Poll: Independents Giving Crist A Slight Lead Over Scott

October 30, 2014

Pointing to support from independent voters, a poll released Thursday gives Democrat Charlie Crist a slight edge over Republican Gov. Rick Scott as they head into the frantic final days of this year’s campaign.

Crist has the support of 43 percent of likely voters, while Scott has 40 percent and Libertarian candidate Adrian Wyllie is at 8 percent, according to the Quinnipiac University poll.

But the race remains a virtual toss-up as Floridians cast early ballots or prepare to vote Tuesday: The poll’s margin of error was 3.4 percentage points. Also, it said 9 percent of voters were undecided.

“Crist, who always has sought to portray himself as a pragmatist rather than an ideologue, seems to have sold that message to independents who historically have favored problem-solvers who are less politicaI,” Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in comments released early Thursday with the survey results.

A Quinnipiac poll released Oct. 22 showed Scott and Crist tied at 42 percent, with Wyllie getting 7 percent. Other recent polls also have shown the contest as too close to call.

Brown said Crist, a former Republican governor running as a Democrat this year, might have received a late boost because of his performance in three debates. One of the debates drew widespread attention because of Scott’s initial absence from the stage amid a dispute about an electric fan used by Crist.

“It would be a reasonable hypothesis that the candidates’ debates made a big difference in this race,” Brown said. “Scott was ahead going into them and behind after them. It could be a coincidence, but it would be a pretty large coincidence. Crist has long been thought of as an excellent campaigner and he used those skills to his advantage.”

The poll found that independent voters support Crist over Scott by a margin of 47 percent to 29 percent, with Wyllie getting 16 percent. That contrasts with the Oct. 22 poll, which showed Crist ahead of Scott among independents by margin of 41 percent to 38 percent.

Among other groups, Scott held a 10-point lead over Crist among men, while the Democrat held a 14-point lead among women.

The Connecticut-based Quinnipiac frequently conducts polls in Florida and other states. The new poll surveyed  voters from October. 22 to Monday.


20 Responses to “Poll: Independents Giving Crist A Slight Lead Over Scott”

  1. David HuieH Green on November 3rd, 2014 12:48 pm

    “Hey all of you ” government workers” still complaining about “your” 3% ,.. Its for “your” own retirement!!! Please explain why the taxpayers should pay for ” your” own retirement?? ”
    I never complain and am used to being lied to, but since you asked…

    When two parties negotiate in good faith regarding compensation and agree on that compensation, not living up to the agreement is normal and lawful. In this case the compensation included payment by the district of retirement. Others do it differently, but this was what was agreed upon.

    After the agreement, the governor and state legislature decided to steal part of what they agreed to pay, citing practices elsewhere to break their word. This is lying and stealing even if they pretend we will get it back because we are obviously getting less than they agreed to pay — they agreed to pay plus benefits. They all lied.

    Imagine being told your job comes with $30,000 plus a car and then they decide to deduct $500/month from your pay because that is what others have to pay to rent that particular car. You took the job because of the whole package, not the money less however much they decided after the fact to keep.

    Does it make sense yet?

    David for honest employers

  2. Liberty on November 3rd, 2014 8:43 am

    Hey all of you ” government workers” still complaining about “your” 3% ,.. Its for “your” own retirement!!! Please explain why the taxpayers should pay for ” your” own retirement?? Also, all of you teachers , Scott created a fiscal environment that has seen budget surpluses in this state(1of only a few) and the teachers have received everything you have asked for, collectively from this administration… Because of the surpluses created by the cutbacks and “cleaning up” of the democrats mess!!

  3. David Huie Green on November 2nd, 2014 8:44 pm

    Mark T I haven’t voted for Scott. And remember I am one of those he stole three percent from.

  4. Susan on November 2nd, 2014 7:33 pm

    Crist vetoed the 3% retirement that Scott signed into a bill to take money out of the paycheck of state employees. No one who is state worker (including teachers) with good sense will vote for Scott. I find it humorous that some folks will believe a 60 sec advertisement on TV that Scott got all the jobs and Crist did not. Surely you are smart enough to know that TV political advertisements do not have to be truthful from either party.

  5. Mark T on November 2nd, 2014 4:34 pm

    In regards to the Ol Wise One, (DHG) sounds like your just making excuses to feel good about voting Slick Rick . LOL

  6. David Huie Green on November 2nd, 2014 3:29 pm

    “Does anybody think Scott would really spend almost 100 million of “OUR” money he stole from Medicare for no personal gain?”

    It might not be THAT money; it might be some other money he got from legitimate sources.

    Further, there’s nothing wrong with personally gaining if his gain is that of making Florida a better place for his grandchildren and constituents.

    “Scott is a crook. He shouldn’t be able to buy your vote and an election.”

    If he‘s a crook, he’s an unconvicted crook.
    Considering the size of the haul, that’s quite an accomplishment.
    Don’t you want him working FOR you rather than against you?

    He isn’t buying our vote with the money he spends. He hopes to convince folks to vote for him but that is not the same thing as paying people to vote for him. Crist is also spending money to try to convince people to vote for HIM and we KNOW that isn’t vote-buying.

    “IF Crist cost us jobs, then so did Bush.”

    And if he didn’t, that means Bush is innocent too?

    David for politicians with convictions

  7. Tammy on October 31st, 2014 6:51 pm

    You should be very wary of anyone who spends 73 million of his own money to get a 130K a year job. It almost suggests he is getting compensated in some other way. Like receiving money from GEO Group( privatized prisons) and who knows what other special interest groups.

  8. Tammy on October 31st, 2014 6:32 pm

    Wyllie!!!! Wyllie!!!! Wyllie!!!! Wyllie!!!! Wyllie!!!!

  9. Mark T on October 31st, 2014 3:02 pm

    I’m an Indepenent and I voted for Charlie, this poll could be accurate..

  10. MB on October 31st, 2014 1:39 pm

    Does anybody think Scott would really spend almost 100 million of “OUR” money he stole from Medicare for no personal gain?

    If you actually watched the debates, you would know who to vote for and it’s Crist.

    Scott is a crook. He shouldn’t be able to buy your vote and an election. If you take the R and D from their names, Crist is the overwhelming choice.

    For those that want to talk about jobs/economy, look at the national picture. IF Crist cost us jobs, then so did Bush. If Scott has regained those jobs, make sure to thank Obama. Unfortunately, that will never happen.

  11. Shell on October 31st, 2014 1:39 pm

    @tanning booth flip flopper… I agree 100%!!! I pray we don’t get Crist back… He is a career politician who has definitely proven that with his continuous switching of parties.

    The problem I see is that people are voting for a living now instead of those working doing the voting!! Who is gonna give the biggest handout for me to sit on my sorry A%% & milk the system!!

    The low voter turnout is such a problem as well.. We have to stand up & be heard to take our country, our state back from those that choose to just take take take!!

  12. bill on October 31st, 2014 7:33 am

    In this corner we have Gov. Flim Flam and in the other corner we have former Gov. Shifty Charlie. One Flim Flamed over a Billion of our tax dollars from Medicare. Don’t believe it, his company plead guilty while he plead the 5th, 75 times in court. The other would sell you the judge of your choice for a big contribution. They are true Republi-crooks and Demo-crooks. I would have to vote for Wyllie since he might be the only honest one running.

  13. Jane on October 31st, 2014 3:19 am

    When Crist was governor everyone complained. Now you want to re-elect someone you didn’t like the first time around? Florida lost jobs under Charlie Crist and bills went up. We have more jobs now here in Florida under Scott. Take your pick….

  14. melodies4us on October 30th, 2014 5:46 pm

    I hope so bad that Crist wins. We need a governor who really wants the best for Florida. Gov. Scott is a phoney.

  15. Wow on October 30th, 2014 5:36 pm

    A vote for Crist is a vote for the current president of the United States.

    Gun Control-Check

    Obama policy- Check…

    Sleep on who one may vote for…

    Crist stands side by side with the current president of the United States.

  16. Tired of both of 'em on October 30th, 2014 4:55 pm


    Crist goes in and a re-do of the “I Love Obama” and Hello Hillary.

    Scott goes in and an open door for the Bush Dynasty and Common Core.

    Wish we had a good choice for governor, a real Governor for We the People.

  17. e bell on October 30th, 2014 3:45 pm

    If Christ wins the Republicans can blame themselves for loosing the teacher vote. They lost the teachers who usually vote R but not this time because of the crazy test test test, reform reform reform, choice choice choice Jeb Bush push against traditional public school movement. If the Dems win it will be crazy the next 4 years just like Washington DC is now. Also if Charlie appoints 3 new Florida Supreme court justices the next 20 yrs will be way left leaning. You made the mess R’s with the teachers so you might have to suffer for it.

  18. tanning booth flip flopper... on October 30th, 2014 3:13 pm

    How is this even possible?

    I don’t understand the Scott hate. Sure, he has money…had some questionable dealings in the past (only one person I know of who was perfect)…but as governor, he said what he would do if elected, and he’s done what he said.

    I appreciate the fact that he has a strong business background…has actually been in charge of something (unlike many in government, including our top leader) and has ran the state like a business.

    Scott has my vote.

  19. Karen Driver on October 30th, 2014 2:34 pm

    Lord PLEASE no!!!

  20. MB on October 30th, 2014 2:32 pm

    Florida needs Crist back in charge and Scott out. Scott shouldn’t be able to buy an election.