success, I’ll stick with the one we have, thank you.

  11. MerryLou Newton on December 18th, 2014 9:28 am

    just don’t get me started on this can be a school district I went to a real school district out in California they would laugh at us here in Escambia County they would literally look at us and laugh because the school district is it run by a group of professional adults is run by a group of bullies that grew up to run the schools the click of people there’s only a very few handful of teachers out there that really actually care and they know who they are the rest of them don’t care about our kids in school or they would have been still teaching him how to hand write their name yeah Escambia school district you’re a real winner that was sarcastic by the way

  12. steve on December 18th, 2014 8:09 am

    When the school system has a problem ( computer glitch, report cards late, ) its okay.
    When a student does not do well on a test they fail. Why do the adults in charge get a pass every time they have Glitch? Come on school board listen to the teachers and enough with all these State test. Who makes these up anyway? Parents listen to teachers complain about how unfair these test are but nothing ever changes.

  13. Jesse Jalomo on December 18th, 2014 7:32 am

    I know my daughter would rather have the average of her 2 first 9 weeks grade instead of a county issued test that even the teachers don’t know what will be on the test. Not really fair to the kids taking the test today or tomorrow if their computer test do not mess is. My girl could bomb her Biology test today and it affect her overall grade. But a student who took their biology test yesterday gets to make it up or get the average of 2 9 weeks as their semester exam. Which means those student could really bomb the test in January and not really worry due to getting the higher of the two. Not really fair.

  14. BPD on December 18th, 2014 7:00 am

    Paper don’t crash.

  15. ProudArmyParent on December 18th, 2014 6:44 am

    Here is a back-up plan, PAPER AND PEN!

  16. Jane on December 18th, 2014 5:26 am

    Not fair to the students who studied hard for the tests.. But it is a good example of how undependable technology is sometimes. As my Dad used to say….never put all your eggs in one basket. Maybe everyone will learn something from this, except the ones who don’t have to re-take tests.