Florida Statewide Election Results

November 5, 2014

Complete election results from across Florida show the following winners:

Governor — Rick Scott

Florida Attorney General — Pam  Bondi

Florida Chief Financial Officer — Jeff Atwater

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture — Adam Putnam

Florida U.S. Rep. District 1 –  Jeff Miller

Florida State Rep. District 1 — Clay Ingram

Florida State Rep. District 2 — Mike Hill

Amendment 1 (Water and Land Conservation) — PASSED

Amendment 2 (Medical Marijuana) — FAILED

Amendment 3 (Judicial Vacancies) — FAILED


7 Responses to “Florida Statewide Election Results”

  1. Gator on November 5th, 2014 11:44 pm

    Henry Coe: I totally agree with everything you mentioned, I actually voted for Crist. I believe besides all the party changes he did a fair job on what he had to work with.when he was in office. No problems with all that you said I believe we are on the same page considering.
    To all others I apologize for the the typo of pension, it just got under my skin a lil knowing I still cant do anything about it, I voted, my “voice” was heard and also understand that there is a 3% pay into but from what I and others gathered he is planning on some way to wipe it out, but we will see thats all I have to say about the subject anymore, it is what it is.

  2. Randy on November 5th, 2014 9:09 am

    Governor Scott did not take away the state pension, he modified it by requiring a 3 percent employee contribution. This action will ensure the solvency of the pension system for years to come and reduces the cost for counties that contribute. Florida has the best public funded pension plan in the nation and I for one would like to see it remain as such…

  3. Henry Coe on November 5th, 2014 8:31 am

    @Gator, I’m aware of what Rick Scott said in his campaign commercials when he implied taking credit for successes in Florida, but what has Rick Scott actually done that can be documented as his effort?

    He won running a negative campaign while mis-informing Floridians about Crist. Him and the various Super Pacs that is.
    The economy crashing in 2007/8, not Crist fault, but Scott campaign blamed him for jobs lost.
    Crist got blamed for raising taxes when in reality, in 2006 the voters approved an amendment to cut property taxes that left a gigantic hole in the state budget that had to be fixed.
    It just seems like ever since Reagan did away with the Fairness Doctrine that every campaign season the lies get worse as our government gets filled with the uber rich plutocrats looking out for their own interest at the expense of everyone else.

  4. David HUIE Green on November 5th, 2014 7:43 am


  5. Curious on November 5th, 2014 5:39 am

    Gator, he has taken the pension in a way, because they have to pay the 3% themselves now, but all in all he is the least of 2 evils.

  6. Robert on November 5th, 2014 4:17 am

    Great, 4 more years of these Bozos. Not very many good options this election.

  7. Gator on November 4th, 2014 10:52 pm

    I agree with all that was voted on except Rick Scott getting another term. Hopefully he does keep up the work he has done and leaves the retirement/pention and incentives that are so badly needed to the 1st reponders, public safety and the medical fields. How in the world can anyone justify taking those things away from the people who risk their lives every day?! I guess cause he is a millionaire and he has his retirement set and atleast a 10% increase on his pention “EVERY” year after he is out of office that we the people have to pay for and lose ours. Man I really hate politicians, none of them do what they say they will do, just hurt the ones trying to make a penny out of a tomato.