Navy Federal To Create 5,000 New Local Jobs With Expansion

October 29, 2014

This morning, Navy Federal Credit Union announced it will continue expanding its operations in Pensacola, bringing 5,000 new jobs and $350 million in capital investment to the region by 2026.

“This is our largest expansion in Pensacola thus far. It underscores what we’ve long been saying about this great community—it’s a great place to grow your business and a wellspring of talented people to employ,” said Cutler Dawson, CEO/president of Navy Federal. “Continued growth for Navy Federal not only signifies the strength of the credit union, but also means upholding our high standards for member service. It takes the best to serve the best, and that’s why we continue to invest in Pensacola.”
The expansion will include facilities and parking for an additional 5,000 employees, bringing the total number of employees on the Nine Mile Road campus to 10,000 by 2026 and an overall capital investment of $1 billion.

“Today’s announcement that Navy Federal will create 5,000 more jobs for Floridians is a huge win for the Florida families. Because of companies like Navy Federal, we have created 651,300 private-sector jobs since December 2010, and we will continue working hard to create jobs so that every Floridian can live the American Dream,” said Gov. Rick Scott.

Potential employees can apply for existing jobs online.

Navy Federal is a growth story in Pensacola, beginning in 2003 with 60 employees. In 2014, Navy Federal has added 530 jobs, bringing its current total in the region to over 3,800 employees with an annual payroll of $160 million. Gov. Scott recognized these efforts and awarded Dawson the Business Ambassador Award, given to individuals for their efforts in creating jobs and opportunities for Florida families.

“When FORTUNE Magazine named Navy Federal Credit Union as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2014, they highlighted what we in Northwest Florida have known for more than a decade,” said U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller.  “Our friends at Navy Federal have not only been good corporate neighbors, they have become part of the community.  We appreciate them choosing Pensacola, and we look forward to having them in our neighborhood for many years to come.”

In January 2014, FORTUNE Magazine named Navy Federal on its list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For.” This marked Navy Federal’s fourth appearance on the list, having first been recognized in 2008, 2012 and 2013. Navy Federal has also been recognized for the sixth straight year as a Best Place to Work in Florida.


7 Responses to “Navy Federal To Create 5,000 New Local Jobs With Expansion”

  1. david lamb on October 31st, 2014 2:13 pm

    Debbie, Cutler, Dont ever forget that despite much unnecessary and down right nasty influence from people who tried to twist arms and persuade 4H youth to sale LBC, that 4Hers made wise and mature decisions!
    Please support 4H to your fullest extent possible with grants and any other funds!

  2. G. Locust on October 30th, 2014 1:03 pm

    Great news for the entire region. New jobs mean housing demand will firm up pricing on existing homes. Everybody is a winner. I have been seeing national ads for the CU and to have a growing financial institution in Pensacola which people across the nation trust……..HUGE!

  3. Bob C. on October 30th, 2014 7:43 am

    Navy Federal is absolutely a Great Place. Jobs there have brought hope to many who were without jobs and financial security. This is a “clean” industry in that it does not pollute or produce toxic by products. NFCU produces Good Jobs for us locally….need more.

    I understand that the roads, drainage and other infrastructure improvements are happening in the 9-Mile Road area and in the area surroundings of NFCU to assist with the traffic and new housing out that way.

    Local Option Sales Tax ( L.O.S.T. ) is a big part of funding these improvements to our roads and infrastructure so Please Vote YES to continue the 1% tax for the County AND the half-cent tax for the Schools.

    Better jobs and improved roads a Win-Win for us Citizens.

  4. Stacyk on October 29th, 2014 8:09 pm

    I live by this I just wish we could get a ecat bus stop close that way we could have some kind of public transportation. I hope this is an option one day.

  5. Sage 2 on October 29th, 2014 12:58 pm

    Now is the time for ALL to get down on their knees and thank God for providing the leadership, opportunities and ultimate benefits this expansion will bring to this community from the leadership of Navy Federal.

    Students of the area should take note and prepare for, by preparing a resume through good scholarship (academic) to take advantage of this opportunity as well as others.

    Those in the trades( high skill) sector will benefit with the construction of these buildings on this campus. If one should just wish to handle the working end of a shovel, pick or compactor…at least you’ll be employed…for a while.

    It is not a tax-supported project…maybe our educational institutions should use the matrix of Navy Federal to improve the curriculum that will prepare those interested
    in meaningful employment for the future.

    Veterans should be afforded an opportunity, predicated on skills of organization, protocol, procedure and focus upon objectives established by those in leadership positions.

    Thanks to the wisdom of the youth in 4-H and advisors, head, heart and hand played the major role in causing 4-H to do what was done to improve this community.

    There can be NO excuse offered from any entity/individual not taking advantage of a blessing to this county and area to have great employment and benefits stemming
    from working.

    …and that boys and girls is Sage advice…it is a win-win situation, don’t you agree?

  6. Carolyn Williams on October 29th, 2014 12:27 pm

    Can’t imagine anyone using a bank if a credit union is available. Welcome Navy Federal Credit Union!

  7. Angela on October 29th, 2014 12:21 pm

    I have numerous friends who work for Navy Federal and love it. They have a great working environment, good pay and good bonus and benefits. This is a win-win for Pensacola:-)