Cantonment Disturbance Ends With Gunfire

December 17, 2014

There were no serious injuries in a disturbance that ended with gunfire Tuesday night in Cantonment.

Just before 6:30 p.m., Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a shots fired disturbance in the 900 block of Muscogee Road. Upon arrival, deputies determined several individuals had been fighting in front of the residence and a handgun was discharged in the air in an attempt to stop the fighting, according to a spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.

One person was later transported to the hospital with very minor injuries sustained in the fight.

Further details have not been released.


10 Responses to “Cantonment Disturbance Ends With Gunfire”

  1. Marshall on December 17th, 2014 9:11 pm

    Everyone can make judgments on this issue, but the big fact is that NONE of us were there. The person with the firearm had to make their best judgment on how to stop the fight. Shooting in the air, and yep, the projectile must come down somewhere. Shooting in the ground, and it could ricochet. Then some of you say…to just shoot them! Not real good idea if you are not under direct threat of grave bodily harm. When you are in the heat of the moment, many do not make the best choices. At least this time the warning shot seems to have stopped the issue and nobody had to be shot. It is easy, in hindsight, to say what was wrong or right. Hindsight is always 20/20!

  2. Bob's Brother on December 17th, 2014 6:43 pm

    I’m sorry to disagree, but Jason…. no one died. Maybe the person who shot in the air could be charged with illegal discharge, but shooting a person better have a dang good reason behind it. Yes, it would have been more wise to have fired the gun into the ground or to have turned a hose on the idiots, shooting someone isn’t an option unless they’re threatening you, sir.

  3. Jeff on December 17th, 2014 6:20 pm

    How about not shooting a gun in the first place?

    That is an option, you know?

  4. mick on December 17th, 2014 5:28 pm

    Warning shots to the combatants torso’s would quell the fight…

  5. Granny on December 17th, 2014 3:51 pm

    Most well trained hunters know to fire a warning shot into the soil near your own feet. This warns others of an armed hunter nearby. This is PREFERED over shooting into the air which has killed innocent bystanders sometimes miles away! How about douse ‘em good with cold water?

  6. Jason on December 17th, 2014 3:36 pm

    Educated folks rarely feel the need to stand in the front yard and throw punches – only a moron would settle a disagreement in that manner. Want to fight? get in the ring and duke it out.

    Warning shots should never ever ever be fired into the air. I would rather the shooter in this situation to have shot one those in the fight than to fire their weapon in the air and have that projectile come down and strike an innocent person who had nothing to do with the original fight. You do realize that projectile did come back to the ground?

  7. wendell on December 17th, 2014 3:32 pm

    @Marshall- You can shoot the ground bro.

  8. Marshall on December 17th, 2014 1:45 pm

    Jason – So you were prefer to be Shot than warned by a warning shot that someone had a firearm and was ready to defend themselves?

    While I agree that firing in the air may not be the best choice, I would imagine those involved in the fight were much happier that way than with a bullet striking their bodies! Shooting someone is not always required to end the situation.

  9. Jason on December 17th, 2014 1:13 pm

    For the life of me I dont understand why someone would discharge a firearm up into the air. That projectile has to come down somewhere and it puts another innocent person in harms way.

    If you have a reason to discharge a warning shot, then you have a reason to use deadly force. Otherwise, no shots should be fired.

  10. Michael on December 17th, 2014 12:24 pm

    Me and my wife past by all this last night In way home games I d thing we didn’t come that way earlier good thing no one was hurt really bad