Former Principal’s Wooden Santas On Display At Molino Library

November 24, 2014

Hand-carved wooden Santas created by a former principal are on display this month at the Molino Branch Library.

Dale Cooey was principal of Molino Elementary School and Molino Park Elementary School from 1997-2007, and was also principal at Barrineau Park Elementary school during the consolidation into Molino Park.  He apprenticed under his uncle was a master wood carver.

Through a one year grant from the Florida Folk Art Association, Cooey and his uncle  began showing their carvings and received several blue ribbons.  The “Santa with the Tree” carving included in the display case won a blue ribbon this year at the Pensacola State Fair. His carvings are made from cypress knees and bass wood.

Pictured: Wooden Santas on display at the Molino Branch Library. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Former Principal’s Wooden Santas On Display At Molino Library”

  1. Bonnie Exner on November 25th, 2014 1:46 pm

    Mr Dale Cooey is a wonderful example of an educator who began at the bottom.. Janitor and worked his way up to become a loved teacher and administrator in the ESCD.His carvings are a work of art

  2. Jean Rasmussen on November 24th, 2014 1:21 pm

    love those. Loved having Coach Cooey as P. E. Teacher for my children at Cordova Park Elementary. Jean Rasmussen