Photo: A Politician Sweeps Around His Own Door

November 6, 2014

A photo we first published Tuesday on Facebook only went viral on a local scale, so we wanted to share it here on

On election day, we actually found a politician that sweeps around his own door — literally. Our camera caught Atmore, AL, Mayor Jim Staff sweeping outside the main entrance to the Atmore City Hall. Amidst all the negative flip-flopping of the all those TV election ads, we thought it was a bright moment in politics.

Staff explained that his momma taught him how to use a broom, and he’s not a afraid of a little work. He was not on Tuesday’s ballot.

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8 Responses to “Photo: A Politician Sweeps Around His Own Door”

  1. troll on November 7th, 2014 6:32 pm

    I need my porch swept I wonder if he will do it for me

  2. person on November 6th, 2014 8:31 pm

    If you want something done, got to do it yourself!!!

  3. Leo on November 6th, 2014 1:34 pm

    Jim Staff is a good and caring mayor. He checks on the elderly at Atmore sail center almost every day.

  4. Ulysess Everette McGill on November 6th, 2014 11:44 am

    Wish he could sweep out the corruption in Washington with a broom….

  5. Danielle on November 6th, 2014 11:22 am

    If you are up early enough and out and about, you will also see our Mayor up very early on the weekends picking up the trash down main street. He is not only a Great Mayor but also a Wonderful Man and an Excellent Leader!!! We are proud to have Jim Staff as our Mayor!!!

  6. Former Atmoran on November 6th, 2014 10:55 am

    Maybe Mayor Staff needs to move that broom inside city hall. Might make Atmore a MUCH better place!

  7. cygie on November 6th, 2014 10:03 am

    That’s a servant not a politician

  8. Duke of Wawbeek on November 6th, 2014 5:03 am

    If brooms could articulate.