Four Shot, One Dead, Saturday In Escambia County

November 16, 2014

Four people were reportedly shot Saturday in Escambia County in two separate incidents.

Three people were shot Saturday night in southwest Escambia County off San Jose Drive near Kathryn Drive. One of the three victims died on the way to the hospital, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. The suspect was one of the three injured and was taken into custody in the apparently drug related shooting, deputies said.

In an unrelated incident, one person was shot on Yonge Street. The victim was taken to an area hospital for treatment. No suspects or persons of interest were named in the shooting

Further details, including the names of those involved, have not been released in either incident by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone with information on either shooting is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.

Pictured top: The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office on the scene of a triple shooting Saturday night on San Jose Drive. Pictured top: One person was shot Saturday morning on Yonge Street. Photos courtesy WEAR for, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “Four Shot, One Dead, Saturday In Escambia County”

  1. Richard Johnson on November 18th, 2014 7:32 pm

    There is no gang unit at this time it was disbanded in 2012. Sheriff’s Johnson, Lowman and McNesby all addressed gangs and it certainly was not something that could not be mentioned, it was talked about freely. Lowman and McNesby both had gang units that conducted investigations and compiled cases for prosecution. I remember reading an article in 2012 that the gang problem was no longer a threat and the unit was disbanded. Personally, I’m a little confused as to wether crime is up, down or the same. In the past year I’ve read articles quoting Sheriff Morgan that crime is up then it’s down, the data is bad and there is a need for more money for more deputies because crime is bad. Now there are more articles stating that crime is down again? The latest news spot on WEAR telling me that what I see on TV is an illusion was by far the most bizarre claim I’ve heard so far.

  2. northend resident on November 16th, 2014 7:53 pm

    I am thankful for all officers that go out and risk their lives to protect us. Thank you! Also, the fact that we now at least see occasional officers at the northend around davisville. Use to be we only seen an officer 30-60 mins after a bad wreck. Thank you again! Honest people do notice and appreciate.

  3. Robert on November 16th, 2014 3:11 pm

    Most people who see two articles that appear to contradict each other fail to recognize that the articles are independent of each other. It is much like the way people view global warming. They say, “if anything it has been colder than it has in the past here in the Pensacola area”. Well, were not talking about Pensacola warming, it’s called GLOBAL warming because it means GLOBAL. Please try to be intelligent when you read and think about the factual point of of each article.

  4. Oh no wait!!! on November 16th, 2014 1:47 pm

    Sad thing is since July there has been 10-15 murders… compared to 7 in the 1st 6 months.. yes robberies are down but burglaries, thefts, stolen vehicles and shootings are up… hey but like Chief Haines said ” people read about the same crime over and over and it makes it look like crime is up” oh and don’t forget he also said that if you are over 60 you have no clue what is going on. Crime is up moral at the Sheriff office is down. Time for change!!!!

  5. Bill on November 16th, 2014 1:27 pm

    Crime will never go away. A peaceful utopia of a costal city will never exist here.

    We can blame it on the sherrif’s office all we want, but they do not raise future criminals. Parents do that.

    When children are raised with little regard to authority and less regard to self accountibility, then you will have higher crime in those areas.Most of the time (I need to make that clarification) – Most of the time, criminals obtain their habits from lack of involved and disciplined parenting. Add in social media where everyone has a rant of an opinion to sway a young person and it just adds fuel to the fire.

    Sherrif and police departments across the nation are simply responding to incidents caused by the failure of a society to raise their children to obey the law.

    The cycle has to be broken at the home level – not the precinct level. The catch is that parents always want to blame someone else (the school or law enforcement) or blame a condition (ADD/ADHD) when it comes to their children. It’s never their fault since their child was “always such a good kid”.

  6. Suzie B on November 16th, 2014 1:24 pm

    Prior to Morgan taking office – issues concerning gangs were not being addressed in any depth. The officers were not allowed to use the word “gang”. At least now there is an active gang unit and although the gangs may not be as visible as they are in some cities, they are still present and usually involved in the drug activity. Fortunately, once someone is identified as belonging to a gang of any type, if charged with a crime, their charges are escalated and are not just misdemeanors. I’m not saying I’m for or against Morgan but prior to his taking office, many crimes were not being reported properly so the numbers “appeared” to be down. Now that documentation and reporting has increased, we are seeing much more in the news that was previously swept under the rug. I just hope it settles down some as it seems crime is affecting every neighborhood we have.

  7. Mike on November 16th, 2014 12:02 pm

    There is one positve. In a matter of minutes the ECSO was all over this. They had massive personnel, k-9, ambulances, and a chopper on scene very quickly. You can’t ask for anymore than that. They are ready 24/7. That makes me feel safer and I think they deserve our thanks and support. And no, I don’t work for law enforcement but I sure am thankful they are there!

  8. Billy D on November 16th, 2014 11:47 am

    The article about the shooting isn’t crime really. It’s more like genetic cleansing. Drug related shootings are not crimes, they’re poetic justice and karma doing a great job. These punks that get in to this lifestyle deserve everything they get up to the final punishment. William only reports what he sees out there and usually does a good job of it!

  9. JHO on November 16th, 2014 11:47 am

    How does these recent shootings contradict the statement that crime is down? I mean, no one stated there is no more crime in Escambia County. It’s a shame that no matter what people do, some will just NEVER be happy. It’s a shame Pensacola can not come together as a community, instead of the constant finger pointing. It is very sad!

  10. BPD on November 16th, 2014 10:21 am

    The numbers don ‘t lie. Crime is down, not eliminated.
    There’s more to be done and I’m sure Sheriff Morgan and his Deputies are doing all they can to eliminate the rest. Sad part is it’ll never be eliminated, especially if a large portion of the public refuses to assist in the process.

    BPD (not a LEO) looking for the positives.

  11. William on November 16th, 2014 10:08 am

    >>I find it funny that people are saying crime is down, then we get a report of shootings!

    The most recent crime report, released Friday was for January – June of this year. These shootings would not be included in that report; they should go on the next one.

  12. worried on November 16th, 2014 9:28 am

    I find it funny that people are saying crime is down, then we get a report of shootings! William we are glad you can only report what you get and that you stick to the facts that you get. People are going to cause problems when they are looking for illegal things and yes they are going to probably going to get hurt!!!
    William just keep up the good job you do. Everyone has the right to speculate!!!

  13. me on November 16th, 2014 9:12 am

    Right above this article is an article saying that crime is down in Escambia county. LOL

  14. well on November 16th, 2014 7:58 am

    Ever hear of one small glitch.

  15. Don on November 16th, 2014 7:55 am

    “Florida is on a path to a 44 year crime low, which is great news for Florida families” hmmmmm…….if our governor says we’re safe then why even bother to lock our doors anymore hurray!!!!

  16. 429SCJ on November 16th, 2014 7:09 am

    Overall Crime Down in Escambia County, Across Florida.

  17. tg on November 16th, 2014 6:46 am

    Its the Wild Wild West and they say crime is down.Down where?

  18. harvey on November 16th, 2014 6:35 am

    Overall Crime Down In Escambia County, Across Florida ,,,, The Head line right before this head line HMMMM

  19. James R on November 16th, 2014 3:34 am

    I find it ironic that this story is posted 1 minute prior to the story reporting a drop in crime in Florida. Unfortunately, the photo appears to be ECSD officers, whose department has cleared 26.8% of cases this year. Too bad it’s not the PPD officers, whose department has cleared 44.7% of cases.

  20. Jason on November 16th, 2014 1:29 am

    Just two more shootings. Nothing big happening here. Yet, the Sheriffs Office tells us that crime is down. But, they need 15 additional officers this year and again each of the next few years. But rest assured, crime is down in Escambia County.