Woman Charged In High Speed Wreck That Killed Her Sister, Baby

November 12, 2014

[Updated] An Escambia County woman has been charged in connection with a high speed accident last April that claimed the life of her pregnant sister and unborn child.

Lindsey Eberhart, 18, was arrested for vehicular manslaughter.  Her sister, Schintai Eberhart, 18, of Pensacola was ejected from the front passenger seat of a 2006 Lexus during a wreck on Brent Lane on April 12. She died at a local hospital after undergoing an emergency C-section, and her baby died soon after birth.

According to Officer Jason Browning, Eberhart was driving a vehicle westbound on Brent Lane from Ninth Avenue at a high rate of speed when she lost control and the vehicle hit a curb near Evergreen Road. The vehicle then struck a power pole and flipped a couple of times before stopping on its left  Browning determined Eberhart was driving approximately 78 mph in a posted 35 mph speed zone.

Lindsey Eberhart was taken to a local hospital for treatment of minor injuries.


17 Responses to “Woman Charged In High Speed Wreck That Killed Her Sister, Baby”

  1. Betty on November 16th, 2014 7:21 am

    When you are driving almost 80 mph in a posted 35…that is no accident..That is total disregard for the law, and I think they were right to charge her. This could have all been avoided if she would have followed the law and the speed limit…No pity for her from me.

  2. slmay on November 14th, 2014 11:55 am

    She’s one of my daughter’s friends. And I know she loved her baby sister very much. The picture above doesn’t reflect the light she emits.

    I keep thinking of her mother…

  3. Joshua on November 14th, 2014 3:52 am

    782.071 Vehicular homicide.—“Vehicular homicide” is the killing of a human being, or the killing of an unborn child by any injury to the mother, caused by the operation of a motor vehicle by another in a reckless manner likely to cause the death of, or great bodily harm to, another.

    The above Florida State Statute is what the driver was charged under. 78 in a 35 is operating a vehicle in a reckless manner.

  4. David Huie Green on November 13th, 2014 1:51 pm

    Other David, “Crown Of Thorns”? Always ready to take offense and attack others? I feel pity for the kid who wrecked. You feel anger at any who express the idea drivers affect the outcome of their driving. And I still look to self-driving cars to reduce suffering. David for the Golden Rule

  5. alex on November 13th, 2014 9:25 am

    Really,would the girl still be alive if she had her seat belt on?if so,seems she caused her on death,why the seat belts are there.

  6. David on November 13th, 2014 7:04 am

    David Huie Green – ” you say you wish you could save them from themselves” sir
    Sir please remove that crown of thorns’ you have placed on your head sir.
    Again sir – shame on you

  7. traumaqueen on November 13th, 2014 5:36 am

    Am I missing something? What made this a criminal offense opposed to just an accident? I’ll be waiting,as Paul Harvey used to say,for the rest of the story”

  8. paul on November 13th, 2014 3:47 am

    Unfortunate accidents are happening way too often and until something is done about it they will keep on happening.. Just look at what’s going on when you’re on the road next time.. A LARGE number of people think they’re better drivers than everybody else because they can Multi-Task while behind the wheel.. I’m sick and tired of it.. I’ve had friends Killed because of people on cellphones.. It was an accident just doesn’t cut it when others die from ones negligence..

  9. Trisha on November 12th, 2014 8:07 pm

    Ok, I admit I have been extremely busy lately and have not seen a lot of news. Have I missed some information about this story? When did it change to people being charged with manslaughter because of an unfortunate accident? Was there drinking involved? Drugs? The family is in terrible pain, but an accident is an accident. When you say someone should be charged for not being a better driver you need to honestly look at yourself. There are no perfect drivers out there so get your unjustified ego’s in check. Like I said I have not been diligent with watching or reading the news. Instant judgement from a news piece is uncalled for.

  10. Willy Earl on November 12th, 2014 6:44 pm

    Where in this article does it say the driver was distracted? Where does it say anything about why she lost control? I’m not understanding why people are saying she wasn’t paying attention unless there was an article posted earlier saying just that. Please folks I’m sure everyone involved is already going through a tough time. Don’t make it harder than what it already is. Prayers for the family.

    Willy for facts and clarity

  11. curious on November 12th, 2014 6:30 pm

    David, first of all thoughts & prayers to the families, as I always do, when I hear of an accident or loss, this was sad, we”ve all made mistakes, but looking back we could have avoided most of them but that car did not wreck itself, so the young lady obviously did that, as far as I know, there is not a place on Brent Ln, for her to pick up enough speed & do all that by herself & be thinking clearly, so I guess it’s not her fault but the pole company for having weak poles or whoever built that rd. & posting an unsafe speed limit, knowing one could flip, (being sarcastic)when one reads/hears a story & some details, well then people assume, is it wrong, yes, but are you saying you don’t ever assume, well I’m sure you have, I did when I read the story, since we apparently can’t read between the lines, please tell William the story, so that he can write the truth & so we don’t assume the girl was @ fault

  12. Freda Whaley on November 12th, 2014 5:42 pm

    Isn’t the loss of her sister and unborn child punishment enough? They haven’t said a word as to why the accident happened. No mention of texting, on the phone talking, or drugs or anything else. Accidents happen. Horrible true, but until she has her day in court let’s not be so fast to condemn her until we have all the facts.

  13. David Huie Green on November 12th, 2014 5:06 pm

    “Perhaps when a person gets so full of themselves, they get disconnected from human compassion , prayers and understanding as you sir.
    Thank you for your crystal ball and tea leaf reading Mr. Green.
    Shame on you”

    Shame on me?
    I have tried to avoid killing others when I drive.

    I understand many children don’t realize how dangerous autos are and wish I could save them from themselves. Pray all you want, but watch the road so you don’t have to pray for comfort for the bereaved because they aren’t mourning the loss of a loved one.

    David for safe children

  14. paul on November 12th, 2014 11:04 am

    I would like to see all distracted drivers charged for their crimes.. If you’re not paying attention to your driving it isn’t an accident it’s negligence..

    Paul for safer roads for all..

  15. MQg on November 12th, 2014 10:14 am

    So sad for all concerned.

  16. David on November 12th, 2014 9:45 am

    David Huie Green – as a close friend of the family, I want to thank you for your prayer’s to her and the family who not only lost a daughter but a unborn child. I’m sorry, you didn’t do that did you sir. Do not ridicule people or make comments without knowing ” not assuming” what the cause was.
    Perhaps when a person gets so full of themselves, they get disconnected from human compassion , prayers and understanding as you sir.
    Thank you for your crystal ball and tea leaf reading Mr. Green.
    Shame on you

  17. David Huie Green on November 12th, 2014 7:33 am

    We definitely need self-driving cars since so many seem to think they have them already.
    I imagine this kid just didn’t realize she needed to pay attention.

    David for better cars since people aren’t improving