Scott Opening Up His Wallet To Fund Campaign

October 24, 2014

Governor Rick Scott, who reportedly spent about $73 million of his own money to get elected in 2010, will soon dip into his personal wealth in an effort to retain the Governor’s Mansion. Scott will write a check to the Republican Party of Florida to assist his re-election effort against Democratic challenger Charlie Crist, Jackie Schutz, a spokeswoman for Scott’s campaign, confirmed.

The Miami Herald reported earlierĀ  that Scott told CBS4 News reporter Jim DeFede that he “will be investing” in the campaign. DeFede’s report is scheduled to air Sunday. Schutz wouldn’t say how much the check would total. But Schutz added in an email that the governor told DeFede that the money is “a small fraction of our total campaign” and will be used to “counteract the smear campaign from Charlie’s radical left-wing guy from California.”

NextGen Climate Action Committee-Florida, founded by California billionaire Tom Steyer, has spent at least $9.44 million on such things as advertising, mail pieces and grassroots efforts that target Scott because of the governor’s views on climate change.

Scott was worth $132.7 million as of Dececember 13, 2013, according to his annual financial disclosure filed with the Department of State. The amount of Scott’s check may not be known until October 31, when the Republican Party is next required to file a finance report.

The Crowley Political Report last week posted that Republican Party sources claimed Scott would put about $20 million into the campaign.

by The News Service of Florida


6 Responses to “Scott Opening Up His Wallet To Fund Campaign”

  1. Rufus Lowgun on October 24th, 2014 1:44 pm

    Don’t let Rick Scott buy another term as governor. Charlie Crist is what he’s always been, a slick moderate Republican. That is vastly preferable to a crook who made his millions ripping off YOU, the American taxpayer.

  2. Walnut Hill Roy on October 24th, 2014 8:47 am

    And I ask, who would go through all of the hoops and disclosure involved for such a “meager” salary than someone who wants the spotlight on his or her self all of the time, an exhibitionist. Most people with the talent and “smarts” to run a state or country are making much more as a CEO for some company.

    The press these days is relentless, there is nothing that someone has done from elementary school forward that is not fair game to be spread everywhere. Their families are not exempt and every fiber is examined. Who needs the power that a governorship has with all of the barbs to get there, very few!

  3. Bill on October 24th, 2014 7:42 am

    Why not, his company stole billions from Medicare (that was our tax money, folks) and they gave him 300 million to go away and plead the 5th, 75 times. He’s really spending our tax money to try to buy another election. On the other hand, Charlie is just as crooked. This election makes my theory that they’re all Republi-crooks and Demo-crooks look very plausible.

  4. Kate on October 24th, 2014 5:56 am

    How about his expensive lawyers from California fighting his case against charges of his violating the SUNSHINE ACT, with private e-mail and cell phones to avoid being caught communicating illegally. Medicare fraud, now private cell phones so no one can ask for copies of what he says. Sounds like a great republican with ethical standards.

  5. 429SCJ on October 24th, 2014 5:23 am

    Should have taken that $73 million and bought or overthrew the government of a third world nation.

    It would have been much more fun and the constituents would expect far less.

  6. Richard on October 24th, 2014 1:04 am

    Yes, Mr. Scott obviously represents the working men and women of Florida. While Crist isn’t any piker either, I’m pretty sure his net worth is around 2 million. That’s not outrageously wealthy if you are a lawyer and have been governor. “Scott reportedly spent $73 million of his own money to get elected in 2010.” Obviously you can buy yourself an election.