Additional Details Released About $25,000 Century Business Challenge

December 11, 2014

A few additional details were released Wednesday on the upcoming $25,000 Century Business Challenge from Quint and Rishy Studer in which a winning business plan developer will be provided the cash and guidance needed to open their doors.

According to information from Debbie Nickles, Century town planner:

The Century Business Challenge will be open to any applicant wishing to start a new business in the Town of Century.  Business relocations and expansions will be considered, but only for compelling need-based reasons.

The winner of the Century Business Challenge will receive a package of incentives to assist with the planning, location, and operational hurdles that often keep entrepreneurial plans from ever being realized.

The package will include:

  • A three year lease of approximately 800 square feet of commercial space at substantially discounted rates;
  • Up to $25,000 in build-out and startup capital funds to be used for equipment, building upgrades, or furniture; and
  • Ongoing business mentorship by some of the best, brightest and most successful business leaders in our area.

Applicants will first need to submit an application, followed by a business plan that is based on the Challenge timeline and resources.  Following the submission of the business plans, a Challenge panel of business experts will judge each business plan, and the top-scoring business plans will proceed to Round Two, which is a more intensive, elevator-pitch style interview with  the Challenge panel.  The Challenge panel will determine the winning business plan, and the  winning company will immediately begin the process of working to start, relocate, or expand a business in Century.

Further details and applications have not yet been released. For an earlier story, click here.

Pictured top: Mollye Barrows announces the upcoming Century Business Challenge Monday night at a Century town council meeting as Brice Harris of the Haas Center for Business Research & Economic Development at the University of West Florida listens. photo, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Additional Details Released About $25,000 Century Business Challenge”

  1. 429SCJ on December 13th, 2014 9:01 am

    I guess this beats magic beans hands down any day.

    Until heavy or high tech production arrives, Century is going to have to discover something that consumers need or want and are willing to pay in order to obtain?