Ernest Ward High School Alumni’s Final Walk Through School

October 10, 2014

It was a stroll down memory lane Thursday afternoon for many Ernest Ward High School graduates as they roamed the hall of  their old school for what might be the final time. The old high school, now Ernest Ward Middle School, will be demolished early next year as students move into an entirely new facility.

For more photos, click here. photos, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Ernest Ward High School Alumni’s Final Walk Through School”

  1. Suzanne on October 10th, 2014 9:20 pm

    I, too, have many fond memories of EWHS…sooo many friends, so many happy times growing up there. But, for me, it’s not just the building that made it what it was, it was the people who traveled down that path with us and the teachers and faculty who made an impact on our lives and inspired us. For me, we have had four generations in our family to attend there. So, with mixed emotions I say farewell to the old building, but the memories will be forever with me. I welcome the new building and all the possibilities it can bring for the students of the future who will pass through these new doors. Thanks Ms Perry for all you do to make a difference.

  2. Rhonda B on October 10th, 2014 10:17 am

    So many memories here!! So sad that I couldn’t make it to see everyone. Ernest Ward is certainly a icon in the community-will not be the same when it is gone! Thanks for the memories!!

  3. Amanda R. on October 10th, 2014 6:48 am

    Some of the best times I’ve ever had took place right there!!! I’m sad that I could not make the final walk through! Jealous of everyone that did

  4. Shannon on October 10th, 2014 12:45 am

    It was great to see everyone again. Our school will be greatly missed. So many memories relived today. Thank you to the faculty and staff at EWMS for allowing us a little more time to remember!