Learn How To Do Business With ECUA

November 3, 2014

The Florida Procurement Technical Assistance Center will offer a free workshop on how to do business with the ECUA. The event will be held Thursday, November 6 at the Escambia County Central Office Complex at 3363 West Park Place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The informational meeting will educate attendees about the potential of doing business with the ECUA, while increasing participation in obtaining future ECUA contracts. Participants will learn about the bidding process, qualification requirements, future business opportunities, and how the ECUA hiring process is conducted.
ECUA speakers will include Stephen P. Holcomb, director of wastewater infrastructure, Peter Wilkinson, purchasing and store manager, and Frances Webb, HR generalist.

The workshop is free; however, pre-registration is recommended. For additional information contact Laura Subel, PTAC procurement specialist, lsubel@uwf.edu, (850) 474-2549 or register online at clientsfloridasbdc.org/center.


One Response to “Learn How To Do Business With ECUA”

  1. jeeperman on November 3rd, 2014 4:28 pm

    Has anyone that ever attended one of these workshops ever gone on to actually do business with ECUA?