Century’s Lawyer: No Hunting Allowed

November 4, 2014

A local man approached Century Mayor Freddie McCall looking for permission to hunt 20 acres owned by the town adjacent to the Century Correctional Institution. The man, McCall said, wanted to hunt the the property with a bow and arrows, and primitive guns while posting the property to keep others out to protect his food plots.

The towns’ lawyer, Matt Dannheisser, advised against the idea because it would be unfair to allow just one person access to the publicly owned property while keeping others out, McCall told the Century Town Council Monday night.


8 Responses to “Century’s Lawyer: No Hunting Allowed”

  1. john on November 6th, 2014 6:32 am

    I don’t generally agree with every thing that goes on in century, and it seems they are always asking for hand outs, but I would have to say this was a good move simply because 20 acres isn’t
    enough room to hunt safely, because a arrow or musket ball could easily leave the property.

  2. terri sanders on November 4th, 2014 6:00 pm

    There is nothing wrong with asking…or saying no…but I wonder just how much the town’s attorney charged to tell the to say no.This was a no brainer….

  3. Curious on November 4th, 2014 2:50 pm

    Just can’t help some people, some are just downright greedy & just wants to act like they’re somebody, before you know they’d own the property, there is a lil bit of property on Tedder rd, maybe he can lease a private land owners property, if its the area, that wont really affect the officers. I don’t think it would be safe for the officers & dogs that go through those woods to keep the dogs conditioned, or for the other officers, for that matter, that local man might decide to get too close for comfort & miss his target. Just doesn’t seem safe. Why the land adjacent to the prison anyway? & why does he feel the need to post it? Just so he can be boss? If he leased the land kept his mouth shut & put his plot deep in the woods, nobody will know about it in the first place. Town better be careful, if something ever happened, they might could get a lawsuit placed on them.

  4. David Huie Green on November 4th, 2014 1:32 pm

    Never hurts to ask.
    Nothing wrong with saying NO.

  5. Russell Gilbert on November 4th, 2014 11:46 am

    He’s probably already using it and just wanted to attempt to get permission before he gets caught with a felony trespass.

  6. jeeperman on November 4th, 2014 11:16 am

    If the town wanted to lease it, it would have to be publicly advertised as up for lease to the highest bidder, etc. along with several hundred pages of legal paperwork to line the pocket of the town attorney.

  7. Anna on November 4th, 2014 7:40 am

    Was the man requesting to lease the property? If this land has significant income potential then could this land be leased using a lottery system? This would allow fair assess and the town would benefit.

  8. E on November 4th, 2014 6:29 am

    This “local man” certainly thinks a great deal of himself, doesn’t he?