Attemped Kidnapping At Elementary School Under Investigation

December 19, 2014

An attempted kidnapping is under investigation at an Escambia County elementary school.

About 4 p.m. Thursday, deputies responded to Warrington Elementary school where a juvenile male victim said he was playing in the rear of the school when he was approached by a man who was smoking and armed with a knife.

The victim said the man grabbed him and carried him to a fence that runs behind the school. The victim told deputies that the suspect then let him go and fled the area.

The suspect was described as a light-skinned male with long straight hair down to his elbows and blue eyes. He had no visible scars or facial hair. At the time of the attempted kidnapping, the suspect was wearing a blue short-sleeve shirt, black jeans, white tennis shoes and a purple cowboy hat.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, there have been no further reports involving the man, but citizens should be alert.

Anyone with information on the identity of the suspect is asked to call Crimestoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


10 Responses to “Attemped Kidnapping At Elementary School Under Investigation”

  1. Sam on December 19th, 2014 6:02 pm

    While maybe the story does sound far fetched to some, we still shouldn’t rule out the kids story completely. What if he was telling the truth? Long hair doesn’t seem that odd and honestly the purple hat doesn’t either. I’ve seen some pretty strange characters. Also, just because he let him go doesn’t make it fishy..some people have been known to kidnap their victims and keep them for years and then return them. If this man was an amateur or working for someone else, he may have gotten scared and changed his mind. While so many things sound odd, it doesn’t make them impossible. I’m just saying let them investigate before you start calling the kid a liar…becaus maybe he’s lying but what if he’s not?
    Remember that John Wayne Gasey dressed as a clown. That seems really odd but anything to get a kids attention is their plan.

  2. huh? on December 19th, 2014 5:09 pm

    As much as I hate to say this, I don’t think it happened. The description is too far out there.

    However, for a child to play on school grounds after school hours isn’t unusual, especially if there’s a basketball court or playground.

  3. Debbie on December 19th, 2014 3:34 pm

    What color is the suspects hair? This is a relatively good description, but surely hair color is important. And skin color? What is it, other than light skinned? Everyone really needs to know as much as possible to be on the alert. Apparently I’m not the only concerned citizen needing clarification here….

  4. sandie on December 19th, 2014 1:27 pm

    seems in he would be very easy to spot, an people would remember someone dress so, with hair down to his elbows… very odd

  5. Tori on December 19th, 2014 11:57 am

    I know the authorities have to take this type of report seriously but this one sounds a little far fetched to me.

  6. William on December 19th, 2014 11:56 am

    >>What is scars of facial hair?

    Scars *OR* facial hair

    It was a typo that was corrected moments after the story was posted. :)

  7. Don on December 19th, 2014 11:56 am

    sounds made up…maybe the kid wanted attention? hope it’s made up…

  8. dbpensacola on December 19th, 2014 11:51 am

    Several things here are odd…One..why was this young man on school grounds after school was over… Two…he took him to the fence at the back then let him go. Three…light-skinned male with long straight hair down to his elbows.. That is very long hair.. Four..He had no visible scars of facial hair. What is scars of facial hair…?? Five .As fast as this seemed to have happen it seems this young man gave GREAT details of what this guy looked like and was wearing…Most could not give this many details..Six… a purple cowboy hat? Strange reading to me…Then another thought.. As the man came up he was smoking a cig and carrying a knife.. Which had had the knife and was the cig just hanging from his mouth or did he have it in the knife hand or the other hand…Which hand did he use to grab the kid… I think I would interview this kid again….

  9. paul on December 19th, 2014 11:46 am

    The purple cowboy hat should be an easy one to find..
    Isn’t this the school right next to the new ECSO substation?

  10. BT on December 19th, 2014 11:17 am

    A purple cowboy hat???