Overall Crime Down In Escambia County, Across Florida

November 16, 2014

Crime was down across the board in the first half of 2014, according to data released Friday by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

In Escambia County, overall crime was down 11-.5 percent during the first six months of the year.  All  major crime categories  saw a decrease in the county from the same period last year.

The number of murders dropped from 10 to 7, rapes were down from 84 to 29, robberies dropped from 243 to 167, aggravated assaults fell from 818 to 753, burglaries from 1,559 to 1,384, larcenies went from 4,752 to 4,285, and motor vehicle thefts dropped from 400 t 296 during the first half of 2014.

The Escambia County data includes crimes investigated not only the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, but also the Pensacola Police Department, University of West Florida Police, Florida Highway Patrol and other agencies.

During the first six months of the year, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office cleared 26.8 percent of cases, while the Pensacola Police Department cleared 44.7 percent.

Overall crime was down 18.8 percent during the first six months of this year in Santa Rosa County.

Across Florida, the crime volume dropped 2.4 percent or 8,133 fewer crimes committed compared to the first six months of 2013.

“Florida is on a path to a 44 year crime low, which is great news for Florida families, communities and visitors. It is thanks to the hard work of our brave law enforcement officials that Florida is reaching these historic crime lows, and we’ll continue working to keep Florida a great and safe place to find opportunities, raise a family and live the American dream,” Gov. Rick Scott said.

While crime was down overall in Florida, violent crime was up slightly, 0.1 percent.  Nonviolent crime was down 2.8 percent.  Index crimes including robbery, burglary and larceny all fell statewide during this reporting period while murder, forcible sex offenses, aggravated assault and motor vehicle thefts increased.


8 Responses to “Overall Crime Down In Escambia County, Across Florida”

  1. David not Rule on November 16th, 2014 7:30 pm

    Folks read the article. The stats are for the first six months of the year, January through June, does include anything from July through today. Some folks just want to stir stuff up and are angry because they have no life, which is why they post stuff that is not relevant to the facts of the story because they do not read it they just post.

  2. David M Yarber on November 16th, 2014 3:23 pm

    With all the shootings lately…I don’t believe it !!

  3. XD9RACER on November 16th, 2014 3:02 pm

    I wanted to comment on this article when I saw the other one about four shot and one dead but I knew it would not be published but maybe this one will. With crime being down I really feel safe now and can now get rid of my AK , AR , S&W and all my other weapons along with my security system–NOT A CHANCE but I might be in the market to obtain more. JUST US FOR ALL.

  4. 429SCJ on November 16th, 2014 8:43 am

    Our public officials say that crime is down, but the steady stream of criminals whose faces we see in a non-stop parade across the news indicate otherwise..

    Pretty soon hard statistics and hard facts will outweigh political correctness.

    We are soon to enter the age of hard truths, hard decisions and hard actions.

  5. Bob C. on November 16th, 2014 7:59 am

    Uh, Yeah….??
    Seems like nearly every day there is a shooting / murder or other physical assault on someone or a robbery, home invasion, drugs sold and manufactured.
    Seems like there are a LOT of Drugs involved in the shootings and assaults.
    Breaking & Entering, Robbery, Armed Robbery….the list of crimes seems endless.
    Juveniles involved in major crimes.
    Hear also from reliable sources that deputies do not always make a report as those are included in the statistics for the county.
    Am sure that like me many will doubt these numbers reflect what is actually happening in our county.

  6. 429SCJ on November 16th, 2014 7:07 am

    Four Shot and One Dead in Escambia County.


  7. Don on November 16th, 2014 5:48 am

    OOOPS! ya didn’t count the murder and shootings last night(11/15) so make that murders down from ONLY 10 to 8 whew feeling all safe and got the warm fuzzies.

  8. Jaleen on November 16th, 2014 1:29 am

    Someone is not paying attention. ?…really…..might want to look at the headlines!