Florida DEP Open House For Home Buyers, Real Estate Agents, Developers

October 21, 2014

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Northwest District invites real estate agents, developers and potential home buyers to an open house on Wednesday, October 29 in Pensacola.

The open house is designed to answer questions about state-permitting requirements, property restrictions and cost-saving measures in order to help buyers make informed purchasing decisions.

The department has a wealth of information about wetlands, waterfront property, docks and marinas, lift stations, asbestos, site contamination and more. DEP experts will be available to answer questions and demonstrate online resources. In addition, several presentations are scheduled throughout the day to provide an in-depth overview of some of the most common topics.

The event will be held from  10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 29 at  DEP’s Northwest District Office at 160 West Government Street, Suite 502 in Pensacola

For agenda and registration details, click here.


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