Tribal Beat Coed Softball Tournament Registration Underway

October 8, 2014

The Northview High School Tribal Beat Band will host their 1st Annual Coed Softball Tournament on Saturday, October 18 from 9 a.m. until at NWE Bradberry Park.

The entry fee is $150 per team, due by Friday, October 10. Mail payments to NHS Band Boosters, P.O. 25, Walnut Hill, FL 32568 or drop the payment by Northview High School. All of the proceeds will go directly to support the band with travel, new uniforms and other expenses.

Tournament rules require a minimum of four females per team with three on the field. Winner will receive trophy and bragging rights. For information on the rules or any other questions, contact Thomas Long at (850) 529-7502.


2 Responses to “Tribal Beat Coed Softball Tournament Registration Underway”

  1. Thomas Long on October 14th, 2014 8:16 pm

    The tournament has been canceled. We will try to reschedule in the future.

  2. Kay Campbell on October 11th, 2014 5:59 pm

    I have called Thomas Long & Ashley all day Friday , left messages with both of them to call me back, concerning registering a team for this tournament. Neither of them will return your call. It won’t be successful if people can’t register! :(