Veterans Honored, Embassy Flag From Baghdad, Iraq Dedicated

November 11, 2014

Century Health and Rehabilitation Center held a special ceremony recently to honor those that have served and to dedicate a flag that once flew over Baghdad, Iraq.

The flag once flew over a Baghdad compound that served as a temporary embassy. Before leaving, the men took the flag with them. Major Scott Sewell, who served under the flag, gifted it to his father, Major John Sewell U.S. Army, retired. The flag was presented to Century Health and Rehabilitation Center by “Johnny” Sewell,  the center’s former social services director.

The center also recognized each veteran resident, staff member and volunteer with a special pin and certificate during their patriotic program.

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3 Responses to “Veterans Honored, Embassy Flag From Baghdad, Iraq Dedicated”

  1. Willene Bryan on November 12th, 2014 7:27 am

    This is great what Century Health and Rehabilitation Center did for these Veteran’s, and all the residents there to see the program.

  2. Darla on November 11th, 2014 6:53 am

    Century Care you’re the best. Thanks for lifting up the hearts of our veterans and for caring enough to plan such a special day.

  3. troubled on November 11th, 2014 4:16 am

    I want to thank any and all veterans!! It doesn’t matter if you severed a day or 30 years you put your life on the line and deserve everyone’s thanks. All veteran’s family’s also get a thanks for what you gave also.