County Grants To Fund Residential Painting In Areas Including Cantonment

November 9, 2014

Escambia County has approved a Community Redevelopment Agency residential painting grant program to help residents of blighted neighborhoods spruce up the exterior of their homes.  The program will provide homeowners in any of six Community Redevelopment Districts — including Cantonment — with up to $2,000 toward exterior paint.

Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis and provide grants beginning at $1,000 that require a $1,000 homeowner match, to a full $2,000 with no required match,  based upon household income.

Escambia County has approved $60,000 for the program. Covered CRA areas include Cantonment, Barrancas, Brownsville, Englewood, Palafox and Warrington.

For program information and an application, click here.


One Response to “County Grants To Fund Residential Painting In Areas Including Cantonment”

  1. Roni on November 27th, 2014 4:45 pm

    That is a real nice thing to help out the homeowners in this economy.this grants really going to help out a lot of home owners