Escambia County Establishes Fraud, Waste And Abuse Hotline

November 17, 2014

Escambia County has launched an fraud, waste and abuse hotline that allows residents and employees to anonymously report activity that may be considered unethical or otherwise of concern.

The hotline will be managed by an outside organization, Lighthouse Services, which will monitor incoming reports. Reports may be made 24 hours a day.

In the coming weeks, all County vehicles will be given identification numbers and bumper stickers with the hotline phone number advertising the program.

Examples of major violations:

  • Fraudulent financial practices
  • Breaking the law
  • Verbal and physical threats

How to submit a report:


  • When making a report, please provide thorough and accurate information
  • All complaints are within the Sunshine Law and are subject to public record. You are responsible for remaining anonymous if you choose to do so. While you will be asked your name when giving the report, you are not required to disclose yourself.
  • County employees should keep in mind that by providing job-specific duties and details you may reveal your identity without actually giving your name


5 Responses to “Escambia County Establishes Fraud, Waste And Abuse Hotline”

  1. No Bartender on November 18th, 2014 7:03 pm

    Maybe with this and the GPS Vehicle Location System I saw advertised awhile back the county can tell when ole bartender and friends are setting around the Tom Thumb store(doing nothing) complaining about how bad they have it.

    I’m sure there always 2 sides too a story.

  2. mick on November 18th, 2014 9:53 am

    This phone line should be ringing off the hook 24/7

  3. jeeperman on November 17th, 2014 12:39 pm

    “You are responsible for remaining anonymous if you choose to do so.”

    That means you need to set up an “anonymous” email account and send the report from there.
    Although if the complaint is big-bad enough, the county can always get a judge to issue a warrant for info on the accuser and then come knocking on your door.

  4. bartender on November 17th, 2014 9:27 am

    well its about time. theres a lot of wrong going on and it gets swept under the rug.hope people speak up and just maybe this new web site will tell all. theres been a lot told to the eeoc so lets see if its gona be swept under the rug. you think bulling is only for kids,youre wrong,its goes on in the work place all the time and people are scared to speak up.its horrible to work under those conditions and no one knows unless you been through it. speak up people.

  5. taxpayer on November 17th, 2014 5:58 am

    How much will this cost the taxpayers of Escambia county maybe we should be spending that money to fix roads and build ditches just a thought since that why we pay taxes