Escambia Elementary, Middle School Report Cards Today; High School Delayed Until Monday

October 24, 2014

Elementary and middle school reports cards in the Escambia County School District will be sent home with students as planned today; however, the distribution of high school report cards has been delayed until Monday.

“All student report cards, including high school, can be viewed on the Focus Gradebook Parent Portal after 5:00 p.m. today.  Any questions parents may have about specific grades should be directed to their student’s teachers. Any parents who have not registered for the Focus Gradebook Parent Portal, may do so on the district website by selecting the ‘Families’ link,” Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said.


One Response to “Escambia Elementary, Middle School Report Cards Today; High School Delayed Until Monday”

  1. Okay on October 24th, 2014 2:04 pm

    At least we can view the report card online this evening. That’s great!