Byrneville Tree Farm Recognized

December 21, 2014

Paina Farms in the Byrneville area was recently recognized for high quality land management. Farm owner Don Bush received both a Forest Stewardship certification and a Tree Farm certification.

The original farm acreage has been in the family for more than 50 years and this was not the first time management on this property was recognized. Bush’s parents received a conservation award in 1980.

After hurricanes Ivan and Dennis, much of the timber on the property had to be salvaged and replanted. In his efforts to restore the property to a healthy and productive forest, Bush has participated in several assistance programs through the Florida Forest Service and the USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service. He also has kept a schedule of prescribed burning in areas of longleaf pine and treats invasive species such as cogongrass. During hunting season, he has guided hunts on the property.

Certified landowners are honored with a sign displaying their status. Both programs have newsletters, tours and workshops for their landowners. The Stewardship program assists landowners in acquiring a management plan with a timeline for practices that can be followed to attain certification. The Tree Farm program is now also third party certified, allowing wood from these properties to be sold as “green” wood. Both programs are designed to promote sustainable land management, incorporating all components of the forest.

For more information on certification under either program, contact Escambia County Forester Cathy Hardin at (850) 587-5123 or email


One Response to “Byrneville Tree Farm Recognized”

  1. Jane on December 22nd, 2014 4:19 am

    So happy to see this and know that someone cares about the land and how it is managed! I see so many “developements” on property that is sold and wish we could save some of it for the animals and future generations. So pleased and proud of this family for how they care for the land!