Monday Is Voter Registration Deadline; Florida Democrats Outnumber Republicans

October 2, 2014

With the November elections little more than a month away, Floridians face a Monday deadline to register to vote.

Meanwhile, Florida Republicans and Democrats are trying to mobilize supporters, particularly because of the hard-fought race for governor.

As of the August 26 primary elections, Florida had about 11.8 million registered voters, with Democrats holding a registration edge of about 450,000 over Republicans.  As of September 30, Republican voters outnumbered Democrats in Escambia County by about 15,000 voters.

There were 87,424 Republicans registered in Escambia County, 72,183 Democrats and 35,092 claiming no party affiliation, according to the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections.


4 Responses to “Monday Is Voter Registration Deadline; Florida Democrats Outnumber Republicans”

  1. Carrie Grim on October 5th, 2014 9:49 pm

    Voting selections should be made for the best representation for our area without political party affiliation even being a considering factor. Our country has sank into this cesspool because of “party” divisions. Vote the better person and let’s see if we can’t crawl out bipartisan.

  2. Mike J. on October 3rd, 2014 9:28 am

    I found some older articles, but they prove that ACORN did work in Florida.

    A simple search on “Acorn voter drive Florida” will find many sources.

    [Please post these links or provide information from them.]

  3. Sue Ellen on October 2nd, 2014 10:42 am

    ACORN never operated in Florida, Lib…I think you need to get a new talking point from Faux News.

  4. Liberty on October 2nd, 2014 8:22 am

    Of course they outnumber republicans,…. Ever heard of “acorn” or the term illegal immigration,.. Democratic voter drives!!