Poll: Scott, Crist In Virtual Tie

November 3, 2014

On the eve of the election, the battle between Gov. Rick Scott and former Gov. Charlie Crist remains a toss-up.

A Quinnipiac University poll released this morning shows Crist, the Democratic candidate, receiving support from 42 percent of likely voters, while Scott, the Republican incumbent, receives 41 percent. Libertarian Adrian Wyllie is at 7 percent.

“After an incredibly expensive, extremely nasty campaign, the Florida governor’s race is too close to call,” Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac Poll, said in a prepared statement. “The winner will be the candidate best able to get his voters to the polls. Turnout, turnout, turnout.”

The poll of likely voters was conducted from Tuesday to Sunday. It has a margin of error of 3.4 percentage points.

The Connecticut-based Quinnipiac, which frequently conducts surveys in Florida and other states, released a poll last week that showed Crist ahead by a margin of 43 percent to 40 percent, with Wyllie at 8 percent. That poll’s margin of error also was 3.4 percentage points.

The new poll shows Crist continuing to enjoy a large lead among women voters, while Scott holds a significant edge among men. It also shows Crist leading by a margin of 39 percent to 32 percent among independents — a gap that is substantially smaller than in last week’s Quinnipiac poll, which showed Crist with an 18-point edge among independents.

Both campaigns focused heavily during the past two weeks on getting supporters to turn out for early voting. But now, the attention is focused on spurring voters to go to the polls Tuesday.

Scott will make a series of campaign stops Monday in Central Florida and will be joined by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, both possible 2016 Republican presidential candidates. Meanwhile, Crist, a former Republican governor running this year as a Democrat, will be joined by former President Bill Clinton at a Monday night rally in Orlando.

by Jim Saunders, The News Service of Florida


7 Responses to “Poll: Scott, Crist In Virtual Tie”

  1. David Huie Green on November 4th, 2014 8:07 am

    R, It wasn’t called an income tax. It was a tax to fund retirement based on income. It will not be returned, ever. The payment had previously been part of the compensation as agreed upon when hired. It had been offered instead of raises in days gone by. Then it was just taken as a way of saving money by not paying what the contract said they pay. And to the one commenting on the pot calling the kettle black: the kettle is still black even if the pot is too. David for clean pots

  2. chillywilly on November 4th, 2014 7:54 am

    Regarding LR
    You have no clue what I am talking about, I suggest you go talk to a policeman,
    Firefighter, Teacher, Librarian, Life Guard, Prison Guard, Secretary, or any State
    Employee or County employee and I am sure they would be more than glad to
    Explain it to you. A lot of the people employed in these positions are retired

  3. Betty on November 4th, 2014 6:25 am

    Crist is no better than Scott…At least Scott knows what party he is loyal too…Charlie flips sides to better his odds in elections. His loyalty is to himself and not anyone else. Plus he is pro Obama and Obama has taken this country to a shameful low.

  4. LR on November 4th, 2014 6:21 am

    @proudarmyparent i would think as a military parent you would support Scott and all the changes he has made in florida to help active duty and veteran in the state. making life for veterans after the military so much better(not just some thing I’m saying, my husband is a vet I’ve seen it first hand) .

    @ chillywilly Florida doesn’t have state income tax so haw did Scott raise them. And even if he did anyone making 20,000 a year would get it all back at the end of year.

  5. chillywilly on November 3rd, 2014 8:45 pm

    When Scott took office he initiated the largest tax increase in Florida history. Every cop, fireman, teacher, librarian, life guard, prison guard, secretary etc started paying an additional 3% in taxes. For example, a park ranger making $20 thousand per year is paying an ADDITIONAL $600 per year. This extra tax is then put in the general fund and then given to FPL, the auto insurance companies, the house insurance companies, real estate agents, and reduced property taxes for people who own second homes on the ocean. Basically, middle class and lower middle class workers are funding tax breaks for the wealthy. People making 20 grand per year are funding tax reductions for people making 200 grand. Is this fair? If you agree with this economic policy then that is fine, but you have to recognize the deceit in a man who purchased the Governor’s office on the tea party premise of lower taxes and then raised the taxes of thousands and thousands of blue collar workers. Disagreeing on politics and economics is one thing, hypocrisy is another.

    This is the same Governor
    that Re- scheduled a mans execution by three weeks so his AG Pam Bondi
    could attend a party/fundraiser. The man is preparing physically,mentally, and
    spiritually to die, what kind of human being would do such a thing
    Put disabled children in nursing homes because he cut funding to in home services , so they could stay home and get the care they need. Scott attended
    a special Olympics event the same day he signed legislation cutting funding to handicapped children , what kind of man does such a thing, people do your homework

  6. Angela on November 3rd, 2014 5:19 pm

    If people would stop thinking the “better of the two evils” and give the third party guy a chance, then maybe we would not have to worry about either of the two evils. For everyone who thinks there are ONLY TWO possible choices and complains, YOU are the reason we keep the two evils rather than breaking away from the two party system so you have no one to blame but yourself for not risking a chance by throwing your vote to the third party options. For all of us who are brave AND fed up with the two party options, we are willing to at least throw our vote to a third party person so that at least our vote counts as a vote of dissension.

  7. ProudArmyParent on November 3rd, 2014 1:11 pm

    I found it funny that a Rick Scott commercial would state that Charlie Crist was a lousy Governor and a corrupt business man. Hmmmm, is that not the pot calling the kettle black?

    It’s a shame that there is really NO decent choice for Governor here in Florida! We just have to weigh the better of the two evils and PRAY for the best!