Cleaning Up: Century To Hold Surplus Auction This Saturday

October 23, 2014

The Town of Century is cleaning house and putting surplus property on the auction block this Saturday.

Most of the items are from the former Helicopter Technology building in the town’s industrial park, and the town is anxious to make a deal to get rid of items left behind by the former tenant.

The items are grouped into several lots – couches and chairs, a marble slab, office desks and chairs, plastic tanks, shelving and wooden tables. The preview begins at 9 a.m. Saturday at 6081 Industrial Boulevard. Sealed bids will be opened at 11 a.m.

The town purchased the industrial building at public auction  for less than $1 out of pocket back in August 2009,  following the town’s foreclosure judgment against the now defunct Helicopter Technology company.  The surplus sale is being held to clean out the building and increase its marketability as the town seeks a new tenant and new jobs.

Century – Heart and Soul: This was the fourth story is a two-week series on  featuring Century.


13 Responses to “Cleaning Up: Century To Hold Surplus Auction This Saturday”

  1. rg on October 24th, 2014 7:05 pm

    HOMETOWN AMMO sounds like a great idea. Is there an entrepreneur out there willing to try? I’d consider investing if so. I think to little traffic to sustain a truck stop and can’t imagine Century becoming an amusement park style tourist trap.

  2. H on October 24th, 2014 2:14 pm

    I’d like to see a Truck Stop 24 hour Denny’s or Waffle House @corner of 4 and 29. Easy access at the light. What are our area resources? Land, Water four lane highway. Yes a manufacturer would be good but so many of our goods are made elsewhere and sadly businesses close and downsize daily.
    We do have good weather. Prior to the recession and years of hurricanes northerners were relocating to the south in droves. Maybe a retirement community around a golf course would attract snowbirds or retirees. Of course we do not have Beaches but do have a river, Just think who would have thought Atmore would have a nationally known Casino. Growth is possible in the Northern End of Escambia, but what makes it nice is it is not a Big City. So I hope we strike a balance. Be careful what we wish for.

  3. 429SCJ on October 24th, 2014 5:55 am

    The Department of Homeland Security would never sign off on an Ammunition Manufacturing Facility in Century, though it is an excellent idea and location.

    The nation is gradually growing more unstable with each passing month, the last thing the federal government needs is a large number of southerners with an ample supply of ammo.

    Homeland Security, Just whose homeland is it anyway and who needs security?

  4. EMD on October 24th, 2014 1:38 am

    They need to put in a great big ice skating rink, or maybe an indoor horse show arena. A huge antique store and auction venue might go over good here also.

  5. Darla on October 23rd, 2014 5:33 pm

    I once was in a Las Vegas elevator talking…… I always do and this gentleman and his wife asked where I was from. I said, ” Century, Florida. I bet you don’t know where that is.” Surprisingly they said they did and they drove thru Century one time on their way to Pensacola Beach. They remembered the sign. I say keep the ideas coming, capitalize on the “drive-thru” traffic. Make it a place to stop.

  6. cygie on October 23rd, 2014 4:57 pm

    I would think that major manufacturing needs nearby interstate access to bring raw materials in and finished product out. Just not seeing the vision of Century as a tourist destination. I thought that 15k was spent on bringing business in to Century and building a website…what happened?

  7. William on October 23rd, 2014 1:45 pm

    >>>Is there an webpage for the auction?


  8. jeeperman on October 23rd, 2014 1:39 pm

    Is there an webpage for the auction?

    I went to the City of Century website. But it is so woefully outdated it makes one wonder if Century died.
    i.e. last “upcoming events” shown is a car show in May 2013.

  9. JMC on October 23rd, 2014 1:14 pm

    A distribution warehouse of some kind..Dollar General. (Like Mariana put in) but thay are n the interstate..Maybe Amazon..
    Disney World, Sea World..(Dream Big)..Wild Kingdom Animal Park..Zoo, (Bonifay was approached for this and turned it down..the town leaders wanted zero growth) something like like Tampa Bush Gardens..
    Make Century a tourist destination..
    A Brewery..We have plenty of Water as a natural resource..Also a beautiful River..Can canoes navigate through here?.Eco Tours..
    Helen Georgia is an interesting place..A few men sitting around had an idea and decided to make it into a “German Town” in the 1970’s now it’s a destination, not just a place to pass through.
    just some ideas… and hopes
    I hope something good happens. We may not want too much though..or an industry that has too much of an environmental impact..

  10. Dennis HE Wiggins on October 23rd, 2014 10:39 am

    “Hometown Ammo.” I like the sound of that. Unfortunately, I think the government regulations regarding the smelting, processing, etc. of lead might be what gets in the way of such a grand idea. It would be nice if some serious-minded person would check into it. High quality ammo production would certainly get Century on the map. And while all sizes ammo would sell well, I think .22 is in the highest demand.

    If someone decides to run with this, don’t give in and sell all the production to the government, though. THAT’S why there’s a shortage now!

  11. Sedition on October 23rd, 2014 10:28 am

    Let’s put Century on the map…HOMETOWN AMMO sounds great to me as long as they can manufacture some brass cased 7.62×54R as well.

  12. perdido fisherman on October 23rd, 2014 8:59 am

    That’s a good idea and I like the name HOMETOWN AMMO. I do not believe we have any ammo manufacturors in the south, i think they are all in the north still. Now i’m curious to just what it would take to license such a business and get it started.

  13. well on October 23rd, 2014 8:26 am

    This would be a good building to start an ammunition company in right now. I don’t believe you could make enough 22’s to meet demand.