Cantonment Veterinarian Gets State Prison For Multiple Drug Convictions

October 24, 2014

A Cantonment veterinarian is headed to prison after being convicted on drug charges that resulted from an investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and the DEA.

Michael Bishop Windley, age 67 of Highway 196 Molino, was sentenced Thursday to 20 months in state prison to be followed by 10 years probation after being convicted on four counts of possession, delivery, and manufacture of a controlled substance and four counts of  fraud in obtaining prescriptions.

Judge E.P. Nickinson gave Windley until November 19 to turn himself in to begin the prison sentence. Windley was a veterinarian at the Companion Animal Clinic at 470 South Highway 29 (the former Winn Dixie shopping center).

The DEA received a call in August 2013 from a Winn Dixie pharmacist regarding the suspicious prescribing activities of Windley, according to the DEA. During the investigation, the DEA learned that Windley was fraudulently obtaining methadone by writing prescriptions in the name of his ex-wife’s dog and filling the prescriptions at various pharmacies in the Cantonment and Pensacola areas and then providing the drugs to his ex-daughter in law.

According to the DEA, Windley filled 30 prescriptions (for a total of 5,400 tablets) for methadone between December 11, 2012 and February 7, 2014. Two of the prescriptions for methadone were filled at two different pharmacies on the same date.

Windley presented multiple controlled substance prescriptions for 180 methadone tablets each for a dog named Banner under the owner’s name Barbara Ard of the 4600 block of Highway 196 in Molino. Ard, according to the DEA, is Windley’s ex-wife.

During a DEA inspection of the Companion Animal Clinic, Windley first told an investigator that he had researched several medical journals and attended a conference where methadone was used as a pain medication with no side effects in animals. Windley, according to an arrest affidavit, also said he had six dogs, five of which were deceased, that were prescribed methadone. He was unable to produce the medical files of the dogs, telling investigators that the files had been destroyed. The veterinarian then said he wrote the prescriptions for all the dogs under one dog’s name, filled them at area pharmacies and then dispensed it out to the animals’ owners — a wrongful practice, according to the DEA.

Later, Windley voluntarily surrendered his DEA license, the report states, and admitted the pills were for his daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law, a Gulf Breeze resident, told investigators that she would clean Windley’s home and take care of his pets. He would leave a bottle of methadone on a table at his home. She told investigators that she was taking up to 20 methadone pills per day, and investigators witnessed her make a call to her primary physicians to make an appointment to receive help.


40 Responses to “Cantonment Veterinarian Gets State Prison For Multiple Drug Convictions”

  1. wayne on November 6th, 2014 11:07 pm

    I’m 56 now and been using Doc Windley since 83-84,people make mistakes and even though some point out it was repeated,it was one mistake..
    Its a terrible shame the criminal injustice system doesn’t take into account all the good a person does in their life,and anyone that knows Doc will stand by him,,I pray for you buddy,,sammies dad,oh and shes doing good Doc,,wayne b

  2. Bren ONeal on October 30th, 2014 9:41 am

    A dirty doctor is a dirty doctor. It doesn’t matter if he/she is a Veterinarian or a famous Surgeon . This guy knew exactly what and who he was prescribing the Methadone to. Methadone is dirt cheap when compared to other opioids/opiates. that are prescribed to addicts and chronic ill patients. He wasn’t doing this helping anyone out of the kindness of is heart Windley was in it like too many others with a DEA license…GREED. Windley knew all along how abusive, dangerous and deadly Methadone can be. Methadone kills more people than heroin and cocaine across the United States . Please visit our website or on FB where We The People have joined together that have lost our loved ones to these senseless deaths to help educate the public the Truth Behind Methadone. You may help save a life.

  3. Crystal LeMay on October 27th, 2014 10:38 am

    Im super excited to belong to this group! When it comes to animals my heart is so big and I only want the best for them.

  4. Be on October 25th, 2014 9:11 am

    DIL stated she was so sick, I believe cancer, if so, why wouldn’t she be getting medicine from her dr, and him in the know as a vet, should know right from wrong, and the consequences of such actions. She played him, and he let her.

  5. bartender on October 25th, 2014 8:56 am

    Yes he was good to animals but he should have thought about the people that believed him for supporting their families. Some of them have been with him a long time and now what they gona do. I cant imagine what his son thinks. Maybe if it was a family member that had a problem but an x in law,get real.she should pay her dues as well.Not fair hes taking all the rap.She should be ashamed of her self for asking him to do such a thing.

  6. Carolyn Bramblett on October 25th, 2014 5:21 am

    He is going to prison because he committed a crime. It’s that simple.

  7. traumaqueen on October 25th, 2014 1:57 am

    I wonder if some commentors missed the part of the story where he committed the same crime over and over and over again and then lied about it when questioned by the police? I’m sorry but that isn’t what I was brought up to believe when my parents taught us about being good people. If this was any other thug that was caught doing this society would be screaming he should’ve gotten more time. He should consider himself fortunate that he was charged by the state and not by the fed’s because he’d have gotten a much stiffer sentence. Nice guy or not he committed a crime and should do the time like anybody else. Two words…Ted Bundy. Said to be the nicest guy killed numerous women. Should we have let him off too?

  8. Jcellops on October 24th, 2014 10:14 pm

    On the contrary Terri Sanders, Dr Windley has NOT lost his friends – and I would bet that for those of us who know him and his staff- he most definitely has not lost our respect! Over the last 16-17 yrs he’s been there for about 7 dogs and 5 cats.. Each one was very special to us … he and the great staff have always been wonderful to our family- hopefully he will have good behavior and get out less than 20 months …in the interim, while he’s away. he can catch up on his reading, maybe get a job in the education department helping the inmates get their GEDs..this will all be behind him before too long

  9. Debbie Burg on October 24th, 2014 10:10 pm

    This is such a bad situation. Dr Windley is a wonderful vet & good man. I wonder about his staff. This effects more than just him…so sad. Prayers for them all.

  10. Ryan on October 24th, 2014 9:28 pm

    This man obviously broke the law and needs to be punished. BUT there are a lot of criminals walking the streets that deserve this cell more than him. He has always been a great member of the community and employed other good people. By putting this man in prison, the state has just negatively affected numerous lives. I normally advocate harsher penalties for criminals but this is a case where I think probation would have been a better option. Thanks Florida, you just took a good man and great employer out of our community.

  11. larry ward on October 24th, 2014 8:05 pm

    Wish someone could step in and give this man a second chance and just monitor him, the community sure needs him, 2 months would be just as good as 2 yearsin my opinion.

  12. KM on October 24th, 2014 4:44 pm

    Dr. Windley is a great vet and person. I’m sorry he is taking up a cell for a non violent offense when a violent person should be there instead.

  13. Rachael on October 24th, 2014 4:44 pm

    So sorry for the lack of judgement on Dr Windley’s part. :-(
    But do want say how much we love him and appreciate
    Over 20 years of caring for our animals. He employed an amazing staff who were always just a phone call away with any concerns. God bless them all in this difficult time.

  14. tina on October 24th, 2014 4:42 pm

    I have been a friend of Dr w for about 18 years and he is a very good vet. People make bad choices in life. And I think he should be punished, but not in the way they punished him. He is a good man. He will be missed very much.

  15. Scott on October 24th, 2014 1:46 pm

    I am another Dr. Windley supporter. The good this man and his staff has done out ways the punishment.

    It is a shame that when a good person commits such a small offence that the community can’t step in and really thank that person. 20 months is just over 600 days. I know that there are over 600 people that he has done good for that would gladly take one of his days for him.

    I would.

    I would like to take a day in your place Dr. Windley. Thank you for caring for Lexie in her last days.


  16. Js on October 24th, 2014 1:30 pm

    Ok he tryed to help his daughter in law but thanks 2 people like this is why the d.e.a is so backed up trying 2 bust people he needs to thank god the girl did not overdose cause murder is a serious charge. and i doubt shes takeing that many a day….the methadone clinc is on hwy 29 she needs to go check in…jail time should of gotten put on her to…just saying

  17. EMD on October 24th, 2014 1:30 pm

    JH. I just thought of that saying, “No good deed goes unpunished,” not because what he did was not against the law, but because……………….After knowing Dr. Windly for about 30+ years…………. I know in my heart, that in HIS heart, he was doing a good deed. I have done things that I thought were good and learned the hard way………….”maybe not so much.” I still meant well. We learn our best lessons by our mistakes………generally. If I were the judge and it was my decision, I would not give him jail time. This not only hurts him………but MANY others. Maybe the governor needs to receive requests for his pardon.

  18. EMD on October 24th, 2014 1:20 pm

    He has not lost my love or friendship or respect, Terri.

  19. Judi johnson on October 24th, 2014 1:17 pm

    Dr winbley has always taken such good care of all my animals. He has such a caring heart. I was so sadden when I heard it on the news. I hope something happens to where this will be reversed. He is the best vet. My animals have been seeing him now for 17 years he doesn’t deserve such harsh punishment. Judijohnson

  20. Nelle Causey on October 24th, 2014 1:17 pm

    Dr. Windley has been our vet for nearly 5 years and there couldn’t be a more compassionate vet on this earth. Yes, he made a bad judgement call and yes, even though it was done from love it was against the law…..but what good is served by putting him behind bars? At his age and losing everything… that just punishment?
    I think not. Too many really bad folks get off with a relative “hand slap” for much more serious offences.
    May God watch over Dr. Windley and his fantastic staff and help them through this bad time.
    My love and thanks to you all…!!! Nelle Causey

  21. perdido fisherman on October 24th, 2014 11:41 am

    360 methadone a month does not mean she was dealing, it means that she has a tolerance to the methadone. 200 mg a day is a normal dose for someone that has been on this medication for 10-20 years, it also does not cause a person to get high at that dose after years of use. I bet this lady just felt normal. A person taking this much methadone over 14 months, is not a new user, this is an experienced opiate user who has developed tolerance. He probably felt terrible for this woman after seeing her in the midst of withdrawl and he knew methadone is used to treat opiate addiction and tried to help, but without proper counseling it is just another crutch. It’s a shame this man has lost a life time of hard work because our country has backwards antiquated laws towards certains substances that people are going to use legal or not. There is no reason to add a criminal conviction to complicate thier lives even more, especially if they are not robbing and stealing, which is something prohibition promotes.

  22. Terri Sanders on October 24th, 2014 11:40 am

    Gembeaux;Would all these “so sorry to see this; he is such a nice guy” comments show up here if a young, unemployed kid from “the wrong side of the tracks” did the exact same thing?

    a young unemployed kid from the wrong side would not have done this for a family member….unless of course it was for his momma…

  23. luvmyboys on October 24th, 2014 11:28 am

    I agree Gembeaux! I do not know Dr. Windley so I can not speak of his character in or out of the vet office. What I do know is illegally supplying someone with 380+ methadone a month for over a year is not ‘a good deed’. It is illegal point blank, not to mention pretty dumb. He has now lost his DEA license and most likely his veterinarian license, while the daughter-in-law ‘made a call to her PCP for an appointment for help’. No charges for receiving the illegally prescribed methadone? Is LE going to follow up and be sure she kept the appt & is seeking treatment? Not likely! Enabling someone with an addition is NOT the way to help them!! Terri Sanders, agree 100% tough love definitely warranted here.

  24. Gembeaux on October 24th, 2014 10:57 am

    Would all these “so sorry to see this; he is such a nice guy” comments show up here if a young, unemployed kid from “the wrong side of the tracks” did the exact same thing?
    I agree with the commenter who said “…life is all about choices”. Justice is supposedly blind, applying the law equally for all.

  25. Michelle on October 24th, 2014 10:25 am

    Such a terrible lack in judgement.
    Dr Windley you are a great vet. We will all truly miss you. Thank you for taking care of our beloved animals all these years.

  26. jeff on October 24th, 2014 10:03 am

    It is too bad the community lost a good caring vet to a bad decision……he helped my family over the years and when we had to put our pet down he didn’t even charge us…I wish him well and I hope when he gets out if he can reestablish himself we will surely use him again…..
    Good luck Dr windley….

  27. Vickie on October 24th, 2014 9:12 am

    I am so sorry to hear this! I love Dr. Windley and his staff. We have used them for years! They have always been great! He is so good with the dogs, and has always been patient to answer any questions or concerns we may have in a caring way. I pray for him that God will be with him to get him thru this difficult time. We all make mistakes that doesnt all together make us bad people. He was again trying to help someone. It is what he does, beacuse he has such a caring heart! God Bless!

  28. Audrey on October 24th, 2014 8:30 am

    I worked for corrections for nearly 20 years. I used to tell the Inmates – life is all about choices. The choices you made put you where you are today, the choices I made put me where I am today.

  29. JH on October 24th, 2014 8:08 am

    I know I do not know all the facts, but I do have a question for the person that stated “no good deed goes unpunished”. How is giving an ex-daughter-in-law 380+ pills a month for 14 months helpful? After readings the article and then that particular response to the article I feel as if I’m missing something.

  30. Jan on October 24th, 2014 8:01 am

    This is so depressing!! Dr. Windley apparently made a bad decision and it has cost him so much. :( He has always been so kind and compassionate with our pets. His staff is the best. It’s like losing family! Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone concerned. Our community has suffered a major loss. :(

  31. Neighbor kid on October 24th, 2014 7:45 am

    When I was a child I lived next door to Dr Windley. When times were hard for my family he bought school supplies for me and my siblings. He also helped care for our dog after she had a stroke and didn’t charge us anything. Regardless of any bad decisions, this man has a good heart and I will not be judging him.

  32. Fawn Chustz on October 24th, 2014 7:41 am

    I don’t know him but it sounds like he’s not exactly a hardened criminal. If he was trying to help the girl get off something worse such as heroin (isn’t that what methadone is used for?) then I wish the girl would speak up for him and the court would use leniency.

  33. haley on October 24th, 2014 7:38 am

    So sorry to hear about Dr. Windley. I realize we make our own choices and what he did was not right. I just hate this type of thing. I hate that he will probably lose his license to practice and have to spend time in prison.

  34. chuck on October 24th, 2014 7:20 am

    Terri, people that know him and know his heart would disagree with you. In fact, his selfless act although deemed illegal garnered him more respect in my book. Doc Windley has a heart the size of a Volkswagen and myself and others will be here for him through this ordeal.

  35. Janice Poolson on October 24th, 2014 7:18 am

    My daughter rescued a dog and we couldn’t see our vet for two days and made a appointment with his office. We were so impressed that we chose to continue to use him for the dogs Dr. He was so great with us and the pets, his knowledge, kindness, and time he spent with us exceeding were we had been going and his staff was as nice.

    I know what he did is wrong and after meeting him know that his heart lead him in a wrong direction. We all have lost a great Vet, and a good man. My prayers are with him and his staff.

  36. molino jim on October 24th, 2014 5:34 am

    We used him when he was in Molino and later after he moved. Yes he was a nice caring person, but 5400 pills in about 15 months. That works out to 360 pills a month. I have to wonder if she was dealing the pills. When this all started I recall the daughter-in-law had said she was getting the pills from him because “they didn’t treat her nice at the treatment center”. I wonder where she gets her pills now? Sorry for the people who worked for him who now may be out of work.

  37. Mich on October 24th, 2014 5:20 am

    He was my vet. He was such a kind person and always took extra time to listen. So sad to hear this. It just breaks my heart.

  38. Jane on October 24th, 2014 3:13 am

    I am so sorry to hear this. This man has done so much good and I realize there are consequences but this is really a shame. He will be missed as a very good veterinarian.

  39. EMD on October 24th, 2014 1:21 am

    So sorry to hear this. Reminds me of, “No good deed goes unpunished.” But, we say the law is blind. I believe he was trying to help someone, but when laws are broken, the law doesn’t care what ones intentions are, unless you are a repeat offender and become a mascot of the court. If everything everyone did was known, there would be many more folks in jail. Not condoning breaking the law…………….just lamenting. Does anyone know what will now happen to his staff at the clinic? Prayers for all involved. So sad. :’(

  40. terri sanders on October 24th, 2014 12:43 am

    This is a prime example of when tough love is warranted….He has lost his business…family… respect… because of a now Ex daughter in law….A valuable lesson for sure…