Northview High’s FFA Honored As One Of America’s Best Chapters

October 30, 2014

The Northview High School FFA chapter was awarded one of the highest national honors presented by the National FFA Thursday afternoon in Louisville, KY.

Northview’s FFA  received the Three Star Chapter award on live national television during the 87th National FFA Convention & Expo. About 60,000 FFA members and advisors are attending the convention through Saturday, including five Northview FFA officers and their advisor Perry Byars.

This was the second consecutive year that Northiew’s FFA has been honored as one of America’s best chapters.

In addition to the national honors presented Thursday, the Northview High FFA chapter was recently honored for having the top Fresh From Florida Food Advocacy Program, formerly known as the Food for America Program, in the entire state.

The Fresh From Florida Advocacy Program is an educational program focusing on agricultural literacy in elementary schools and communities. It is a program developed to assist FFA members and all agricultural education students in leadership skill development as they reach out to youth, peers and their entire communities by sharing the world of agriculture.

Planning began in the fall of 2013 with FFA members setting goals and establishing working committees for the spring 2014 event. Through the efforts of 100 FFA members and community support, approximately 1,000 mostly elementary level students participated in agriculture awareness  through hands-on exhibits and activities.

In addition, members of the Northview High School FFA officer team visited several area elementary schools to read agriculture-related books to students.

The Florida FFA Organization has honored Northview High School FFA Food  for America program at the state level multiple years.

Pictured top: On behalf of the Northview FFA, President  Haylee Weaver (right)  and Vice President Bethany Reynolds (center) receive the Three Star Chapter award on live national television during the National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY, Thursday afternoon. Pictured below: In attendance at the Naitonal FFA Convention this week in Kentucky are Northview FFA Secretary Courtney Weekley, President Haylee Weaver, Vice President Bethany Reynolds, Historian Kaitlyn Klinatland and Public Relations Rep Mitchell Singleton. Photos for, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Northview High’s FFA Honored As One Of America’s Best Chapters”

  1. Wilma Gibson on November 6th, 2014 1:25 am

    Congratulations to Northview F.F.A, Mr. Byars, and any others who work with them.

  2. john peacock on October 31st, 2014 10:04 am

    Great job Northview FFA that’s a great program I enjoyed my years in the FFA.

  3. patti on October 30th, 2014 10:53 pm

    CONGRATS to Northview FFA!! Super job and well done! Know how proud your parents must be!

  4. Jeff on October 30th, 2014 8:16 pm

    Excellent work going on in that chapter. Super job and congratulations to all involved!

  5. Priscilla & Eddy Lane on October 30th, 2014 7:44 pm

    We are so proud of Northview FFA. I know that putting in a fair booth is hard as far as timing with all your other activities. We appreciate all your work! Great Job!!

  6. Angela Commander on October 30th, 2014 7:27 pm

    That’s awesome. Congrats to all of you for such a terrific honor.

  7. Pam Kleinatland on October 30th, 2014 3:50 pm

    Way to go Northview!!!! All your hard work has paid off. We are very proud of you…