Scott, Crist Committees Funnel Big Bucks To Parties

October 27, 2014

Political committees that play key roles in the campaigns of Gov. Rick Scott and former Gov. Charlie Crist are continuing to pour millions of dollars into the state Republican and Democratic parties.

Finance reports filed Friday show that a committee known as “Charlie Crist for Florida” sent $3.5 million to the Florida Democratic Party last week. Similarly, the Scott-supporting “Let’s Get to Work” political committee contributed $2.1 million to the Republican Party of Florida. Those contributions follow a pattern of the committees bringing in large chunks of money from contributors and passing it along to the parties, which can use it for such expenses as get-out-the vote efforts.

The Crist committee raised $1,264,700 from October 11 to October 17, bringing its overall total to $26,715,356, according to the newly filed reports. It spent $3,888,153 during the week-long period and had spent an overall total of $24,673,158 as of October 17.

Let’s Get to Work, meanwhile, received $1,585,000 during the reporting period, bringing its overall contribution total to $43,309,277. Almost all of the money received during the week-long period — $1.5 million — came from the Republican Governors Association. Let’s Get to Work spent $2,696,662 during the period and reported an overall expenditure total of $42,663,592.

by The News Service of Florida


8 Responses to “Scott, Crist Committees Funnel Big Bucks To Parties”

  1. MB on October 28th, 2014 8:06 am

    Being wealthy is definitely not a crime, but… he plead the 5th 75 times during his deposition. Does that sound like somebody we should trust running the state?

    Explain how he is fighting the release of his google (gmail) account information in court? He and his staff have been hiding state business from the sunshine laws and are fighting it in court. Hmmm…

  2. Bill on October 28th, 2014 7:59 am

    Gov. Flim Flam’s company pleaded guilty to stealing billions from Medicare, that’s our tax money! Yes, The elder Kennedy was a bootlegger and Prescott Bush made his family’s fortune by investing in Nazi business’s, along with Averil Harriman. Pretty much all of our powerful politicians have benefited from ill gotten gains. Vote Libertarian, they can’t win but at least you won’t feel as dirty. It’ll do you good to vote for an honest man for a change.

  3. john johnson on October 28th, 2014 7:58 am

    Really no excuses? You condone and justify Scott’s criminal behavior, because the Kennedys did it? During prohibition, bootlegging was a crime and the Kennedys broke the law. In addition, bootlegging is a much less serious offense, compared to medicare fraud. Hundreds of millions of dollars in his pocket; which included some of your money. He is a criminal that got away with a serious crime. Period!!

    Step up, people. We can do better!

  4. 429SCJ on October 28th, 2014 7:13 am

    @Kate, this is not about paying $42,663,592. to win an election, it is about paying $42,663,592. to feed one’s ego. An ego that is insatiable.

    Either Governor Scott expects to reap profits far exceeding his investment or he has serious problems of another nature.

    42 Million plus would buy a 70ft Hatteras and several million gallons of diesel fuel.
    I would think that kicking back in the fighting chair with a rum and a spiff, waiting for the drag to sing, would be far more entertaining than this game of thrones.

  5. No Excuses on October 27th, 2014 10:42 am

    Being wealthy is not a crime. Don’t bash Scott because he has money. And before you say, “Look how he got it, though”, remember that the Kennedy’s got quite a bit of their wealth from bootlegging during prohibition.

  6. MB on October 27th, 2014 10:21 am

    Scott spent $70 million of tax payer money he stole from the Medicare fraud to buy the 1st election and will be dipping into “our” pockets again this time. How can somebody legitimately vote for this guy?

  7. Gary on October 27th, 2014 9:30 am

    I am a fan of Rick Scott but I do dislike the fact that he comes up to this part of the state for fundraising and then spends those dollars in areas outside of ours. I know campaigns require dollars to be spent where needed but there are media outlets that would like to have some of that money here.

  8. Kate on October 27th, 2014 5:50 am

    $42,663,592 and Scott isn’t buying an election, no common folk could afford to run against him, no matter how smart, how many good ideas. Allowing the wealthiest folks to win everything while we all sit back poor waiting for a crumb.