Execution Set For Escambia County Murderer

November 25, 2014

Gov. Rick Scott on Monday signed a death warrant for an Escambia County man found guilty of committing first-degree murder and sexual battery during a home-invasion robbery in 1993 in Escambia County.

Scott signed the warrant for Johnny Shane Kormondy, 42, to die by lethal injection on January 15. The execution will be the 21st since Scott took office in January 2011, equaling the number overseen by former Gov. Jeb Bush, which is the most for any Florida governor since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976.

Kormondy was found guilty in 1994 in the death of Gary McAdams, a local banker who was shot in the back of the head during a home-invasion robber in the Thousand Oaks subdivision off Chemstrand Road. McAdams and his wife, who was repeatedly raped during the attack, had returned home from a Woodham High School school reunion when confronted at the front door by Kormondy and his two accomplices.

According to a release from the governor’s office accompanying the death warrant, Kormondy was the leader of the attack, recruiting the accomplices, providing transportation and casing the McAdams’ neighborhood. Kormondy’s accomplices, Curtis Buffkin and James Hazen, received life sentences. Law enforcement was able to close the case when a person to whom Kormondy confessed went to police seeking a $50,000 reward for information. Kormondy also threatened to kill witnesses who testified at his trial, including Mrs. McAdams, if he were ever released.

The robbers reportedly left the house with $20.

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.

Pictured below: The death warrant for Johnny Shane Kormondy signed Monday by Gov. Rick Scott.


26 Responses to “Execution Set For Escambia County Murderer”

  1. L. James Jones on January 15th, 2015 5:31 pm

    Not a deterrent?? ALL who receive it, not one has repeated. The more the sentence is carried out, the less likely others are to commit capital crimes. So it does deter others.

  2. kingfish on November 30th, 2014 9:08 am

    This no good had two trials and both ended,and rightfully,with him getting the so called death sentence..hurry and get here Jan.15th.Lets be rid of that piece of garage.

  3. C Bucci (Molino) on November 27th, 2014 9:27 am

    I went to prison at age 16 for committing numerous armed robberies. Out of guilt i told my dad (an ECSO Lt.) and he drove me to the office to meet Det. Kilgore where i confessed everything. My last 4 years were spent at FSP on CM 1 where it was horrible, yet i deserved what i got. Ive since become my fathers son. I still pay today, however, this guy here is a bit different.
    In such an evil crime where the evidence is overwhelming and they confessed, justice should have been swift. I dont mean “sitting on deathrow” swift. I mean penis cut off and stuck inside his mouth, ropes tied to arms and legs pulled apart by horses slowly, and the pieces hung up individually outside the courthouse with a sign stating “HE acted WE reacted “. THAT, would be a deterrent, not the soft punishments in place now. And being in prison myself, i know firsthand, 99% deserve to be there, i dont care what ACLU and all you bleeding hearts say. There are no shades of grey. Your a good person or your not.

  4. Mitzi on November 27th, 2014 7:36 am

    I agree this scum should have been executed long ago. He didn’t deserve to breathe 20 seconds after his conviction!!! Firing squad or hanging!!! He didn’t give his victim another day at life so why should he be able to see sunlight again!!!

  5. john on November 26th, 2014 6:18 am

    Good job rick. It good to see we still have someone in public office with some backbone.

  6. Sgt's Wife on November 25th, 2014 3:56 pm

    SCOTT…please keep the warden at Florida State Prison busy! We need to see several a month if you ask me. There are still inmates on death row from the 1970’s I believe.

  7. Sidney on November 25th, 2014 1:42 pm

    Good. Too bad it took so long.

  8. Gomer Pile on November 25th, 2014 1:26 pm

    Well golly…it’s about time, you think…incredible

  9. Jcellops on November 25th, 2014 1:05 pm

    A few years ago, Mr McAdams wife was a speaker at our Citizens Law Enforcement Academy (CLEA). Part of her healing process was to present her very emotional recount of that evening to targeted crime prevention and advocacy groups. It was an unforgettable presentation that certainly won’t be forgotten…I appreciated her so much for attempting to bring about better crime prevention awareness- despite the pain of recalling such a horrific experience. She is quite a special lady and courageous survivor.

  10. jeeperman on November 25th, 2014 11:44 am

    A despicable excuse of human life and a waste of oxygen keeping him alive.
    Rot in Hell you scum.

  11. Don on November 25th, 2014 11:12 am

    I can only hope the lethal injection malfunctions causing this animal a slow agonizing terrifying departure…..

  12. XD9RACER on November 25th, 2014 9:42 am

    When this first happened a description of the vehicle was broadcasted and without me really knowing it was hidden behind a mobile home 2 doors down from me and one of them came to me wanting a gas tank for the CAMERO. If I had been paying attention to the news I could have been the one to get the reward money. This guy should have been gone long before now as well as the others should have gotten the same sentence. When there is strong and real evidence and not like some and the right person or persons are the guilty ones and the death penalty is given then it needs to be carried out right away. I know prison is not a fun place to be but get it done much sooner. End their lives swiftly for their evil deeds. GET ER DONE. JUST US FOR ALL.

  13. William on November 25th, 2014 9:16 am

    This should be the punishment for anyone committing a home invasion let alone murder. We need to let the thugs in this county know that their behavior will no longer be tolerated.

  14. mick on November 25th, 2014 8:48 am

    Time to meet your maker..where the real punishment will be levied…good riddance you remoreless, despicable, sorry excuse for a human being…burn.

  15. Jeb on November 25th, 2014 8:40 am

    I remember this. This happened in my neighborhood when I was a kid. I just figured this guy had been executed a long time ago. Way to go state of Florida to set an example of swift justice. SMH!

  16. haley on November 25th, 2014 7:43 am

    I remember this crime. It was horrible. So senseless and cruel. I really dont understand the long drawn out process in such cases. My prayers go out to Cecilia (wife) and the McAdams family.

  17. David Huie Green on November 25th, 2014 7:17 am

    And not a day too soon

  18. Bama on November 25th, 2014 7:16 am

    Keep up he good work Mr Scott ,, come to Alabama and sign some

  19. fred on November 25th, 2014 7:12 am

    Long overdue.

  20. Molino resident on November 25th, 2014 7:11 am

    The sad part reading this is that it has taken so long for this criminal to be set for execution. The system takes too long. Hopefully, on January 15, justice will be served.

  21. Bob C. on November 25th, 2014 7:09 am

    Injustice here is that it has taken so very long to execute this man.

    Wondering how many college educations could have been paid for with the amount of taxpayer money it took to house Kormondy.?

  22. Lou on November 25th, 2014 6:34 am

    It’s about time! What takes so long to get to execution of a cold blooded, pre meditated and an actual eye witness to the murder? This case should have been execution of all three and carried out long before now! My prayers are with the McAdams’ family…..what a terrible crime against good people. They did the crimes together they should be killed together!

  23. Workin Man on November 25th, 2014 6:33 am

    What’s the hold up????? This garbage should have been taken out a long time ago, and lethal injection seems soo much easier compared to what these dirtbags did to that man and his poor wife.. They killed that man for fun and they all three should have been taken out back and shot after court !!!!!!!!!

  24. area resident on November 25th, 2014 4:33 am

    Why does it take so long?

  25. 429SCJ on November 25th, 2014 2:27 am

    That monster should have been put down twenty years ago.

  26. juju on November 25th, 2014 1:23 am

    such an awful event…remember it well….finally justice will be served all be it too many years ..but finally